• Member Since 7th Sep, 2017
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Shrouded Lunes

Sic semper noctis sic semper noctum.


This story is a sequel to Awaiting her Title

Ever since Twilight Sparkle gained her cutie mark, a particularly magical event that she still barely remembers, a small scribble has been barely visible on her fetlock. A First Words Soulmate Mark. As time marched on, those very words ever so slowly became clearer. It is on the eve of her big brother's wedding that she hears those words spoken... by his fiance.

But that should be impossible, right? His fiance was her childhood foalsitter, wasn't she? Twilight has clear memories of their time together. Plus, wasn't Cadance already her brother's soulmate? She'd never heard of one pony having multiple soulmates before. On top of all that, the first words she had heard from Cadance absolutely weren't a coldly delivered "Hope I'm not interrupting anything important." This needs to be investigated...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

Missed seeing that myself (think the new chapter of How Death Lived knocked this story out of the feature box), but maybe next week's chapter will get me back up there.

Interesting premise! But may I ask why the chapters are posted as their own stories instead of chapters in just one?

An absolutely fair question, and a case that will not be continued further. The next chapter, and all future chapters up to at least the aftermath of the wedding proper, will all be here in Seeking her Crown. Awaiting her Title was really designed as a stand-alone, experimental piece. While, yes, there is more story to tell (hence this sequel), it was my intention that it be able to be viewed as it's own piece. Furthermore, it also was designed with an attempt at a recursive writing style. The chapter title is referenced by implication in the first line of the story while then being referenced explicitly by the last line of the story. To continue the story directly, I felt, would ruin these aspects of Awaiting her Title.

I wonder what will happen differently in this.

Honestly, if I wasn’t so locked-in on TwiLuna, I’d probably ship her with Chrysalis.

this was amazing X3

lol I was thinking you taking your time on this, as I remebered you saying it come out on the 1st, I thought I would look today, and I want to know how i missed it X3

How goes writing the second chapter?

Eh... hehe... Umm... Err... Well... You see...

Seriously, I'm hoping to have the next chapter released by the end of this week. Probably going to just set a date and give myself a "good enough" argument. No matter how hard I try, the bulk of the "middle" of the chapter, a pair scenes with Applejack and Rainbow Dash, I'm just not at all pleased with. The flow between the scenes, as well as internally, just doesn't sit right with me.

Have you tried reading out loud to yourself? That helps me when writing sometimes.

Interesting story. Looking forward to seeing more.

Interesting application of the Soul Mate trope and I see from the end of the chapter that there may be more going on here than there was during canon.

Intresting story...hoping this is still continuing would love to see more in the future!

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