• Published 9th Oct 2020
  • 1,266 Views, 139 Comments

The Missing Barian Numbers - Golden Flare

In Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal, it was said that Don Thousand and Vector together created a million Barian, or Fake, Numbers and only very few were shown. This is where some of the others went.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Embrace the Brightened Day! (By Lloyd Shamrock)

Author's Note:

Starring: Golden Flare (Original Character), Lloyd Shamrock as Phantom Thief Lucky Clover (Original Character), The Rainbooms, and The Shadowbolts
Decks: ".EXE" (Custom) and "D/D" + other archetypes

Co-written by ShootingStar25.

Brief Note: Guess the references to Regular Show, Ed, Edd, n Eddy, the YouTube web series Sanity Not Included, The Amazing World of Gumball, and Teen Titans. Also, this chapter was heavily inspired by the Mysterious Joker anime series, before or after you finish reading this chapter, go and give that anime series a try, you might like it.

EDIT: The original video to the intro song was removed, so I had to replace it.

"Today, I will steal the medals and trophy for the Friendship Games! Phantom Thief Lucky Clover!"

(end of opening song and chapter intro)

Canterlot High School
Golden's POV
7 Hours Remain

Morning classes have barely begun and already we've got the police here? I wonder what happened? But I can't focus on that right now, I need to finish my assignment before I'm stuck with homework tonight. Besides, Principal Celestia told all of us that even though twelve of us are in the Friendship Games, it doesn't mean that we can shirk our studies.

Oh, you're lost? Then let me explain.

The Friendship Games are today.


And Vice-Principal Luna made it very and strictly clear that anyone who doesn't finish their schoolwork before the people of Crystal Prep Academy get here cannot watch the Games OR participate.

You see my conundrum.

I was able to focus and finish my schoolwork just before-


Just in the nick of time.

I pack my belongings and head for the gymnasium where the Pep Rally and the meet and greet for both schools will take place.

Canterlot High School - Front Entrance
Celestia's POV
6 1/2 Hours Remain

"Now then, are you sure it was the same Lucky Clover that sent your school this Advance Notice?" By the Maker, he's asked this question three times now.

"Yes," I respond, "I found it in my office this morning, Inspector Yokozawa."

"Lucky Clover is known for striking Duel Monster hotspots at complete random." Jinyo, the Inspector's serious first assistant, said.

"Yeah! But we'll get him this time for sure!" Mahno, the Inspector's cheerful second assistant, added.

"Which is why we called in extra reinforcements. Lucky Clover is extremely elusive and immensely skilled at Duel Monsters. We're going to need all the help we can get to catch this guy. That being said, do you know anyone that could best Lucky Clover at his own game? Anyone? Anyone at all?"

"Hehe, I know someone who can help..." Cain, the Inspector's crude partner, said.

"If you anything inappropriate in front of the principal, you're on desk duty for a month!"

Cain was left slack-jawed, making Yokozawa smirk in victory, until, "MY MOM'S--"


"It was worth it!!" Cain high-fived a nearby officer and ran to his car, making donuts in the road as he returned to the station.

I simply glared at Yokozawa with an unamused eyebrow raised.

He sighed, "He scares the kids away, what can I tell you?"

"...What?" I dumbly ask.

"Yeah, some delinquent children were egging the precinct, so Cain built a 'Kiddie Scarecrow' to shoo them off..."

Meanwhile, in front of the police department building, a single, wooden sign stood with crudely drawn words, saying: 'BUGGER OFF, KIDS'.

Enix, who was standing in front of the sign, looked confusedly disgusted, "...This is just sad."

"So! Whataya think, newbie?" Cain asked him when he arrived.


"Hey, it works at least."

"Yeah...I know what you're trying to write to the kids, but it looks like an idiot with downright stupidity wrote this."

"Ah, whataya YOU know?" Cain said, waltzing into the precinct.

Enix was about to do the same, but suddenly got a call and proceeded to answer it, "Go ahead."

//Based on what The Senator told us...it was HER, wasn't it?//

"...Yeah. He told me straight up."

//...I hope you understand the consequences of what you did to her.//

"Her family was in pain, I had to end their suffering."

Shinkokuna sighed on the other line, //...I just hope you can reason with her, tell her WHY that really happened.//

"...AJ wouldn't even listen."

//Your friend woke up. Head back to base immediately. We need to hear HIS side of what happened.//

"Yeah, we were separated after the fight."

//I'll be waiting for you.//

The call disconnected.

Enix just stared into his hand as he uttered, "I can't believe he just GAVE me the ID of the SUI Unit...but how? I thought she killed herself..." he then ran off back to his base of operations.

Canterlot High School - Library
Golden's POV
4 Hours Remain

After the Pep Rally, Sunset retreated into the school's library to do some research on Equestrian Magic since Rainbow Dash "Ponied Up" as the girls put it during the song she sang, mainly because the principals wanted to keep a lid on any magic going on. I followed after her to help and do my own research to see if there was any information on these "Barian Number cards" that keep popping up and taking people mentally hostage, but all I could find was info about a war between Astral World and Barian World, when Astral Numbers were released into the human world from Heartland City and doing the same exact thing the Barian Numbers were doing, Mr. Pegasus, my boss, had quite a bout of inspiration and decided to mass produce the Astral Numbers for his game, minus the mind control part, but all I could gather was that two Barian Emperors named "Vector" and "Don Thousand" created ONE MILLION Barian Numbers for their cause of multi-dimensional conquest. But what I want to know is, why? If the war ended quite a while back, why come out of hiding now? What's changed? What's different?

Suddenly, a groan from Sunset breaks me from my thoughts, she then starts writing to Princess Twilight for advice on what to do about Rainbow Dash's sudden transformation during the Pep Rally. I read over her shoulder and decided to metaphorically roll the dice.

"You're at a loss too, huh?" I ask.

She sighs, "Yeah...I just wish Twilight would answer back, or just say 'hi, I'm busy' at least."

"Maybe something urgent came up. Either way, try not to worry about it TOO much, if something happens, we'll deal with it accordingly."

"...Yeah. I guess you're right." Sunset agrees, but I still sense the hesitance in her voice.

We decided that we're both too stressed out about this whole thing and called it quits for now to meet up with the rest of the Rainbooms.

Unknown Location
Enix's POV
3 1/2 Hours Remain

I made it back to the hideout to see Purple, or Jack as we'll call him to avoid suspicion, finally waking up after the night we found him.

"Jack! Jack! Wake up!" I call out to him.

He opened his eyes and instantly became happy, "Green! YOU'RE ALIVE!!" Jack tried to tackle hug me, but I pushed him back by his forehead with only two fingers, "Ahh, the good, ol' days."

"Jack, we managed to find you hidden in a dumpster and brought you back here to heal. You've been out for a long time." my associate Shinkokuna said.

"Really? What time is it?"

Suddenly, Jack was hit by a cluster of words saying:

3 1/4 Hours Remain Until Friendship Games

Jack got up and shoved the word cluster out of view, "Why do we even have that?"

"You made it." Shinkokuna pointed out.

"...Oh yeah."

"Alright, Jack," Enix took over, "what happened when we were separated?"

Jack slowly cringed, "...You're not gonna like the answer. There's some bad news, about Jisatsu."

Jack then proceeded to explain everything that had happened when he was stuck in THAT version of Equestria.

Then silence.

I then smashed my fist against the wall.

"...Shadow Blaze..." I utter.

"Now there's a name we haven't heard in a while." Shinkokuna commented.

"I know him...but I thought Luna sealed him away."

"This could be a problem." Jack began, "Not only has Shadow Blaze escaped the rift between dreams and nightmares, Applejack has already infiltrated CHS with a Chaos Barian Number."

"If Applejack from the other Equestria is here...then there's a chance she wants revenge...for what I did to her family."

"We need to get this information to Golden as soon as possible." Shinkokuna said.

"Alright. We'll tell him. But not about Shadow Blaze. We can't risk any temporal or spatial paradoxes if he learns his own terrible fate."

"There is ONE thing I still don't get," Shinkokuna began, "Even if Shadow Blaze wants the Reflector Device, why? And how did he manage to escape that rift?"

"I don't know...but if Shadow Blaze DID escape..." Enix pulled out the stone he had recently found in his pocket a while back, "And if this stone is connected to the Reflector Device, that means...the Chaos Correction is closer than we thought. In other words..."

Jack took over, "Applejack has the other stone."

"...We need to go NOW."

Our secretive group made their way to CHS with Jack grabbing his usual rapier, shouting, "Hey! Wait for me!"

"Shinkokuna, get the police on the horn, someone is about to be hurt or killed today."

"On it." Shinkokuna whipped out her cell phone and dialed 911.

I was left with my thoughts as we made our way to the school, Applejack...whatever you're doing...you've got the wrong idea...you're siding with a monster...no, a devil...!

Canterlot High School - Air Vents
Lucky's POV
3 Hours Remain

Mere hours before the biggest event between Canterlot High School and Crystal Prep Academy would take place, there was someone who need to complete their job. The Phantom Thief Lucky Clover was currently crawling through the vents of CHS as he needed to collect his prize. Though the narrow shafts weren't anything to be happy about.

"Come out to the coast, get together, have a few laughs. Yeah, right." said Lucky Clover with a mocking tone as he kept on crawling through the small vents inside the building.

He soon came to another crossroads as he reached into his pocket and pulled out an eye device and put it over his right eye. He then looked down at his right wrist as he punched some digits into the wrist device.

"3 hours left. Plenty of time to steal the medals and grab some lunch." snickered the Phantom Thief as his device sent him the coordinates on which way to go.

He then continued to crawl as he followed the sound of his tracker. He soon came to a vent crate as he looked down into it. He then popped it open using his hand as he caught it before it hit the ground. Peeking his head out, he scanned the area to see if anybody was nearby.

Of course, with the Friendship Games being mere hours away from starting, all the students were currently in the auditorium as they were awaiting their rivals from Crystal Prep to show up. With the coast clear, the Phantom Thief jumped down and landed into a crouch. After he stood up straight, he noticed a small display case a few meters away, he approached the thing as there was his prize; inside the display cases were the medals and awards that would be handed out to the participants of the Friendship Games, but the biggest score was the trophy that was customized for the event.

That alone would be a very nice addition to his collection of treasures.

Lucky Clover approached the glass as he tapped on it. He then looked at the display case as he thought out loud.

"Seven-by-twelve. Fitted with 18-inch-thick oak reinforced wood with an insulated copper core to protect against thermal lance. An electronic lock that can only be accessed by authorization of the person who had it installed." said Lucky Clover looking it over...then chuckled, "Yeah, right. It's just a standard case," joked the Phantom Thief as he was exaggerating the details. "Though, I'll give them some credit. They had enough in their budget to get strong plexiglass. Merely shattering it won't work. Which means, I need to find another way."

The thief then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small device. He attached the object to the window and then touched his a button on his wrist device. The object on the glass extended to show a rod attached to it. It now began to spin rapidly as the rod was making a circle shape as it was slowly cutting into the plexiglass.

"Won't be much longer now," cackled the Phantom Thief with a mischievous smile on his face.

Elsewhere, Sunset was still in the library as she was hoping to get a word from the princess. But as of recently, she hadn't received a word.

"If I don't figure out why this happens, then everyone is going to blame me that CHS is cheating. As much as we despise Crystal Prep about beating us and bragging in our faces, we would never resort to cheating just to get a win. I just...I just don't want anything bad to happen is all," said Sunset to herself.

The bacon-haired girl closed her book and put her head on the table. She then reached into her back pocket and pulled out her deck, the teen placed her cards in front of her as she fanned them out. Ever since learning that she and her friends would be the ones representing their school in the Friendship Games, they all put in extra time to improve their skills. Compared to Crystal Prep, CHS didn't have the resources to help students in terms of Duel Monsters. What they knew is from what they learned on their own. The time they had during the school day was all they had when it came to taking their game to the next level. They also didn't have a card shop that was part of the school like their enemies as they had access to multiple cards to improve their decks.

Safe to say, no matter how hard they trained. No matter how hard they practiced, the bottom line was that they were at a disadvantage. Even having home court didn't mean anything if your opponent was better than you. No doubt, whoever was selected to represent Crystal Prep Academy would have top-notch decks and cards.

Knowing they wanted to make their school proud, Sunset and her friends had to go out of their way to buy some card packs and booster sets. Granted they were a bit pricy given their jobs, but they were hoping it could be the key in helping them to gain some kind of upper hand against their rivals. And there was the biggest threat, being that the students of Crystal Prep would know more advanced stuff than them; they knew about the advanced summoning methods and no doubt knew how to bring out their best monsters with ease and quickly. In terms of her and her friends, they knew the advanced summoning methods on a basic level, for CPA, they knew all that and then some.

"Well, nothing we can do right now but wait. They're gonna get here soon and when that happens...oh boy. Still, the students of Crystal Prep might be more skilled than us, however, whatever decks they have will revolve around a particular summoning method. Same thing with me and my friends. So at least, we don't have to worry about someone from the other team knowing how to do all of the summoning methods. I mean, that's not possible...right?" spoke the bacon-haired girl to herself as she was a bit worried. "Why can't all of life's problems be solved with dueling?"

"I mean...it kind of is. In a way." spoke a familiar male voice.

Sunset looked up as on the lower level of the library was none other than Golden Flare.

"I mean, think about it, how else do we solve all issues? Or at least a lot of them?" stated the boy.

"Alright, I see your point." snickered Sunset.

"So, what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to meet up with Rarity so that she can present you with the outfit she wants you and the girls to wear for when Crystal Prep arrives." queried Golden Flare as he was climbing up the stairs.

"Just...looking at my deck, one last time is all. And hoping to get an answer."

"Well...?" asked the boy, rolling his hand.

"Nothing." sighed Sunset.

"Figures. But hey, look on the bright side of things, maybe, whatever happened to Rainbow the other day, might not occur. I mean, come on...why do we need magic when we can summon Duel Monsters to fight for us? So, that means we don't have to worry about some power-hungry magic getting loose."

"What are the odds that's not gonna happen?" asked Sunset with a smug smile and raised an eyebrow at her friend.

"Honestly, I have no idea. But you're smarter than me, so I'm pretty sure you can figure that out." said Golden Flare to his friend.

"I appreciate the compliment." giggled Sunset. "But...you're right. I need to not focus on the negatives and focus on other things. Like winning for CHS. And finally giving those Crystal Prep stuck-ups a taste of their own medicine."

"That's what I like to hear." smiled Golden Flare.

"Besides, we're just as good as them, if not better. We practiced hard to get here. So let's show them what we, the Canterlot Wondercolts, are all about. Besides, we have you on our side. I mean...it's not like you're gonna ever lose."

"Uh, Sunset? Did you forget, that I lost a duel? And it was against Enix, mind you. Who is a part of the Crystal Prep team? Not only that, but I swore that I wouldn't use my Numbers unless anyone, CPA or otherwise, had one or more of their own?" stated Golden Flare.

"Yeah, but...that's different. I was referring to someone more...natural. You know...someone who is just as passionate about Duel Monsters as you and not so cryptic and mysterious as him. I mean, if you were to lose to them, it would be rather shocking." said the girl.

"Okay, I know you were a former bully that ran a rough shot around here, but are you trying to help my confidence or tear it down right now?" asked Golden, confused.

"What do you think?" said Sunset with a hint of a flirting-like tone in her voice.

"Okay, now I'm a bit scared." said the boy.

"I'm just messing with you. You should know that's how I am." chuckled Sunset as she punched her friend in the arm.

Once the pair had their brief laugh, Sunset gathered her cards as she and Golden made their way to where the other girls were. They arrived as Rarity was a bit upset about Sunset showing up late. The fashionista didn't waste any time with Sunset's explanation as she grabbed the girl by her shoulders and began to push her towards the curtain room she set up for her to help Sunset change into the outfit she made for the meet-up in the auditorium.

Golden Flare followed them into the room just as Rarity quickly shoved him out.

"Hey! What was that for, Rarity?" asked the boy as the girl wasn't allowing him to enter.

"Don't you know it's rude to see a lady when she's nude?" stated the girl.

Golden blushed at the thought of the girls, or even Pinkie, like that, but then regained his composure by retaliating with, "You're wearing clothes right now! Plus, you got the curtain set up for privacy!" responded the boy.

"A lady needs to be able to change without any wandering eyes. So, stay out here till me and the girls are dressed. And no trying to sneak a peek. Just because you're a boy, doesn't mean you let your hormones take control of your body." stated Rarity pushing her finger into his shirt.

He sighed, "Okay, okay, you win. Just...please don't take too long, time isn't on our side right now." he said as he held his hands up in defeat as Rarity raised an eyebrow.

"...You seem oddly okay with being left out."

"Umm...let's just say I walked in on a girl once by accident, I was NOT proud of it, and leave it at that. Part of the reason I was shy when I first came to this school."

The boy stood there rubbing his neck shamefully as the door was shut in his face. The teen sighed deeply, then started pacing the hallway as he waited for Rarity to finish her magic. He eventually pulled out his deck as he looked to make some final preparations for the Friendship Games before their competition arrived from Crystal Prep. Golden did stop at the two Pendulum cards he recently acquired for a second before skimming past them, making him think about how Enix was able to get ahold of unique cards for a one-of-a-kind deck. Some more time passed as the boy had fallen asleep as he was sitting up against the lockers with his head slumped downwards.

His snoring could be heard as the door cracked open. The boy coughed a bit as he rubbed his eyes and blinked. His vision was returning to him as Rarity's voice called for him to enter. The boy got up as he entered the room and was taken aback by what he saw. He saw the girls, but the outfits they were wearing were something. Rarity really did a nice job with her designs as they made the girls more beautiful than they already were.

"Well, your opinion?" asked Rarity to her friend while striking a pose.

"Wow," said Golden Flare while giving a wolf whistling sound, "You all look stunning in your own way. Even you, Rainbow."

"T-Thanks.” stuttered the chromatic-haired girl as she wasn't too frilled to be dressed in such a girly way. But the outfit Rarity made for her didn't make it seem that way.

"Glad you like them. Now it's time for you.” stated Rarity.

"…Humina-what-now?” muttered Golden, hardly intelligently.

The boy was quickly grabbed by his shirt as Rarity dragged him into the curtain room.

"Oh, sh—“ was all he could say before the girl closed the curtain.

"Just a few more minutes," said Lucky Clover as he was leaning against the wall as he did some card tricks.

"Remind me why I have to dress? It's just a meet and greet!" said Golden as he was stretching out the collar of his outfit as he could feel it constricting him.

But his question will forever be ignored as the group was now making their way to the auditorium to attend the small party that Pinkie organized to host both schools. Canterlot High’s cafeteria had been turned into a social hub for the tournament, with food and drink lining the tray and tables set up for free duels. The two sides of the cafeteria, divided by the tiled path between the doors on either end of the room, were decorated with banners, flags, and posters for their respective schools, the letters “CHS” on one side in blue, and “CPA” in purple letters on the other side.

The group was heading to the place as the bus carrying the Crystal Prep students was about to arrive. Despite it being just a small gathering before the first round of the event would take place, Rarity was insist that they all dress up. For the fashionista believed that clothes sent a message that couldn't be conveyed with words. And if they wore something bold, perhaps they could play mind games with their opponents before the tournament got underway.

"Open says-me.” said Lucky Clover as the glass circle shape fell in.

The thief then began to reach into the hole and gather all the medals into his bag. During that same time, the group was getting closer to the auditorium.

"Oh, I forgot. I left my deck in my locker!" said Rainbow as she turned around to go collect her cards.

"Why does she need her deck? We're not supposed to duel until the event starts.” stated Rarity.

"You know, Dash, Rares; she doesn't go anywhere without her cards," answered Applejack as she knew how her childhood rival was.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll catch up." said Pinkie as the group continued to walk.

"Can't believe I almost left them.” said the athletic girl as she made her way to her locker and opened it. She began to scavenge through the mess and she soon found her blue deck box. "Please forgive me, guys. I would never leave you behind.” said Rainbow rubbing the box against her cheek.

She then closed her locker and ran back to where her friends were heading. However, once she turned the corner, she stopped in her tracks as she saw what was in front of her.

"And the pièce de ré·sis·tance," said Lucky Clover in an accent as his hand slipped gracefully into the hole and pulled out the big trophy. "Fabulous. Truly great craftsmanship."

"Hey!" shouted Rainbow.

The thief looked up to see the girl standing a few meters away looking at him.

"Give those back!" yelled Dash.

"First rule of a Phantom Thief: we always make miracles...and those miracles help us escape!" snickered Lucky Clover. He then brought his hand to his green clover-shaped badge and threw it down as a smoke cloud was created.

Rainbow coughed as she fanned the air in front of her with her hand. She managed to catch the tail end of the thief's foot and turn the corner as she began to chase after him. As she was running, the chromatic-haired girl pulled out her phone and dial the touchpad.

"Hello?" answered Fluttershy.

The chase was on as Lucky Clover was looking to make his exit. The vents alone were too narrow to escape with all of the treasure he secured. Thankfully, he knew the layout of the building and that almost all the students were in the auditorium for their school event, so he had a clear shot towards the entrance of the school. Though, Rainbow wasn't the captain of all the sports teams for nothing; the girl was keeping up with the thief despite wearing the outfit Rarity made her. They soon turned the corner as he bounced off the lockers to avoid slipping. Rainbow skidded perfectly and took the corner smoothly before continuing her chase.

"Not bad.” Lucky Clover complimented with a smile at how the girl was able to keep up with him.

He then kicked up some trash bins that were along the hallway as he sent them flying towards Rainbow. The girl saw them and was able to move her body out of the way as she dodged each one accordingly as they hit the ground. The last one was heading straight for her as Rainbow put her hands on the floor and did a cartwheel to avoid the last one to hit her.

“I don’t think so. Royal Flash!” Lucky Clover pulled out a hand of cards that looked like a royal flush and they shined brightly.

The girl was so proud of her herself for doing such a cool move that when she took off running, she failed to see the wet floor sign as she slipped and hit the ground hard because she was briefly blinded by Lucky’s “Royal Flash” trick.

"Like I said, clean escape," said Lucky Clover as he saw the girl trip and fall.

Soon he fell. Turns out that he slipped on some pudding as a huge blob of it was left near the entrance of the school.

"What the—?" said the Phantom Thief as he was shocked to see what he saw.

"Oh, so that's where I put the pudding for the party. Whoopies." smiled Pinkie as she came into the frame with a huge smile on her face.

The small slip caused the bag that Lucky Clover carried to fall a few meters in front of him. Before he could reach for it a lasso appeared.

"Oh, no ya don't!" stated Applejack.

The farm girl had tossed her lasso and wrapped it around the bag. She then tugged at it as it raced out of Lucky Clover's reach and into her hands. The Phantom Thief got up and was about to head out as he once again slipped on some pudding.

"Again?! Seriously?!!" shouted the thief.

"And that's where I left the backup pudding. Whoopies again." said Pinkie.

Soon the others arrived as Rainbow had finally caught up with them.

"You got my message?” said the girl as she rubbed her shoulder.

"Sure did, you okay?” asked Sunset to her friend.

"I'll live.” smiled the chromatic-haired girl.

"Hey, buddy. Why don't you give back the rest of the stuff you stole?" said Golden to the thief.

Lucky Clover got up as the group saw his face.

"Hold on a moment, doesn't he look familiar?" asked Rarity.

"Ain't he the one who stole a valuable deck days ago in Manehattan?" said AJ.

"Lucky Clover, Phantom Thief at your service," said the mysterious person with a gentleman-like bow.

"I remember, he's the one who stole that legendary deck!" said Rainbow.

"Make it easy on yourself pal, just give us the trophy and the deck. And maybe, you won't get served as hard as you're gonna get," said Golden as he tried to reason with the thief.

"Clearly, you don't know, kiddie. I'm a Phantom Thief. All I care about is stealing valuable treasures and putting on a good show for the people. As for the deck, well...let's say that's something I can't cooperate with. You see, this legendary deck is of great value to me. I plan to keep it for my personal collection." stated Lucky Clover as he pulled off his hat to show the cards he stole.

"Then why take the medals and the trophy from here?" asked Fluttershy.

"It doesn't make sense for a thief like yerself to waste time at a school," stated the country gal.

"Hey, us Phantom Thieves have our own personal needs. Besides, this trophy and those medals could be a nice addition to my collection. Which reminds me, just hand them over, nice and easy.” said the thief, prepping a bladed playing card.

"You really expect us to just do what you say?" said Rarity.

"Well, it was worth a shot," said Lucky Clover, ready to start throwing cards.

"The way I see it, you got something that isn't yours. And we got something that you want. So, I think you know where this is going." Golden offered a proposal to the current stalemate.

"A duel."

"High-stakes duel. You win, you go scot-free with that trophy, the deck, these medals, and we don't say a word to anybody. But if I win, you're gonna spend a long time scrubbing the toilets in prison." stated the boy.

"Excitement. A duel where the winner has everything to gain and everything to lose. I like that. You're on." smiled Lucky Clover.

"Goldie, you sure that's a good idea?" said Pinkie, worried about her friend.

"Crystal Prep is about to be here. And I've already told Celestia; she's on her way with the authorities.” Sunset whispered.

"Good. Then we just have to keep him busy till they arrive. It's alright guys, I got this." said Golden to his friends as he smiled at them.

The group then made their way outside as Lucky Clover on one side as on the opposite was Golden. The girls were watching from the steps as they were in front of the school. The sun shined down on this duel that was seconds away from starting. Both duelists held confident looks as they pulled out their Duel Pads and slotted in their decks. They each pulled out their Duel Gazers as a computerized automated voice rang out through the field.

Augmented Reality Vison Link established.

"Let's duel!" both of them shouted as the display showed their life points.

Golden Flare: 4,000 LP
Lucky Clover: 4,000 LP

Turn 1: Golden Flare - Hand: 5

"Those who abide by the law get to go first, so get ready!" stated Golden as he drew his card. "To start, I'll summon my NumberMan.EXE in attack mode." A humanoid robot with a blinking light bulb for a head (900/900) appeared on the field.

"Next, I'll throw a face-down and call it a turn."

Turn 2: Lucky Clover - Hand: 5

"That's all? Please, stand back," stated the Phantom Thief as he drew his card. "I'll play the continuous spell card, Dark Contract with the Gate!" A swirling dark portal appeared on the ground in front of Lucky Clover. A black claw emerged from it, a scroll sealed with black wax held in its grasp. The wax broke open, and the scroll unfurled to reveal glowing red scripture.

Dark Contract with the Gate
Continuous Spell Card
Effect: During your Main Phase: You can add 1 "D/D" monster from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Dark Contract with the Gate" once per turn. Once per turn, during your Standby Phase: Take 1000 damage.

"Now once per turn, I can add a 'D/D' monster from my deck to my hand. So I choose to add this one, my D/D Savant Kelper, which I'll summon right now!" Lucky Clover's monster appeared for all to see. When it arrived, the group of friends saw it and realized something.

Golden Flare's Duel Pad sent him a message as he clicked on the interface and read the info that was transmitted from the card.

D/D Savant Kepler
Attribute: DARK
Level: 1
Pendulum Scale: 10
Type: Fiend/Pendulum/Effect
ATK: 0
DEF: 0
Pendulum Effect: You cannot Pendulum Summon monsters, except "D/D" monsters. This effect cannot be negated. Once per turn, during your Standby Phase: Reduce this card's Pendulum Scale by 2 (min. 1), then destroy all monsters you control with a Level greater than or equal to this card's Pendulum Scale, except "D/D" monsters.
Effect: If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can activate 1 of these effects. You can only use this effect of "D/D Savant Kepler" once per turn.
●Target 1 other "D/D" card you control; return it to the hand.
●Add 1 "Dark Contract" card from your Deck to your hand.

"Is that...a Pendulum card?" said Golden in shock.

"As I said, a thief has their own needs. Such as the powerful Pendulum cards that are just resurfacing for our side of the world. And they're quite powerful, allow me to demonstrate. For you see, I activate Savant Kelper's ability. When it's summoned, I'm allowed to add a 'Dark Contract' Spell from my deck to my hand." Lucky Clover knew which one he wanted as it slid out for him to grab.

"I'll then activate it, Dark Contract with the Swamp King!"

Dark Contract with the Swamp King
Continuous Spell Card
Effect: During your Main Phase: You can Fusion Summon 1 Fiend Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as material. You can only use this effect of "Dark Contract with the Swamp King" once per turn. If Summoning a "D/D" Fusion Monster this way, you can also banish monsters from your GY as material. Once per turn, during your Standby Phase: Take 1000 damage.

"Now once per turn, I can Fusion Summon monsters from my hand or field. So I'll fuse my D/D Cerberus and D/D Lilith in my hand!" stated Lucky Clover as he held both cards above his head. The spirits of both his monsters were shown as they entered a swirling vortex filled with the colors purple and orange.

D/D Cerberus
Attribute: DARK
Level: 4
Pendulum Scale: 6
Type: Fiend/Pendulum/Effect
ATK: 1800
DEF: 600
Pendulum Effect: Once per turn: You can target 1 "D/D" monster you control; change its Level to 4, and if you do, it gains 400 ATK and DEF (even if this card leaves the field).
Effect: When this card is Pendulum Summoned from the hand, while you control a "D/D" monster other than "D/D Cerberus": You can target 1 Continuous Spell Card in your Graveyard; add it to your hand.

D/D Lilith
Attribute: DARK
Level: 4
Type: Fiend/Effect
ATK: 100
DEF: 2100
Effect: If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can activate 1 of these effects. You can only use this effect of "D/D Lilith" once per turn.
●Target 1 "D/D" monster in your Graveyard; add it to your hand.
●Add 1 face-up "D/D" Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck to your hand.

"Hellhound that bares its fangs, vamp of the dark night! In a whirlpool of light from the realm of the dead, become one and give birth to a new monster! I Fusion Summon! D/D/D Flame King Genghis!" A fireball shot out of the fusion vortex onto Lucky Clover’s field. The flames burned away to reveal a knight in deep purple and blue armor, a massive red shield and sword in his hands. He stood up tall and snapped his sword out to the side, flames bursting around it.

D/D/D Flame King Genghis
Attribute: FIRE
Level: 6
Type: Fiend/Fusion/Effect
ATK: 2000
DEF: 1500
Effect: 2 "D/D" monsters
If another "D/D" monster(s) is Special Summoned to your field, while you control this face-up card (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 "D/D" monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it. You can only use this effect of "D/D/D Flame King Genghis" once per turn. If this card is destroyed by battle, or if this card in its owner's possession is destroyed by an opponent's card effect: You can target 1 "Dark Contract" card in your Graveyard; add it to your hand.

"A Fusion Monster?" said the girls behind their friend as they were taking a good look at the monster that appeared.

"But before I do anything else, I place two cards face-down for safekeeping. Now to attack, D/D/D Flame King Genghis, strike down his monster!" commanded Lucky Clover.

"Yeah, like I wasn't prepared for that. I reveal my facedown, Battle Chip - FullCust! With this card, since I control an '.EXE' monster, I can end your turn altogether!" declared Golden as Lucky Clover's monster stopped dead in its tracks, along with his turn.

Turn 3: Golden Flare - Hand: 4

"Should've known. Guess that's it for me." Lucky said.

"Now it's my..."

"Hold on! I forgot to mention something. See, come my next turn, for me to keep my contracts in play, I must pay the price of 1,000 life points for each 'Dark Contract' on the field." informed Lucky Clover to the boy with a sinister smile.

"Huh? Then why would you play them if you're gonna lose life points?!" stated Rainbow.

"With two contracts out, Lucky Clover is gonna take 2,000 points of damage once his turn starts. So all Golden has to do is knock him to about that amount and he'll win the duel with ease." Sunset speculated.

"Yeah, but is it gonna happen?" asked Applejack as she didn't buy that this duel would end so quickly.

"We'll find out." said the bacon-haired girl.

"Anyways, it's my move. I draw. And my monsters have special abilities of their own, during my Standby Phase, I can add 1 'Battle Chip' Equip Spell card from my deck to my hand. So I'll choose this one, Battle Chip - HeroSwrd! With this, I can give my monster an extra 2,000 attack points and it can inflict piercing damage!" A shining and grand sword appeared before the humanoid monster as he grabbed it and felt the power surge through it (NumberMan.EXE - ATK: 900 + 2000 = 2900).

"But first, I'm gonna activate my monster's other ability, now I roll a six-sided die. And whatever number it lands on, you take that amount of damage by 100! Go, Doom Dice!" A die appeared before them as it was dropped in the center of the field. It bounced around a bit as soon it landed on a side.

"Sweet! A six! So you lose 600 life points off the bat!" Golden said, cheerfully.

Lucky Clover didn't seem too concerned about the damage he received as he kept his smile while the die exploded in his face (Lucky Clover: 4,000 - 600 = 3,400 LP).

"Now to dish out even more. NumberMan.EXE attack his Triple Flame King Genghis!" shouted the boy as he gave his monsters his orders. The robot leaped up into the air as it looked to slay the mighty king.

"A king doesn't go down so easily! I reveal my face-down, Dark Contract with the Witch!"

Dark Contract with the Witch
Continuous Trap Card
Effect: You can send 1 "D/D" or "Dark Contract" card from your hand to the Graveyard, then target 1 card on the field; destroy it. You can only use this effect of "Dark Contract with the Witch" once per turn. All Fiend-Type monsters you control gain 1000 ATK during your opponent's turn only. Once per turn, during your Standby Phase: Take 1000 damage.

"Again?!" said Pinkie.

"That means..." started Rarity.

"I will once again take damage at the beginning of my next turn. Another 1,000 points to be exact. Meanwhile, my Flame King Genghis will benefit by gaining one thousand attack points! So long as I send a 'D/D' monster or 'Dark Contract' from my hand to the graveyard. And so I'll discard my final card in my hand, my D/D Berfomet." said Lucky Clover as he managed to make his monster while emptying his hand. "Oh, and my Trap has another effect, in that I can destroy one card on your side of the field. So say goodbye to your monster!" Just like that Golden's monster vanished as his attack stopped.

"Seems to be an even match," said Fluttershy.

"Well, I disagree. He still has to pay off three contracts when they come due at the start of his turn," said Dash.

"My monster may be gone, but that doesn't mean I'm defenseless. I summon my MegaMan.EXE in attack mode!" A blue and yellow armored man with a strange symbol on his chest made his appearance on the field, sporting a blaster where one of his hands should be (1900/1500).

"Then I'll place one card face-down and end my turn," said Golden.

"And now Lucky Clover has to pay up those contracts. Since he has three, he takes 3,000 points of damage!" stated Rainbow with glee.

"Excuse me. What contracts?" said Lucky Clover with a smug smile.

Just then, all three contracts out on the Phantom Thief's field vanished as they were torn up and turned to dust. Everyone was surprised as they saw what happened.

"Where did they all go?" asked Golden, not understanding what was going on.

"My contracts have all been broken off. If you had been paying close attention, you would have noticed that I activated my final facedown. A Trap!" stated Lucky Clover as his last card on the field flipped up.

Contract Laundering
Normal Trap Card
Effect: Destroy as many "Dark Contract" cards in your Spell & Trap Zone as possible, and if you do, draw the same number of cards you destroyed, then gain 1000 LP for each card you drew with this effect.

"With Contract Laundering, I negated the effects of all my contracts and destroyed them. I guess it's true what they say, a contract is only as good as the card it's written on."

"With those contracts destroyed, he doesn't take any damage," said Pinkie.

"Lastly, I draw one card for each contract I destroyed as well as 1,000 extra life points!" laughed Lucky Clover as he drew three cards from his deck and boosted his life points by 3,000 (Lucky Clover: 3,400 + 3,000 = 6,400 LP).

"He now has over 6,000 life points!" Rarity gasped out.

Turn 4: Lucky Clover - Hand: 3

"It's my turn, I draw! Now I'll summon another D/D Berfomet!" A demonic humanoid yellow eagle rose from a portal in front of Lucky Clover, eyes glowing red.

D/D Berfomet
Attribute: DARK
Level: 4
Type: Fiend/Effect
ATK: 1400
DEF: 1800
Effect: Once per turn: You can target 1 "D/D" monster you control that has a Level, except "D/D Berfomet", and declare a Level from 1 to 8; it becomes that Level until the end of this turn, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except "D/D" monsters.

"I activate the effect of D/D Berfomet. Once per turn, I can select another D/D monster on my field, and change its level to anything I wish between 1 and 8. I change D/D/D Flame King Genghis to Level 4.” Flame King Genghis lit up with red light.

"Now that I have two Level 4 monsters, I'll overlay them to build the Overlay Network!" declared Lucky Clover as both of his monsters turned into orbs of light as they entered a red portal that opened up in front of him. Just then, a pillar of light emerged. "I promise you have never faced a warrior king as magnificent or commanding as this one! I Xyz Summon! D/D/D Wave King Caesar!" The light burst out in a flash of blue. A knight in thick blue and purple armor stomped out, a massive sword in his hand.

D/D/D Wave King Caesar
Attribute: WATER
Rank: 4
Type: Fiend/Xyz/Effect
ATK: 2400
DEF: 1200
Effect: 2 Level 4 Fiend-Type monsters
During either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; at the end of the Battle Phase, Special Summon from your Graveyard as many monsters destroyed this turn as possible, but during the next Standby Phase, take 1000 damage for each monster Special Summoned by this effect. If this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can add 1 "Dark Contract" card from your Deck to your hand. You can only use each effect of "D/D/D Wave King Caesar" once per turn.

"An Xyz Monster?!" said the group of teens as they saw the new monster make his presence known.

"Next, I'll place one card face-down. That's all for now," snickered Lucky Clover.

Turn 5: Golden Flare - Hand: 3

"It's my move, I draw! And like always, my card allows me to add a 'Battle Chip' Equip Spell from my deck to my hand. So I'll take my Battle Chip - RollAro2. Then I'll equip it onto MegaMan.EXE." stated Golden as a bow appeared in his monster's hands (MegaMan.EXE - ATK 1900 + 800 = 2700). "With this, MegaMan gains 800 extra attack points. And he's gonna put those points to good use. Attack his Caesar!" MegaMan.EXE pulled back on the string as an arrow was fired that was covered in light. Wave King Caesar saw it coming as he put his sword horizontally to protect himself before it was shattered to pieces and the arrow pierced him as an explosion occurred (Lucky Clover: 6,400 - 300 = 6,100 LP).

"So much for your monster." taunted Golden.

"Oh, quite the contrary, he's still with us." stated Lucky Clover with a smile.

The smoke cleared and standing there was Wave King Caesar as if he wasn't even hurt and his sword was restored.

"How though?" asked Fluttershy.

"Simply, by using one Overlay Unit, my Caesar can revive as many monsters that were destroyed this turn at the end of the Battle Phase. Of course, I must take 1,000 points of damage during my Standby Phase for using such an ability. But it's a small price to pay if you ask me." smiled the Phantom Thief (D/D/D Wave King Caesar: 2 - 1 = 1 OLU).

"In that case, I'll summon my Roll.EXE (1200/1400) in defense mode and place one card face-down."

Turn 6: Lucky Clover - Hand: 2

"It's my turn," said Lucky Clover. A cyclone of water appeared just then as it surrounded the Phantom Thief who merely closed his eyes as if it didn't bother him (Lucky Clover: 6,100 - 1,000 = 5,100 LP).

"Now, I'll play the Spell Card, Odd-Eyes Fusion. With it, I can conduct a Fusion Summon using monsters in my hand. So I'll combine my Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon with my Stargazer Magician!" Once more both of Lucky Clover's monsters appeared above him as they entered the vortex.

Odd-Eyes Fusion
Normal Spell Card
Effect: Fusion Summon 1 Dragon Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as Fusion Materials. If your opponent controls 2 or more monsters and you control no monsters, you can also use up to 2 "Odd-Eyes" monsters in your Extra Deck as Fusion Materials. You can only activate 1 "Odd-Eyes Fusion" per turn.

Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon
Attribute: DARK
Level: 7
Pendulum Scale: 4
Type: Dragon/Pendulum/Effect
ATK: 2500
DEF: 2000
Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, when an attack is declared involving your face-up monster and an opponent's monster, if you have an "Odd-Eyes" card in your other Pendulum Zone: You can make that monster you control gain 1200 ATK until the end of the Battle Phase (even if this card leaves the field).
Effect: When this Pendulum Summoned card inflicts battle damage to your opponent by attacking: You can inflict damage to your opponent equal to the number of "Odd-Eyes" cards in your Pendulum Zones x 1200. You can only use this effect of "Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon" once per turn.

Stargazer Magician
Attribute: DARK
Level: 5
Pendulum Scale: 1
Type: Spellcaster/Pendulum/Effect
ATK: 1200
DEF: 2400
Pendulum Effect: If a Pendulum Monster you control battles, your opponent cannot activate Spell Cards until the end of the Damage Step. Unless you have a "Magician" card or "Odd-Eyes" card in your other Pendulum Zone, this card's Pendulum Scale becomes 4.
Effect: Once per turn, when exactly 1 other Pendulum Monster you control (and no other cards) is returned to your hand by an opponent's card effect (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon 1 monster from your hand with the same name as that returned to the hand.

"I Fusion Summon! Level 7! Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon!" A huge dragon descended onto the field and it gave a roar that shook the area around them.

Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon
Attribute: WIND
Level: 7
Type: Dragon/Fusion/Effect
ATK: 2500
DEF: 3000
Effect: 1 "Odd-Eyes" monster + 1 Pendulum Monster
When this card is Special Summoned: You can target 1 opponent's face-up Attack Position monster; return it to the hand. When a Spell/Trap Card or another monster's effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can shuffle 1 face-up Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck into the Deck, negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card. You can only use each effect of "Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon" once per turn.

"Now I activate my dragon's ability, when it's summoned, I can target one face-up attack monster you control and return it to your hand. So say goodbye to your MegaMan!" stated Lucky Clover as swirling winds blew over the field and caused Golden's monster to disappear in a blinding light, making the card reappear in his hand.

"Now that's one monster I don't have to worry about. So, Caesar attack his puny defense!" shouted Lucky Clover as his king swung his sword as a tidal wave was heading for Golden's remaining monster.

"I activate my face-down, Battle Chip - Geddon3! As long as this card remains on the field, you take damage for every monster you control by 100!" said Golden as his trap activated and turned the ground into a swampland that Lucky Clover was now ankle-deep in (Lucky Clover: 5,100 - 200 = 4,900).

"That hardly did anything, 'cause my attack continues."

"Not when I activate my second face-down, Battle Chip - Mine! So now I can negate your monster's attack and then destroy him!" declared Golden.

"Well, that won't matter, 'cause I'll use the last Overlay Unit of my Caesar to revive him at the end of the battle phase!" stated Lucky Clover as his king absorbed its last Xyz material before being blown up by the hidden explosive. "I still have my dragon, so pick up where Caesar left off!" The dragon opened its mouth and shot a powerful beam that took out Golden's monster. The battle soon ended as Caesar from the depths of the ocean.

"I end my turn." concluded the Phantom Thief.

Turn 7: Golden Flare - Hand: 3

"It's my turn. First, I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. Next, I'll play Double Summon, so by discarding one card, I can summon two monsters this turn. First up, I'm resummoning my Megaman.EXE. And joining him is his buddy ProtoMan.EXE (1900/1700)!" stated Golden Flare as he had two of his best monsters out side by side.

"So what? Neither of them can take down my monsters." stated Lucky Clover.

"They don't have to." replied Golden with a smile.

"Huh?" said Lucky Clover.

"By returning both monsters to my deck, I can be able to conduct a Fusion Summoning without a Polymerization! Go, MegaMan.EXE and ProtoMan.EXE, Double Soul Fusion!" The two aforementioned monsters leaped into the air and swirled into a combining vortex before reappearing as a merged version of them in one being. "With the warrior of blue and the warrior of red, I bring forth the bravest of net-warriors! I Fusion Summon! MegaMan.EXE - Proto Soul (2800/2200)!"

"Impressive," said Lucky Clover at seeing the powerful monster.

"It gets better, 'cause I'm activating the equip spell Battle Chip - BambSwrd! Now my monster gains 1,400 extra attack points and it can attack three times this round!"

"Wait, what?!!!" said Lucky Clover as he didn't expect that.

"Go, Bamboo Proto Sword!" shouted Golden. The new and improved MegaMan's hand folded up and unfolded a red and yellow laser blade (MegaMan.EXE - Proto Soul: ATK 2800 + 1400 = 4200), then charged forward and slashed at Caesar as the king had fallen once and for all (Lucky Clover: 4,900 - 1,800 = 3,100 LP).

"When my Caesar is sent to the graveyard, I can add a 'Dark Contract' to my hand from my deck," stated Lucky Clover.

Golden's monster then leaped into the air once more as it was bringing its sword down as it slew the dragon through the heart as the beast groaned and exploded (Lucky Clover: 3,100 - 1,700 = 1,400 LP).

"One more attack and you have nothing to protect yourself. Finish him off!" ordered Golden as he looked to end this duel.

"Not yet! I reveal my face-down, Mirror Force! So now I can reflect your attack right back at you!" shouted Lucky Clover as he remembered the trap he still had and was lucky to activate it to save himself. Golden's monster hit the reflective wall as it pushed him back and he was gone.

"Not good," said Golden Flare as he had nothing left, "I end my turn."

"I thought he had it," said Applejack.

"At least Lucky Clover doesn't have anything too serious to worry about. So Golden might catch a break," stated Sunset.

Turn 8: Lucky Clover - Hand: 0

I can't believe I almost lost. I can't afford to make another mistake like that!

Are you ready to do whatever it takes!


Then let the Barian Number take hold!

A dark aura started to surround Lucky Clover's body. In mere moments, the aura stopped and seeped into the person as he looked at his opponent with a wicked smile.

"Oh no!" said Golden as he and the girls knew what that meant.

"My turn!" yelled out Lucky Clover as he drew his card with a shadow outline. "To start, I play this, Card of Sanctity!"

Card of Sanctity (anime)
Normal Spell Card
Effect: Each player draws until they have 6 cards in their hand.

"What does that do?" asked Golden as he and the girls never saw that card.

"This is a special card in that both players draw till they're holding six cards in their hands," stated Lucky Clover as both he and Golden drew from their deck until they had the number of required cards. "Now, I have all that I need to win this. 'Cause now I'll set the Pendulum Scale using my D/D Savant Copernicus and D/D Proud Ogre!" stated Lucky Clover as he placed his two Pendulum cards on the far side of his Duel Pad's Spell/Trap Zones as the word PENDULUM in rainbow coloring was spelled out in between to show it worked. Both monsters then appeared in columns of light with their number showing in front of them (Pendulum Scale: 1-8).

"The energies of the universe swing between the forces of darkness and of light. I shall now harness the power of this eternal oscillation. I Pendulum Summon, and call upon my three monsters to emerge!" shouted Lucky Clover as a portal above him opened up and three lights came out. "D/D Lamia, D/D Berfomet (1400/1800), and D/D Cerberus (1800/600)!" Three monsters all appeared at once as stood before Lucky Clover.

D/D Lamia
Attribute: DARK
Level: 1
Type: Fiend/Tuner/Effect
ATK: 100
DEF: 1900
Effect: If this card is in your hand or GY: You can send 1 "D/D" or "Dark Contract" card from your hand or face-up field to the GY, except "D/D Lamia"; Special Summon this card, but banish it when it leaves the field. You can only use this effect of "D/D Lamia" once per turn.

"I now activate Berfomet's ability, with it, I can change my Lamia from Level 1 to 4. Then I'll overlay all three of my Level 4 D/D monsters to once again build the Overlay Network!" stated Lucky Clover as all three creatures turned into lights as a portal opened in front of him. They all entered as a pillar of light emerged. "With the three demons working in tandem, I call upon one who welcomes the shining night! I Xyz Summon! Number 17: Phantom Thief Joker!"

A young man stepped out of the pillar of light wearing a purple checkered top hat, a red fancy outfit with a yellow tie and a gold "J" badge on his chest, a purple cloak-like cape, and a mask that covers his eyes, holding a playing card with a cocky smirk.

Number 17: Phantom Thief Joker
Attribute: WIND
Rank: 4
Type: Spellcaster/Xyz/Effect
ATK: 2500
DEF: 2200
Effect: 3 Level 4 monsters
Cannot be destroyed by battle except with "Number" monsters. When any player declares an attack or effect: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the attack or effect. Once per turn, when a Trap is activated: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the Trap, and if you do; destroy it. During the End Phase: Add 1 monster from your hand to this card as an Xyz Material.

"Oh, great." said Golden as he was staring at the Barian Number.

"Now, Phantom Thief Joker, attack him directly!" ordered Lucky Clover. His monster then aimed as it took its playing card and tossed it at the boy who covered up as he took a big hit to his life points (Golden Flare: 4,000 - 2,500 = 1,500 LP).

"I now end my turn."

Turn 9: Golden Flare - Hand: 6

"It's my turn, and time I end this," said the boy as he drew his card. He then looked at the card he drew with the one currently in his hand. "Well, what have I got to lose? I'll do what you did and set the Pendulum Scale using these, GutsMan.EXE and JunkMan.EXE!" Golden placed his cards on his Duel Pad at the far ends of the Spell/Trap Zones with PENDULUM appearing again as soon as the pendulum sequence was starting to work (Pendulum Scale: 1-8). "Thanks to your help, I can summon monsters that fall in the scale between 1 and 8. So I'm bringing out my Megaman.EXE, Protoman.EXE, and SearchMan.EXE!" shouted the boy as three of his monsters appeared.

"Yet again, none of them come close to matching my monster's strength." chuckled Lucky Clover.

"Not yet, but first I'm gonna activate my GutsMan.EXE's pendulum ability, it allows me to add any 'Battle Chip' Spell to my hand. Then I'll activate my SearchMan.EXE's special ability, by not having him attack this turn, he can dish out 1,000 points of damage!" stated Golden as his monster fired a beam that hit Lucky Clover in the chest (Lucky Clover: 1,400 - 1,000 = 400 LP).

"Now, I return both MegaMan.EXE and Protoman.EXE to my deck so that I Fusion Summon, MegaMan.EXE - Proto Soul (2800/2200)!" shouted the boy as his Fusion Monster appeared one more time in this fight. "Then I'll equip him with this, Battle Chip - BambSwrd. So that means he gains 1,400 extra attack points and can attack three times which is more than enough to win!"

"Alright!" shouted Rainbow.

"Wrong!" shouted Lucky Clover. "Cause I activate Phantom Thief Joker's ability, by using one overlay unit, I can stop an attack or effect in its tracks. So your monster won't be taking him out!"

"That's fine 'cause he's got two more attacks!" stated Golden as he commanded his monster to attack a second time.

"Well, I can stop that once more!" shouted Lucky Clover as he removed another Xyz material from his monster to dodge out of the way.

"One more time!" declared Golden.

"Yeah, yeah, we know how this turns out!" stated Lucky Clover as he avoid the final attack by having his monster absorb its last overlay units.

Soon the dust settled as both duelists had their monsters on their sides glaring at one another.

"So close, and yet so far," chuckled Lucky Clover while clapping his hands slowly. "Truly impressive, but...you failed."

"I wouldn't be too sure," smiled Golden.

"You're bluffing. You used up all your attacks with your monster and your SearchMan can't attack because he used his ability. You're all tapped out!"

"Yeah, I am. But I didn't say I was gonna win with my monsters. See, I didn't know what your Number did, so I'd figured why not attack it and see if not only can I deal damage, but find out what it can do. And besides, I wasn't gonna win with brute force. I was gonna with this, the card I added to my hand using my GutsMan's Pendulum ability." said Golden Flare as he showed the card. "Battle Chip - Lance, if you control a monster, I can deal 800 points of damage to your life points."

"No! No! There's no way you could have known what my monster did!" shouted Lucky Clover in disbelief as he realized the situation.

"I didn't, but...I knew it had to be something that kept your monster from being destroyed. So I just did the old bait and switch when it came to what you thought my plan was. When really, you got tricked." smiled the boy.

"No. This...can't be!" said Lucky Clover as he fell to the floor.

"You were right...you never saw it coming," stated Golden with a smile. Soon his card shot out a bamboo shoot as it hit Lucky Clover who was thrown back as he let out a defeated cry (Lucky Clover: 400 - 800 = 0 LP).

WINNER: Golden Flare

"I knew he'd win. Nobody can beat him!" said Rainbow as the girls took off their Duel Gazers and made their way to their friend.

Though Sunset hung back a bit as she watched her friends celebrating Golden's victory over the thief. She was then reminded of what she said in the library.

"Besides, we have you on our side. I mean...it's not like you're gonna ever lose. So at least, we don't have to worry about someone from the other team knowing how to do all of the summoning methods. I mean, that's not possible...right?"

The girl quickly put that thought out of her head as she made her way toward her friends. She arrived as she gave a high five to Golden for a job well done. They all turned to Lucky Clover as he was still spread out on the floor.

"I think THIS belongs to us." said Pinkie as she bounced over to the unconscious body and pulled out the trophy for the Friendship Games as she smiled.

At that moment, Celestia appeared as she was being accompanied by the authorities.

"Are you all alright?" asked the Principal to her students.

"We're fine, Principal Celestia," said Fluttershy to the woman.

"Glad to see that. But the students from Crystal Prep are about to arrive in a few minutes. You all need to hurry!" stated Celestia as in the background, the police and investigator were leading Lucky Clover away.

They all nodded as Golden saw the card that Lucky Clover used as it floated out from his Duel Pad and landed in front of him. He didn't have much time as he pocketed it for later and hurried with the girls to the auditorium. In the distance, the bus from CPA was shown driving along the road. Onboard were two students who were sitting next to each other as they were talking and going over some last-minute strategy before they arrived. Both were unaware of just how crazy the Friendship Games were going to be once they started. The male teen of the pair pulled out his deck and was talking to his cards as the spirits of his monsters all appeared before their master and nodded at him telling them they were going to go out and win.

Canterlot High School - Front Lawn
Shinkokuna's POV

I arrived at the school and saw the police escorting the notorious Phantom Thief, Lucky Clover to one of the squad cars, and immediately noticed that he no longer has his own Barian Number. I knew I had to intervene, so I did.

"Excuse me, Inspector Yokozawa?" I spoke to him.

"Ah, Detective Shinkokuna, a little late to the scene of the crime, don't you think?" Yokozawa commented, remarking how I was little slow getting here.

"Yes, well...I've been given direct orders to bring Lucky Clover to the pricinct myself, straight from the top. You, of course, would still receive credit for his incarceration."

"Hmm...well, if it's orders from the top brass..." Yokozawa pondered, then relented, "Very well. But I better receive credit!"

"You shall receive credit as well as a bonus on top of your desk come morning."

"Jinyo! Mahno!" Yokozawa called attention to his assistants, "Put Lucky Clover in the Detective's car. She'll deliver him to the precinct."

"Yes, sir." they both agreed and did so.

"Thank you for your cooperation." I thanked them as I got in the driver's seat of my squad car and left. Once he and I were finally alone, I decided to break the ice, as it were, "...I know who you are."

"Well, duh." he rudely interrupts, "I'm Phantom Thief--"

"Your name is Lloyd Shamrock. Your family abandoned you when you were young and you made a living by becoming a legendary Phantom Thief who steals rare Duel Monsters cards and artifacts."

Lucky was rendered silent, then his hat obscured his eyes, "...What are your demands?"

"I'll let HIM tell you what we want when we get there."

"The police station?"

"No. It's obvious we're recruiting you for an...off-the-books operation, let's call it that."

Lucky was quiet the remainder of the car ride to their destination, not knowing who he got involved with...