Flash and Somnambula followed the smoke trails at a relatively safe distance, keen not to draw attention to themselves should the enemy be made aware of two pegasi flying behind a convoy of vehicles. And so, they flew at a safe distance, following this strange convoy as it rolled through the desert. The formation, from what Flash could see, consisted primarily of smaller armoured vehicles protecting several larger trucks, each of which had blacked out cab windows and bodies. The trailers were also completely blacked out. It was clear to anypony observing that the operators of this convoy did not want anypony to find out what was in the trailers. The vehicles continue to plough through the sand and dust as quickly as they could, continuing to drive for approximately 10 minutes until they suddenly reached a large compound, at the centre of which was a massive pyramid. Surrounding the pyramid was a maze and network of auxiliary buildings, weapon platforms, and large tents. Watchtowers and searchlights surrounded the entire complex of buildings, keeping an eye on anything that was happening. As if that wasn't enough security, the base was surrounded by bunkers filled to the brim with machine guns and missile launchers. The vehicles pulled up at the gate and stopped. A soldier, clad from head to toe in thick armour and wearing a helmet and goggles, such that his face was completely obscured, held out a scanner and the driver of the lead truck scanned it. The gates slid open, and the vehicles drove into the complex, pulling up in amidst the maze of buildings and structures.
Flash flew closer, and focused his hearing as best he could, to hear what was going on. The soldiers were getting out of their vehicles and walking around to the trucks, idly engaging in conversation (conversation which, admittedly, Flash couldn't understand). The doors of the trucks were opened, and what emerged shocked Flash.
People. Humans. These trailers were transporting humans! That seemed like an oddly dark thing to do. The humans were lined up in front of a group of individuals, who all looked somewhat threatening.
One of them then began barking orders to the others. Several more soldiers formed up on either side of the lines of people, who were now being focused into lines of five. How many were there lined up? 50? A hundred? Flash couldn't tell exactly from the distance, but he thought it was a very large number, based on the lines.
The one who had spoken earlier began to speak again. Flash assumed this was their leader, based on his rank markings, although his equipment was of identical grade to that of the others, at least in appearance. He spoke for a while, in words that sounded quite harsh and aggressive, before indicating to one of his subordinates.
The subordinate saluted, and marched over to the control panel nearby, before throwing the switch down. Before them, a great door on the front of the pyramid began to open and more of those soldiers marched out, in perfect step.
"They sure keep this place well guarded," Flash muttered to himself, as the soldiers formed up alongside the people who had been brought in. One of them began barking loudly, and based on the movements of the other soldiers and the people inbetween them, it was some form of marching command, similar to the ones the Legion used. As the ominous light opened up from within the giant pyramid, the soldiers and the people vanished into its all consuming power, and once they were all inside and out of sight, the door was closed once more, and the place fell silent. With that, most of the soldiers on the base retreated indoors to the buildings on the site, presumably not wanting to be out in the sand and cold for any longer than they had to be.
"What are they up to?" Flash asked himself. "That's a lot of security for a place of that size. And what's in that pyramid? They sure don't want ponies to find out, that's sure."
"Flash?" Somnambula asked. "This place seems very dangerous, and I think we should head back towards the camp. Your friends are probably worried."
"You're right," Flash said. "Let's go."
"I don't think the Emperor will be visiting now, after what we've seen," Flash thought to himself, as they flew away from the pyramid and out into the wilds. "The Legion will probably be put on full alert after this."
When Somnambula and Flash Magnus returned to the base camp of the 3rd Legion, they could hear a lot of noise and sound, with playing of trumpets and drums. As the pair touched down to try and find out what was happening, they saw huge numbers of troops out on parade, with a parade of troops entirely in golden armour, polished to absolute perfection.
"This is the worst possible day to be late back!" Flash said to himself.
"Why is that?" Somnambula asked.
"That's the First Legion! The Emperor's own!" He moved into position as quietly as he could, aware his armour was rather grubby and could do with a clean, but there was no time. The 1st Legion finished their manuevres and formed a perfect corridor, as the elite guard of the Empire marched down the centre.
These warriors wore much heavier armour than most Legionaries, each bearing the text Ultimum in Principibus (the final argument of kings) on their greaves. In the centre was Emperor Hurricane himself. A stallion with red fur and a black mane and tail, he had dull bronze eyes and wore a silver helmet and body armour, which extended around his front, sides, and back, both parts lined with golden trim. The Emperor and his guard took their positions at the front of the parade ground, in front of the Principia, as Praetor Ironhead stepped forward and saluted.
"My lord," he said. "3rd Legion, ready for inspection, sir."
"Proceed," Hurricane replied.
Ironhead turned around. His eyes scanned along the entire parade, seeing Legionaries clad in immaculately clean armour and carrying perfectly maintained equipment. Then suddenly Flash, with his slightly messy kit, caught his eye. "LEGION!" he bellowed. The troops braced for the order. "LEGION... ATEEEEN- SHUN!"
With perfect synchronisation, every Legionary out on the field came to the shun position.
With one movement, the entire Legion returned to the ease position.
It seemed as though the Emperor would inspect this unit first, but suddenly Tribuna Iron Wing pulled Flash off parade and to one side. "What is the meaning of this?" he hissed. "You look like a dragon took a shit on you!"
"Tribuna, I can explain," Flash faltered.
"There had better be good explanation for this, or you'll be carrying boulders for a week."
"I was out off duty when I spotted a strange installation in the Valley of the Five Kings, and followed a convoy there. There were humans there, and they seemed to be guarding something valuable. The place was armed to the teeth!"
"Nice try, but it'll take more than that to get you off punishment duty," the Tribuna replied.
"Wait! I was there, and can prove what he says is true," said a voice, and Somnambula in an instant landed next to him. "This Glowpaz retains a record of everything that it sees, and will prove his word true."
"Get out of here, Neighiptian," Iron Wing sneered. "I can smell the sand on you savages from a mile off."
Somnambula looked visibly offended. "The only savages I see here are you," she said. "You took our land purely for natural resources. Nothing more savage than plundering a land's resources and then ruling over its people."
"Inciting rebellion, are we?" Iron Wing replied. "We'll soon deal with that."
"What's going on over there?" asked Praetor Ironhead.
"Disciplining a recruit for slacking off," Iron Wing replied.
Tired of all this, Somnambula grabbed Flash Magnus' hoof and flew over to the centre of the parade, right in front of Emperor Hurricane, who looked stunned to see their new visitor.
Somnambula bowed before the Emperor. "On behalf of Pharoah Hisan I speak. This land is seeing a grave threat that threatens both you and us. The humans are working on something deep in the desert."
The Emperor motioned to his guards. "Let her speak," he said. "And is this Flash Magnus?"
"Yes, my lord," Flash Magnus replied, bowing so heavily his helmet was scraping the floor.
He gave another order to the guards. "This matter is more important than a parade or an inspection," he said. "We must return to the Principia immediately. You two, come with me."
As the formation moved off, the rest of the Legion looked on in astonishment. The 1st Legion, however, moved to close off the Emperor from all others, forming a barrier outside the Principia.
Hurricane looked at Somnambula and Flash Magnus. "Fill me in," he said. "Every detail."
Holy Shit. :O
Indeed. Quite the words for it.