After the drama that was her brother's wedding, Twilight returns to the Golden Oak for a bit of rest. However, upon her return she discovers that someone else has arrived there. Someone she never excepted to see again so soon, and certainly not for the reasons they say they're here for.
I like where this is going so far
This looks to be a very good story.
Looks like a good start so far. I will be interested to see how this one plays out!
Whoa I didn't see that coming a Changeling wants to Will be an ally with twilight sparkle I think that is pretty cool but why exactly I guess we'll find out next time but this is a very interesting start keep up the good work
And this is just a guess And I could be wrong on this but is that Thorax I'm assuming or a different one
And if I remember correctly didn't thorax said he was part of the attack of the Canterlot wedding
Interesting start. Continue, please.
He was present, yes.
An interesting premise. Consider me intrigued.
I’m seriously intrigued. Can’t wait to see what’s next!
Ok you got me hooked, looking forward to see where it goes!
Hey, I like some of the headcanons people have. They've brought me some of my favourite stories.
I like where this is going so far. By the way, is the Changeling Thorax; the Changeling who will betray Chrysalis eventually?
Interesting, so Thorax, Kevin or a different changeling I wonder?
Hey, it may be a premise done several times before, but that doesn't mean it's not still worth doing just one last time, especially if it still tries to add something new to the mix.
That, and I'm typically always game for changeling fics like this, so... 
I'm wondering that myself, and I'd certainly like it to be (he is, after all, best bug)...but I'm not so sure it's going to be, on the grounds that the author sounds like they're going their own route post-"A Canterlot Wedding," back when Thorax hadn't been an established character, and doesn't plan to adhere to canon. That, and this 'ling doesn't feel quite right to be Thorax (though I guess it could always be an AU approach to him too).
But we'll see. Personally, I'd have no complaints either way, but I admit I am still hoping for Thorax--if not now then at some point later on.
Or could be that other changeling from slice of life episode
Either way both thorax or Kevin At least that's what they called him in the fandom back then
I'm so Alternate Thorax...
What a coincidence that you chose that before the show ever gave the name Thorax But this is a pretty interesting story so far I wonder how they will handle this
a thorax that acts like an actual subserviant drone? nice...
Can't wait to see what happens next.
"I am a librarian!!!"
"But didn't Princess Celestia dub us the Knights of Harmony before we went to help Cadance?"
Seriously, though, I wonder why Thorax isn't going into toxic shock, considering all the hate that's brewing around him.
Wrong genre, Pinkie
Future king of the lovebugs
I’m looking forward to the many inevitable problems that will arise when he tries to carry out her will.
Ah, but this isn't Thorax, this is Thorax 86, Thorax already having been taken several times.
Ha, just like FN-2187.
Love your take on this alternate Thorax, should make for quite the tale from here on out.
Also seems Chrissy bit off more than she could chew after her defeat, what goes around comes around I guess!
Well, that was disappointing. I was able to push through the incessant mechanical problems, but then you leaned hard into McCarthy's Twilight the mary sue bullshit with the conversation laying all the credit at her feet so I'm out.
Aw yeah! Black chitin changeling friends!
I liked the black chitin changeling aesthetic.
Back when they were unsettling and creepy.
I now want a fanfic where Pinkie Pie meets up with that changeling again, after the reformation.
I liked the old head canon where changelings had serial numbers. Glad to see it return.
So that's how the story is going to be like, eh?
there is a story by Doctor Atlas called Do You? where Pinkie has some special changeling . . .
diabetes cute
Well, I ain't using it!
You know, that actually doesn't surprise me that much? When you really think about it, "Thorax" is a fairly obvious name for a changeling, given MLP naming conventions.
Wow. I was wondering if it would be Thorax, nice to know that it is. Good job.
Ehh... This fic could work. Twilight and all the others are well-handled thus far, but I feel Thorax's dialogue is a bit too....erudite and dramatic for him. Unless, of course, this is simply how you wish to portray Thorax. I'll keep watching this fic. It's got potential.
Overall, thus far, 6/10.
I'm really getting a kick out of the dynamic between Thorax, Twilight and the rest of the Six. Especially Rainbow Dash. XD
I like how the interactions between Thorax and Twilight being referred to as his "queen" reminds me of Beast Wars Megatron dislike of being called "Queen" or "Royalty" by Inferno. xD
Oh boy So that means princess Celestia is gonna ask this changeling thorax For any reason why is he here and everything and this thorax is not to nervous at all dang Well this should be very interesting how this will work out
You ARE aware there is a canon changeling named thorax right?
With that in mind it might be beneficial to add the alternate universe tag.
My biggest question,is this version of Thorax really the emoutionless pragmatist he seems or is he deep down the same sensitive slightly cowardly Thorax putting on a front (knowingly or unknowingly)?
You mean, sent word.
10317287 Fair point
Mary Sue what???
I half expected a golden chariot to immediately descend on Ponyville.
pfft, excellent comedic timing.
So Celestia will be interacting with Thorax next time around, that should be interesting!