It has been 13 years since an innocent dragon, born in Equestria and raised by ponies, was exiled by the very ones he believed were his closest friends. Was it due to bigotry, or ignorance?
It no longer matters, the dragon has now found a mate, fathered two sons, and even gave himself a new name, intending to leave his past behind while residing in the Dragonlands.
However, a tragedy befalls his family. The drake's sons now believe that the only salvation may be in Equestria, the very place their father has warned them is hostile to their kind.
Why Virgo?
I can't remember if I saw it on a name generator or just used something I saw when looking at Gundams. Either way, I wanted something that wasn't like a synonym of his original name (IE: Shard, Sting) like other stories did.
Hace tiempo vengo buscando este tipo de historias sobre Spike, donde lo echan y hace su vida de nuevo y por azares del destino vuelve a encontrarse con los que le dieron la espalda.
Espero que continĂșes con la historia, que tiene buena premisa!!