• Member Since 27th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


It is my great conceit that I can write interesting stories for utter strangers and maybe sometime in the far far future get paid for it.


Foalout 76 is coming out soon, and the last changeling working in the QA department might have to sacrifice more than he thinks to get the game out the door.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

It might need a few content warnings... more than just the dark tag. That was kinda graphic at the end, there.
It's an interesting idea for a fic. Goodness knows most video games treat their employees like crap during crunch time.

What warnings do you suggest?
This is a bit different from my usual fare so I don't know which tags fit.

I wanted to do a comedy/slice of life but an editor was like, "Um, no."
His explanation made sense.

Also many software dev companies treat their workers like crap too.
I worked at one place, and they would get folks from Russia and India and pay them less than market rates.
Once these folks found out how little their pay was, they would bail.
Then I would get their code, and have to finish their projects.

Hmm.. I'm not sure? Death? Gore? They kind of fit, with the ending and all, but the story isn't quite that bad... hm. Maybe just a spoilered content warning on the description itself? Like, Content Warning: mention of someone's head going pop inside, death, alternate meanings of crunch time ? Idk. It was an interesting story. It doesn't need the comedy tag but like, people with a very dark sense of humor might laugh a bit at the last line.

I wish I could laugh at this, but this feels waaaaay too close to something that could actually happen. I mean, given the same thing almost happened to me minus the death, obviously.

What do they tell writers other than show don't tell?

Being a Fallout fan is suffering


Keep on doing narrations.

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