• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
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A pony of mystery in the darkness. Or I forgot to take the lens cap off. (They/them is fine.)



Rainbow's hooves poked at the keyboard. "I heard illegal computer hacking is super cool. So I knew what I had to do next."

Now there's a sequel: Rainbow Dash Hacks the Internet Again (Hacker Blitz's Second Strike!)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

I sent this to my friend pursuing a cybersecurity degree and I could hear his screams from halfway across the country. He then sent me this:

The information in this sounds like it was written by a 6-year-old that just read a WikiHow on how to hack.

Well, except for the part about the fake virus scam. That was spot on.

Nice one-shot random story though.

To be fair, your average six year old human has almost six more years experience of a world with computers in it than pony Rainbow Dash has. Considering that, I think Ponydash is explaining things really well! :trixieshiftright:

Kay... :rainbowlaugh:

P.S. Th scary part is that some people write serious hacking scenes this way.

*sees fetish tag*
excuse me whaaat

Maybe I was very much too cautious? Necrophilia is mentioned, but not really explained.

I feel like I should never trust Rainbow with computers again after this.

"VictoriaHenderson" is a spammer. I quote, backwards to make it less useful for her:

.ssenizal fo - srekrow naht netfo erom tsomla ssenevitceffeni fo sreganam tcivnoc nerdlihcniarb rieht taht eton /erawtfos-gnirotinom-retupmoc-eeyolpme/moc.sppagnikcartllec//:sptth smargorp eseht fo srepoleved ehT .gniod era yeht tahw evresbo ot meht wolla taht smargorp htiw seeyolpme gnikrow-emoh edivorp ot nugeb evah sreyolpmE ?sthguoht ynA

And "her" preceding comment:

yletal ralupop ylgnimlehwrevo emoceb sah "kcah ot woh" yreuq eht kniht I\n\n· · · oga keew 1 · 8#\nnosredneHairotciV

"Um...maybe? I'm so advanced, I skipped right over that kindergarten level stuff. I jumped straight to the big things like gigglebytes and terrorbites."

Equestria isn't ready for the internet, and the internet isn't ready for Rainbow Dash...

This was a thing.


I shudder to consider what Gummy is capable of

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