Sunset POV:
I got a few glances from students and teachers as I followed Thanatos out of the school,I didn't mind I understood why. As we walked down the steps to the parking lot, there was a small group of students surrounding one car, a pale Cadillac, just staring like it was possessed. As we got closer I realized why, it was Thanatos's car so I asked him "why are they just staring at your car?"
He seemed to chuckle as he answered "they're debating on if it's worth their life" he answered.
As soon as the small group saw us they moved out of our way and we got into his car. "So do you have a specific place you want to go eat and talk at?" He asked.
"We can go to Sugarcube Corner, it's not all that far from here" I said.
"Sounds good" he said as he turned the key and his car purred to life. He pulled out of the parking space and as we pulled into the road he just let the radio play.
The song played as we drove down the road, as I gave him the directions to Sugarcube Corner. The song finished playing as we pulled into a parking spot by the door, he shut of the car and got out saying "now I will answer any and all questions you have for me I will not lie but if I feel the need I will not tell you certain things."
"Sounds good to me,and I'll do the same for you" I said as I closed my door and followed him into Sugarcube Corner. We picked a window seat as a waitress came over to get our orders.
"Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, what can I get for you two?" She asked.
"I'll have a slice of chocolate cake, a strawberry milkshake" I said.
"And I'll have a cheeseburger, fried pickle chips, french fries, a slice of pie, and a chocolate shake" Thanatos said.
"Alright I'll be back with your order" the waitress said. "What was that?" I asked, I had never seen on person or pony order so much food.
"I wanted to see if the pie on this world was any good" he said.
"Wait? This world?" I asked perplexed.
"Yes" he answered "just like how you are not from this world."
"Who are you and why did you help me?" I asked, I really wanted to know so I figured I'd get the big question out of the way.
He smiled as he said "my oldest friend said that there was a problem in one of the world's he created. He said that I could help a child with fiery hair" he looked at me when he said that. Before he got a chance to continue our food arrived, he said thanks to the waitress and started eating.
"What do you mean your oldest friends world that he created, you mean like Faust?" I asked.
"No" he answered "I mean god."
I just looked at him with an eyebrow raised as I said. "You can't expect me to believe that God exists and that your friends with him. I mean I come from a world of magical talking ponies so."
"So your 'god'" he made finger quotes when he said god. "Would be an alicorn named Faust, yes I know."
"How do you know that?" I asked.
"Easy" he said like it was all supposed to make sense. "You have seen magic both in your original world and now in this world, this world never had magic before somehow, the mirror you came through was created. Now a magical world and non magical world are connected." He took a small break as he took a drink of his milkshake "this world was never designed for magic and it will get worse for everyone before it gets better."
"So what does this have to do with me?" I asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" He asked "you are the one who introduced magic into this world, you must fix what you have done, all I'm saying is I can help you by giving you better family life."
"I know your not my father and I know I have to make friends" I said. "But that still doesn't explain why your here on this world and not in heaven" I said sarcastically.
"Because I'm not an angel" he said. "I am one of the four Horsemen, I was chained by Lucifer and a dick by the name of Dean. Stabbed me, now I can't die, for reasons your putting together in your head" he said as he looked at me. "I always brought balance, as soon as I was stabbed the leash around me was broken and I decided to float until I found God's doors to his other universes. That's when he told me about you and he said his reasoning was 'because I needed some balance myself'" he chuckled at that last part like this was some joke.
"So your one of the four that are supposed to bring the apocalypse?" I asked, he just nodded. "You can't technically die?" I asked and again he nodded and I just stared at him trying to figure out exactly who he was, until everything he said just moved into place. The fact he said because they were debating whether it was worth their life, the pale Cadillac, the food, he can't truly di..."You can stop a war,you can feed the hungry,you can cure the sick." I looked at him with my eyes wide as he let a small smile graze his lips.
"But none can stop Death, very good Sunset Shimmer and no your not going to die, I want something more than to be a bringer of the end, I want to help you if you'll let me" He said.
I smiled, he wasn't lying I could tell. And if he wanted me dead I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even know he had helped me with the repairs for the school. Maybe he could continue to help me. "Alright Thanatos, but on one condition" I said.
He chuckled as he said "no one does unless they deserve it."
Good good
Thanks the next chapter is going to be the Principal's doing research on Thanatos aka Death and I figured I'd give him more personality than just I'm as old as god and don't really care