• Member Since 1st May, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 9th, 2024


Someone who writes words sometimes


Princess Celestia has been expecting an alicorn transformation. Imagine her surprise when a no-name horse from another world pips Twilight to the post.

Now imagine how surprised the no-name horse himself must be.

Set around 313: Magical Mystery Cure in MLP:FiM and during 103: Razz in She-Ra and the Princesses of Power.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Thank you for this. Just. Thank you. I needed a palette cleanser after writing some less-than-happy stuff for one of my fics and this delivered in spades.

we need a sequel with luna

and only later when she relaxing with tea does celestia realizes she let the only alicorn stallion to ever exist get away :raritydespair:

Hey no problem! Glad it cheered you up!

can you imagine hahahaha

This was oddly entertaining

The type of humor which is so retarded you just can't help but keep reading.

I'm a fan.

Such magnificent chaos.

I appreciate the compliment of the (Random? Nonsensical? Ridiculous? Useless? Not-actually-funny?) humour in this piece, haha, thank you!

However, I don't like the use of the word 'retarded' and don't think it's acceptable. I've often been guilty of using ableist language myself, and honestly I wouldn't have noticed if you'd said something like crazy, which some consider ableist too. But 'retarded' stands out as a term you can easily replace with one less ableist, in my opinion.

I see, I see, I must apologize then.

I do not mean to be rude! :twilightsmile:
Thank you for informing me though, you might've just saved me embarrassment in the future.

That's quite all right! :twilightsmile:

This is too good!:rainbowlaugh:

Yep. Nope. This is great. This is now cannon. Nothing will ever change my mind, this definitely happened. Fucking perfect. Glorious.

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