A long forgotten element has been brought back, but for better or for worse?
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I've always found the bracelet scene touching.
When do you think you will have all the chapters re-uploaded? and when will there be more chapters?
why not a hiden blade gauntlet that would work for me
Well his credit card bill will be through the roof by the end of the month
1175879 To bad he is no longer on Earth so I bet he can spend away!
im now starting to pick up on a rainbow James vibe.
... I find it worrying.
He just went and bought an expensive piece of jewlery without knowing ANY Equestrian customs. It also doesn't help that everything in equestria is embellished with sparkling gems.
Therefore, it is entirely possible that, without realizing it, he just bought a wedding ring.
ok im going to ask the question at the fore front of my mind. if he isnt on earth the A) how did the card work and B) since the card worked does that mean he took money out of somepony elses account?
Man, I like this story, but gaaaaaah... Why does the protagonist have to be such a massive preening douche? I got over him crying like a girl from being laughed at in the first chapter, but now we find he can't even take a joke. The polychromatic ponies are more masculine than you dude, suck it up.
...I smell imminent blackmail from a certain homicidal filly
haha I probably would have squatted down and dropped a huge fart right in rainbow's face
James's credit card bills are TOO DAMN HIGH!!!
James pls, stop assaulting children it's probably illegal ;_;
Gaaah! I can't take it anymore! I just want to punch this James in the face.
He is an asshole who physically, verbally and emotionally abused a child (it really doesn't matter if that filly deserved it or is completely psychotic with a homicidal streak) and explodes at Rainbow for a small thing like ruining his lunch, when literally everything he has, he got for free without any work (carrying 100 baskets of apples, jumping on a see-saw, playing a flute for a minute or so and baking several dozen pastries barely even counts as work) He is yet to give anything back to anypony except Rarity (and he only did so because he was feeling guilty) and has a completely bland, shallow personality whom we know nothing about. And yet everypony likes him (except, of course, the completely psychotic filly) for Cadence knows what reasons (or probably not) when he has yet to tell them anything about himself. And he seems to have no guilt about seducing several mares at the same time (which is a sign of psychopathy)
In addition the events seem to be happening randomly and disjointedly with no hint at an overarching plot while containing too many cliche's. I am expecting him to adopt Scootaloo soon (even though that should never happen as that he is a proven child abuser). Also (and most infuriatingly) there has been absolutely no mention of the seventh Element of Harmony yet (or even one mention of the other six) nor has James shown any virtues that would warrant a seventh element (Courage, no; forgiveness, no; hope, no; love, no; selflessness, hell no; wisdom, no)
Indeed, this guy suffer from a grave disease, the 'Gary Stuness', everybody likes him even if he is quite bland and 'dumb', and at least 3 mares want his hot monkey dick, they know him for like 5 days damn.
And the cliché, oh god the clichés..
Is it curious how humans were already known by the equestrians, or how he was actually got a shelter without giving any information about himself, I mean, would any normal person let a strager stay in your house, I don't think so, you would probably found yourself robbed or waking up without a kiddney..
Yeah, "probably"
Watch there be some law loophole like "the law states that child abuse is when a grown pony physically, mentally, or emotionally harms a significantly younger individual".
He's. No. Pony.
doubt it, there are griffins and dragons...and minotaurs...
"He is an asshole who physically, verbally and emotionally abused a child (it really doesn't matter if that filly deserved it or is completely psychotic with a homicidal "
Abuse? Not really. He reprimands her for repeatedly harassing three children and drops her, what, a foot into a shallow fountain? Hardly abuse.
" and explodes at Rainbow for a small thing like ruining his lunch"
No, he gets angry at her, completely understandably, and they make amends later. It's more than ruining his lunch, it's how inconsiderate it was to not even attempt to find out if he minds pranks.
", when literally everything he has, he got for free without any work (carrying 100 baskets of apples"
Yeah, taking a large amount of apples that in total weighs at least 20 pounds and carrying them across the orchard isn't hard work. oh wait, of course it is. Doing that until your legs give out is definitely not what I would say is "not any work".
," jumping on a see-saw"
It was 20 feet off the ground and the fact he had the courage to do that is pretty worth a few bits.
"baking several dozen pastries barely even counts as work"
You've clearly never baked, it's a tremendous amount of work doing that much baking.
" He is yet to give anything back to anypony except Rarity (and he only did so because he was feeling guilty"
I actually can't even begin to understand how you could assume that giving someing to Rarity is apparently worthy of being punched in the face
") and has a completely bland, shallow personality whom we know nothing about"
This statament is wrong in every way possible
". And yet everypony likes him (except, of course, the completely psychotic filly) for Cadence knows what reasons"
How about the fact that he's kind, enjoys hangng out with the ponies, and is in general a good person?
" (or probably not) when he has yet to tell them anything about himself. And he seems to have no guilt about seducing several mares at the same time (which is a sign of psychopathy)"
...I don't think you even know what seducing means. And even if he had, there are plenty of people who cheat on their spouses and have no guilt over doing so but aren't crazy. Being unfaithful does not equal being a psychopath.
"In addition the events seem to be happening randomly and disjointedly with no hint at an overarching plot while containing too many cliche's"
So, it's doing the EXACT SAME THING AS THE FIRST SEASON? One of the reasons we loe the show is that is takes cliches and uses them in frsh and interesting ways, just like this story does.
." I am expecting him to adopt Scootaloo soon (even though that should never happen as that he is a proven child abuser)."
Sure, be mad at him for taking care of a young girl eith no parents who looks up to him as a brotherly figure. That makes sense. And I've already talked about how he's not a child abuser.
"Also (and most infuriatingly) there has been absolutely no mention of the seventh Element of Harmony yet (or even one mention of the other six) nor has James shown any virtues that would warrant a seventh element"
Patience, young one. Yeah, I'll admit that it takes a little too long for the seventh element plot to ge off the ground, but at the same time it's not the only plot in the story.
the god forsaken owl's name is owlicious, google it, seriously, the owl's name is owlicious.
Oh, okay. Say HI for Pinky PAI!
You're gonna ship all of the mane six with James.
A small voice at the back of my head is being like : "Stop reading this thing." It said
"Finish reading Man of War." It says
"That's what I should do." I said
"But you wanna know how this ends don't you?"
It said
"You're right..." I said
God dammit! Not enough I lost an argument with myself, I gotta read this to find out what happens -_-
The feels at the end!
Gemstone, Fucking GEMSTONES
6735192 oh my god same
Most of the other HiE stories have the protagonist being overly assertive, like Man Of War, Diaries, etc. While this character seems like a refreshing chang of scenery, I do hope he toughens up a bit at some point. Kind of a wimp right now..
7417082 You know I literally just finished both of those before reading this one.
What magical shithole has that bracelet gotten him in... We can only find out.
100 baskets of apples is not a big deal its like 25 pounds 50 pounds a basket. The boxes I lug around around a warehouse are more like 50 to 60 pounds a box and here I am still getting up at 2 in the morning and getting paid $10 an hour. gotta love being a warehouse associate. on the other hand the people are quite Pleasant to work with. now all I got to do is learn Spanish so I can understand my supervisor
How the heck did he use an earth credit card and get it accepted? Its like the writer has no idea how credit cards work...
7943669 Just a reminder that Equestria is a land of talking ponies, some with magical abilities, alongside the Sun and Moon not being controlled by physics and instead by 2 alicorn sisters. Does it really need to be explained why credit card work in Equestria?
I'm more amazed it approved the purchase. The money's not on the card, it's in the bank. Without access to the computer systems of the bank, the reader shouldn't have even been able to register that valid card was there.
I don’t use this Excuse lightly, but considering this is Equestria...
I'm just going to put this here...
In the words of Dot Warner, "We're in a Uuuuunion."
Jaames, DO NOT tell her about Pinkie with the cod!
I don’t give a damn about post season 3 episodes.
Credit cards appeared long before readers and networked computers. All that mattered was faximile of card, number , name and signature
I have a question? Is the tape waterproof?
I just asking because, if Diamond Tiara took a bath the tape would come off and she would have her cutie mark back.
It’s from a magic prank shop. Who knows how it works.
Whoa chill dude
Can u stop being so salty and aggressive? He's probably having some hard time writing this. Jesus Christ I hate people like you.
I'm sure the chapters and writing gets better but for now it's decent. My biggest gripe is with his character. It's been explained that he tries to act logical but this chapter throws anything related to that out the window.
While I'll admit Rainbow's prank wasn't in good taste him blowing up in that manner was a bit much. Logically he would know she wasn't trying to hurt his feelings, same with Pinkie.
This whole thing with Diamond tiara is getting a bit much, from having a kindergartner screaming "I'll kill you!" To her saying the same to Scootaloo. I hope there are consequences coming not only for her but for the main character. It's small wonder that neither of her parents have confronted him or gone to the joke shop to get her mark back.
Finally we have this whole romance thing between him, Rarity, and from the looks of it Fluttershy. He keeps saying time and again it would be too weird or being with a pony wouldn't be right, yet then he goes and buys the former jewelry. I'm guessing from the other comments I've seen that there's consequences for this but it just felt out of character for what we've seen so far.
I'll keep reading and hope that his character becomes more consistent.
It gets better. This was written nearly 10 years ago, so doing anything beyond revising it would require me to throw it out and write it again from scratch. And that just isn’t feasible by this point.
The lesser quality of the earliest chapters are a result of lack of experience. I can promise you that you will enjoy it much more if you are patient and press on.
I wonder if the credit card thing will ever bite him in the butt later. I mean, it IS 2 different types of currency.
Then again, maybe not. Either way, I shall continue!