• Member Since 7th Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen 22 minutes ago


You'll never see me coming.


When the Force Captain Catra of the Horde and her forces return to the Fright Zone with Princess Adora as their captive, they immediately realize that something had gone terribly wrong during their absence. Every single inhabitant of the Fright Zone have been in cocoons, there are thousands of bug-like creatures crawling everywhere, and they are all led by a queen who was far more sinister than anything both Adora and Catra have ever faced before. Their only chance of defeating this immensely powerful malice from another world is to put aside their rivalry and form an alliance.

But can these two archenemies actually learn to work together after all the animosity that had been built up between them? And even if they manage to do so, will their combined efforts be enough to stop Queen Chrysalis and her immeasurable Changeling army from draining all the love from Etheria's denizens? Only time will tell.

* Characters featured in She-Ra and the Princesses of Power are owned by Mattel and Netflix.
* In terms of MLP continuity, the story takes place after the episode, A Canterlot Wedding
* In terms of She-Ra continuity, it takes place directly after the episode, Once Upon a Time in the Waste.
* Requested by PoNyFICTIon12

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 14 )

I be waiting new part this great story! Author,thank you so much!:pinkiehappy:

What can I say except... YOU'RE WELCOME! :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by PoNyFICTIon12 deleted Sep 2nd, 2020

I wonder how many likes this work has garnered?

The next chapter will come out in a couple weeks. I simply made some changes to the chapter titles, the long description, and the cover image.

Thank you for answering my questions.But I'm still wondering, how many likes did this work get?

It only has 5 likes right now, but I'm pretty sure there will be many more likes as the story continues on.

O,okay.That's good! I'm be waiting new chapter very soon!

Cool chapter,i can't wait to see continuation

Thanks for the support. Really appreciate it :raritywink:

Wait, Angella is here?!?! Then how does.... wait. I just remembered: Shadow Weaver joined Bright Moon before Catra opened the portal. I'm guessing this is basically an alternate ending to Season 3?

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