I enjoy smole horse words
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Okay- this sounds hilarious, i will definitely check this out. Please continue this because this is awesome!
Fucking nice
Honestly you could just cut the Worm references and make him like mad scientist type.
True I could
But meh.
Moar plz?
Damn, I've watched all of DBZA but I can't really think of where that actually happened. Was it in a movie?
DBZA Brolly Movie episode
edit, embed seems to mess up the time link, 2:36 i think
Ah, thanks
You got me interested dude, keep it up, is getting better by the minute.
i want more this just sounds funny. i want to see when they find out he's a robo
I've never used "Questionable Questing" before, so not sure what's going on, but when I look at your profile there I don't see the "On a Steel Horse I Ride" post.
Do I have to create an account to see it? Or is it just not visible? (Or maybe I'm just blind and it's right in front of my face but I missed it?)
Could you put a link for your story on questionable questing? I managed to find your profile but not the story itself.
I've liked what I've read and desire more!
here you are
fair warning it's in the NSFW section so I believe you need to be logged into an account to be able to access it
there is the front page if you need it to make one, hope this helps ^^
...probably the strangest fic ive read in the last four years.(but in a good way!).
Suspect im missing context re your protagonist
Well Steel is actually a Worm story called "On a Steel Horse I ride" over on Questionable Questing that I can't link due to the rules. So if you check that out you might get some context.
And I stand corrected because someone already gave links. Thanks!

I think you need an account to read the NSFW section.
Title: Hentai-

Aah, that might explain why I couldnt see it, thanks!
Who is he doing?
Welp time to f the nightmare out of luna
Talk about taking several for the team
Oh boy is Luna going to quell her dryspell with the hentai horse? Because that would be fitting considering he's in one now~

I tried to find your story over there for the context and background, but it wouldn't come up on the search bar. Then I went to your profile, and the only content you had other than replies to other threads was a speculative green Antarctica thread, where is the story?
Huh... well it's in the NSFW section so you have to have an account to log in.
But for background on Steel itself the story is "On a Steel Horse I ride"
Hopefully this will help!
I could not but think of the horse in hentai that rapes the anime girls and goes 'Your resistance only makes my penis harder'
God... I should've had Steel say that when Moonie and him wrestled around...
Edit: I added that! Thanks!
Ok what is that from?
Some rape hentai.
I have no honest clue
Is this anthro or basic pone? I ask because you seem to have given AJ a hand instead of a hoof...
Aaaw lecherously adorable.
Thanks for the wave of updates!
Really? Damn... I'll fix that!

No problem!
Pony but Steel was origonally a human so even with horse body language probably doesn't change unless he's actively thinking about it
One hell of a picture indeed
Omake: Would You Rather
Rainbow: "So Steel, I have a question."
Steel: "Yeah, what is it?"
Rainbow: "Would you rather have only one pony to buck for the rest of your life, or buck as many ponies as you want but you can only buck them once."
Steel: (You choose the answer and his response.)
Rainbow: (and Rainbow's response to his answer.)
I'll be posting this. With you being credited.
Though you could've PM'd me to make it simpler but whatever. *shrugs*
Oops, sorry. Hehe
Hahaha! That brilliant!
Glad you approve!
Honestly I had to think for a few minutes to come up with it.
Hmmm pretty good pretty good more would be great
Is there supposed to be a chapter here or is this just for filler?
What’s with these last few chapters is the story not gonna continue?
He's had like six months to adapt, not saying he's gotten rid of a lot of his human mannerisms (ponies think he's eccentric for a reason and he only partial plays it up for his amusement).
Also I think I fixed the Hand thing. It was suppose to be hat, I'll check again though in case I forgot.
It's a quick and dirty of an Omake that I don't think I could do justice from the Mane Sixs perspective.
Sadly I don't think I can do "Angry/Hate" sex worth a damn.
Maybe if you ask Bronze politely he'll make moar omakes?
Aviators FTW
I was originally going to pick Heroes by the Aviators but I found this.
Not going to lie, this chapter was head smacking.