• Published 28th May 2020
  • 2,462 Views, 114 Comments

Beyblade: Metal Masters - New Harmony - Mkchief34

Equestria's Representative Team New Harmony, consisting of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Shining Armor, and Fluttershy, enter the Beyblade World Championships alongside Team Gan-Gan Galaxy.

  • ...

Prologue, Part Four - Gingka Hagane

As the assembled Bladers of Team New Harmony, Masamune, Hikaru, and Ryo waited at the entrance to the train station, Twilight looked over at Masamune, who was shaking with excitement.

"Calm down, Masamune." she said. "What's got you so amped up?"

"A battle with Gingka, that's what!" Masamune replied, smirking proudly. "I still can't believe I missed the Battle Bladers Tournament! I'll beat Gingka for sure, just you wait and see!"

"Well, best of luck to you." Twilight replied. "I've heard about that Tournament, though. How'd you miss it?"

"I was training in the US." Masamune's expression showed one of fond memory. "And taking care of a really good friend of mine. His name's Toby, and he's stuck in a wheelchair for now due to some strange disease. My pal Zeo and I were taking care of him and training as well, when I decided to return to Japan."

"I see." Twilight replied. "Your friend Zeo, what's he like?"

"Zeo's a great Blader and a super good friend." Masamune grinned. "I talked with him over the flight back here. He and Toby are doing just fine."

"I'm glad to hear it." Twilight smiled. "There's the train!"

As the monorail train pulled into the station, a group of three disembarked, the leader of which had to be Gingka Hagane. He was a little older than Masamune, with flaming, spiked red hair and golden eyes. His nose was covered by a horizontal bandage, and blue, black, and red clothing. His white scarf trailed down to his waist.

The next two were Kenta Yumiya and Madoka Amano, and as they approached, Gingka came forward to face his dad.

"Welcome back, Gingka." Ryo smiled. "Did you succeed?"

"Yep!" Gingka replied, holding out a Bey that radiated power and speed. "I found my new Galaxy Pegasus!"

As the Bladers crowded around, Masamune smiled as he came forward. Gingka turned to face his new, persistent challenger, and raised an eyebrow.

"So, you're Gingka?" Masamune smiled. "I'm Masamune Kadoya, you ready for a battle against my Ray Striker?"

"Heh, Ray Striker, huh?" Gingka replied. "Alright, I'll take you on!"

"Let's go, then!"

As the two Bladers rushed off to find a BeyStadium, leaving only dust behind, the others raised their eyebrows, gave a laugh or a sigh in the case of those who knew Gingka, and followed. They didn't notice a boy with a long blue ponytail and wearing purple robes watch from afar.

"So that's Gingka…" mused Chi-yun Li. "The Battle Bladers victor...he doesn't seem like much after all...still...I'd better watch this battle, see what he's made of."

As Chi-yun followed after them, a distance away, a Blader with the appearance of a lion was walking through the city, hands in his pockets, waiting for a Battle to erupt. Kyoya Tatagami gave a small, rare smirk as he turned to an empty BeyStadium. It had been about a week or so since he was released from the Hospital after his battle with the now-disappeared Ryuga, and he and Rock Leone were getting impatient, to get back into the swing of things.

As he started to turn away, his ears perked up at the sound of a Bey Battle from close by. As he walked over, following the sound, he raised an eyebrow at the match before him.

Three Bladers and a small girl, likely a mechanic from her accoutrements and repair bag, were watching another Blader take on a familiar face to Kyoya.

Yu Tendo and Flame Libra were locked in a tight battle against a Blader Kyoya didn't recognize. He was older than Gingka by about a year, with black hair featuring an orange splash in front. His dark blue eyes contrasted with his leather jacket and flame-reminiscent attire.

Somehow, this Blader reminded Kyoya of Gingka in a lot of ways. His energy, his Bey Spirit, they were quite similar.

As Kyoya settled against a bank of grass to watch, Yu called out one of his Special Moves, Sonic Buster. As Libra began emitting high-frequency supersonic waves, the other Blader merely smirked.

"Go now, Samurai Ifrit!" he called, and his Bey charged towards Libra. "Special Move, Burning Uppercut!"

Kyoya raised an eyebrow as the opposing Bey, Samurai Ifrit, charged towards Libra, cloaked in an intense flame.

"Whatcha planning, a self-destruct?" Yu said merrily. "Not gonna work against Libra!"

"We'll see about that!" the Blader replied. "Push through, Ifrit!"

As Ifrit hooked to the side, Libra's supersonic waves impacted. To Yu's surprise, Ifrit pushed through the attack and landed an uppercut blow on its opponent. As Libra was sent flying and then came to a stop on the ground, Yu gasped and then shrugged.

"Not bad." the Blader replied as Ifrit returned to him. "You're Yu Tendo, right?"

"Yeah!" Yu replied. "That was a super fun match! What's your name?"

"Zyro. Zyro Kurogane. It's nice to meet you, Yu."

As the two Bladers shook hands, Kyoya stood up and walked over, surprising the group of Bladers.

"That was an impressive attack." Kyoya nodded. "Reminded me of someone I know."

"Gingka Hagane?" Zyro asked. "I know him."

"Heh." Kyoya scoffed. "Next time we meet, I'll battle you, Zyro. Sounds good?"

"Yeah. You're Kyoya Tatagami, right?" Zyro asked.

Kyoya nodded and waved as he moved to leave. As the five Bladers and Yu watched him go, Zyro turned to Yu, who came over and pointed to Ifrit.

"So, what kind of Bey is that?" he asked. "I've never seen one like it before."

"You probably haven't." Zyro replied. "Our Beys are unique, almost one of a kind. Anyway, we should be going. We've got some things to attend to."

"Well, see you around." Yu replied. "And next time we battle, I will win!"

''I'm looking forward to it!"

As Yu and Zyro's group parted ways, the sound of another Bey Battle could be heard from close by.


"Go, Galaxy Pegasus!"

"Hit 'em hard, Striker!"

It had been three minutes since Gingka and Masamune's battle began, and so far, it was dead even in terms of skill and power. Ryo and the others had arrived as the battle began, and Madoka and Fluttershy were busy analyzing the match and both Beys.

"Who do you think will win?" Shining Armor asked Ryo, who smiled.

"I can't say." he replied. "But I do know that both Bladers are strong, and won't give in until the very end."

Author's Note:


Next time - Twilight battles Gingka, and Chi-Yun and Mei-Mei plan their challenge at the Chinese Embassy Plaza...