• Member Since 20th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday

Phoebe Fireworks

Author, Illustrator, She/Her


Good friends can squabble from time to time. It's part of a healthy friendship.

But when Applejack steps a little too far over the line, Rarity decides to give her some new perspective.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

I enjoyed this story.

Mayhe it has to do with the fact that it somehow hit close from home.

Have a like.

Thanks, it's appreciated! Glad to hear it struck a chord for you. I used some personal experience and perspective to hopefully make the story a bit richer.

That was an amazing! Such a great look into Rarity's thinking and perspectives, as well as a really interesting look into what could be her backstory.

I loved the way you wrote this and how you turned the way they interacted around. Very well written and superb world building.

Have a fav and an upvote!:raritywink:

You know thinking on it, this would also explain her knowledge on hoof to hoof combat

Thank you, my friend! Much appreciated!

I quite enjoyed exploring the concept, and I may expand on it in the future with more stories and artwork.


That's the kind of reaction I was hoping for! The rough draft of the story was darker and more serious, but I decided to refocus it to make it more plausible. I'd always noticed that Rarity avoids fighting whenever possible, but when it becomes truly necessary, she doesn't hesitate. That seems to speak to a discipline that makes this story more believable.

I look forward to seeing it!

That was a good story.

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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