POV Thanatos:
I sat in the sterile hospital room, just listening to the beeping of the heart monitor that was attached to Sunset. Fluttershy's head lay on the bed and she had one of Sunsets hands in hers, I hadn't slept in thirty six hours, and the Principal's were supposed to show up a half hour ago. 'What is keeping them' I thought to myself as I once more found myself looking at the time on the wall clock and back to Sunset as the machine that helped her breath made sure her chest went up and down. Until finally there was a knock at the door, I turned to see who was there, and standing in the doorway was none other than Vice Principal Luna, "you don't have to stand at the door Luna, you can come in" I said.
"Thank you" she said as she walked into the room. "Do the police have any leads?" she asked.
"Not yet" I said I groaned a little as I stood up. "The doctors said she's lucky to be alive, but it's mostly because any reaper that exists on this world can feel me here. She won't be back in school for a while, and I'd like to take her out until she has recovered enough to go back" I finished.
"That is acceptable" she said looking at me. "What do you plan to do?"
"I plan to stay with my daughter until she wakes up, and then find out if she knows who did this" I said barely keeping the venom out of my voice. Luna just looked at me like their was something else she had on her mind. "Is there something else Luna?" I asked.
"Anon-a-miss struck again, and this time we can say without a doubt it wasn't Sunset. She paused and took a breath before she continued "this time however anon-a-miss made a horrible mistake, because of the cyber bullying, we lost a student to suicide and the police have actually started an investigation, they have also narrowed it down a bit but" she paused looking at me.
"But what?" I asked.
"It's not one person but three, and they think whoever did this wanted Sunset out of the picture" she said.
I just looked at Luna, then I looked back at my daughter, laying in a hospital bed with wires and tubes running to the vital places they needed to. I looked at the bruises, cuts and her leg in the cast, I turned back to Luna and said "the police managed to find a different set of tires tracks at the scene of the accident, considering it was a dry dirt road. They narrowed the tire brand down to an off-road, all season tires brand, but" I inhaled.
"But?" Luna said looking a little dejected.
"But it doesn't look good, there is quite the list and their isn't much else to go on" I finished.
Principal Celestia POV:
As I stood in front of the mirror that lead to the other world I could only wonder. What will Princess Twilight think and what happens if she decides to make this an Equestrian matter, but as the portal started glowing. I knew one thing for fact, whoever came through that portal, wasn't any match for the terror that was Thanatos Darkstar.
Twilight Sparkle POV:
As I stepped through the portal, I noticed none of the girls were waiting for me but Principal Celestia was so I asked. "What can I do for you Principal Celestia?"
"If you're looking for the person that told you about Sunset, that was me." She said as she walked over to me. "I will take you to her, the doctor is allowing visitor's."
"Alright" I said as I walked beside Principal Celestia to her car. As we got in she looked crestfallen as she said "I'm warning you now Twilight, you will not like what you see when we get there" and with that she started her car.
Once we arrived to the hospital and Principal Celestia shut off her car, I got out and headed for the doorway. As I entered the hospital, I walked up to the nurse at the desk and asked "I'm here to see Sunset Shimmer what room number is she?"
The nurse started typing on her computer for what felt like a lifetime but in all reality was only ten seconds as she said "Ms. Shimmer is in room 210 down the hall on your left are the elevators."
I thanked her as me and Principal Celestia walked to the elevators. Once we were on side the small metal contraption, Celestia pressed a button numbered two. The doors to the elevator closed as it jerked slightly, and headed up, it didn't take very long and there was a ding to signal that we had reached out destination. We stepped out and headed for room 210,as we got closer I started preparing myself for how bad Sunset would look. As we reached the door of 210 I stepped through and what I saw almost made me collapse.
Laying their in a hospital bed was Sunset she was hooked up to a heart monitor that was slowly beeping. As the sounds of a breathing machine worked to put oxygen in her lungs, her left leg was in a cast, and their were bandages on her head, arms, and from what I could tell her chest might have also been rapped. But what threw me for a loop was this worlds Fluttershy, sitting in a chair right next to Sunset, holding her hand and caressing her face and hair, on the other side of the room in chairs was Vice Principal Luna and some guy I had never met.
He was wearing a disheveled three piece suit, he had bags under his eyes indicating he hadn't slept recently. Next to his chair was a steal tipped cane and he had a ring on his right ring finger with a pale stone on it and I could barely make out the same stone on a necklace he wore. He looked up and noticed both me and Celestia as he waved us into the room, he must be Sunset coltfriend I thought to myself, "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and you are?" I asked.
"Thanatos Darkstar, I'm Sunsets legal guardian, it's nice to meet another Equestrian" he said.
I just stared at him, "what do you mean by another Equestrian?" I asked him.
"You're the second one I've met after Sunset" he said as he just motioned between me and Sunset.
Then I realized something else, "what do you mean Sunsets guardian?" I asked.
"Just that, I am her guardian, I took her in the same day she found out how much to repair the school" he said. "Me and Fluttershy have been helping her adjust to her new life as someone who deserves friends"he finished.
"Who did this" I asked.
"I don't know yet, but when I find out" he said. All of a sudden lightning struck, and thunder rumbled above us but for the briefest second. I saw a skull where Thanatos's face should have been "who exactly are you?" I asked more than a little terrified of the man who claimed to be helping Sunset.
"Death incarnate, and who ever did this will rue the day they were born" I heard from behind me. I spun around and stared at Fluttershy, as she stared back at me and all I saw in the eyes of somepony I had only ever known as meek and quiet. I saw pure unadulterated rage and hatred, as the lightning continued to strike and thunder roll. I had only one thought 'whoever did this was either really brave to piss of literal Death and Fluttershy, or incredibly stupid.
Oh dear. Fluttershy is in rage mode. Welp, CMC is dead.
OhhhHHHhhhh noooOOOooOOo, the CMC have gone missing. And no one can find them. Boo hoo