"That sounds...so...awesome…" was all Rainbow Dash could stammer once Ryo had finished telling them of the history of Beyblade and the recent Battle Bladers Tournament. Twilight had furiously been scribbling down notes on everything she could. The other Elements were simply dumbstruck.
"And with the conclusion of the Battle Bladers Tournament, we've officially begun Qualification Tournaments for the World Championships." Ryo said proudly. "Bladers across the world will compete to join Representative Teams for their nation or collective continent. With Equestria joining as well, you'll need to decide who among you wants to go."
"Quite right." Celestia added. "Shining Armor has already volunteered to go as the team's first member, so there are two primary member slots remaining, and one sub slot. There will also be a slot for a Bey mechanic or support member."
"Okay!" Rainbow Dash cheered. "Who's in?"
"Well, as much as I'd like to...I've got plans here in Ponyville, plus the Cakes need my help babysitting." Pinkie said sheepishly.
"And I have a log of orders that need completed as soon as possible." Rarity added. "And I simply can't leave Sweetie Belle behind on her own, she's too young for such a responsibility."
"Well, that leaves me, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy." Twilight smiled. "So, who's going to be the sub or support member?"
"I think I could be the support member." Fluttershy suggested. "I don't think I'm cut out for a sport like this. I could at least help by fixing the Beys after each battle."
"And I'll be the sub member, I suppose." Applejack continued. "With harvest a long ways off, there's not much to do around the farm right now."
"So I can be a primary member with Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked eagerly. After receiving a nod from Ryo and Hikaru, she took to the air and cheered.
"Alright, calm down, Rainbow Dash." Celestia said. "You must realize that you haven't even begun to use a Bey in battle, let alone how to master one."
"Which is why we brought these for you, fresh from testing." Hikaru nodded as she opened the briefcase. Inside was a quartet of modified Bey launchers, equipped for hooves, and four Beys each lying in a foam casing. Celestia levitated them out of the briefcase and set them down so the Elements could look at them clearly, while Ryo gave them each a Launcher.
The first Bey was colored purple, white, and pink, with the motif of an Alicorn facing the left engraved on the Face Bolt. The design of the Bey reminded Twilight of an ancient sorcerer's staff or the cover for a spellbook in the case of the Energy ring that surrounded the Face Bolt.
"Twilight, this Bey is Arcane Alicorn 145AS." Celestia said, giving the Bey to her protege and student. "It is a Balance-type that possesses well-rounded abilities. Though it's true strength is currently sealed, I know you will master it."
The next Bey went to Shining Armor. It was colored ice-blue, white, and gray, and inlaid with Blue crystals inside the Fusion Wheel. The Face-Bolt portrayed a Crystal Guard's helmet surrounded by shattered diamonds. His hoof trembled slightly as he took it, as he found it was heavier than he expected it to be.
"Shining Armor, this Bey is Crystal Colossus AD145D." Celestia continued. "Primarily a Defense-Type Bey, it also makes use of centrifugal force to increase its stamina in battle. Its weight also increases its stability to prevent it from being knocked off-balance."
Rainbow Dash was then given her Bey. It was also colored pale blue like Colossus, but instead of gray and white, it was brown and pale red. This Bey was equipped with three talons on the Fusion Wheel. The Face Bolt portrayed a Falcon with spread wings clutching the word "RAPTOR"
"Rainbow Dash, this Bey is Sonic Raptor D125R2F." Celestia chuckled amusedly at Rainbow, who was shaking from excitement while holding it. "It is the fastest Attack-Type Bey ever created, and possesses high striking power."
Applejack tipped her hat as she was given the last Bey. Its Face Bolt portrayed a figure holding up a globe, inscribed with the word "ATLAS". The Spin Track was equipped with a set of rubber wings, and the Energy Ring was shaped like a ball and chain.
"Applejack, this Bey is Burn Atlas RW145EWD, a powerful Stamina-type." Celestia smiled. "It is made to outlast any opponent, much like the mythological giant who held up the world that this Bey is named for."
As the newly-chosen Bladers admired their new partners, Celestia cleared her throat and their attention turned to her.
"Now that you have your partners, it is time to begin the journey to Earth and begin your training." she said. "I have taken the liberty of preparing the necessary items and clothing for you when you arrive."
"What do you mean?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Why do we need clothes?"
"Humans wear clothes at all hours. Despite your societal norms and perception of them, it would be wise to bring them along and have them ready." Ryo replied. "Just a precaution against unpopular opinions, if you get my meaning."
Rainbow nodded, seeing the reasoning in his statement. As Fluttershy was handed a toolbox full of spare parts for all four Beys and the necessary tools and materials to repair them by Hikaru, Celestia smiled once all five were ready.
"Are you all set?" she asked.
"We are." Twilight replied, her friends and now teammates nodding.
"Then off you go." Celestia nodded as a white light enveloped them, Ryo, and Hikaru. "I wish you the best of luck, Team New Harmony."
At Tokyo International Airport, at the same time, a plane from the United States landed and its passengers began to disembark. One of them was an eager-looking boy of about fifteen, with sharp brown eyes, coupled with white and black hair, and a lock of red that brushed his forehead. He wore a green and pale teal sweatshirt with fingerless gloves, and brown pants with a black zig-zag design. His green shoes matched the jacket, and attached to his waist was a launcher holster and a Bey holder, and he carried a white duffle bag with his personal belongings that rocked with his movement at his waist.
"I'm finally here!" he cheered, throwing his fist into the air. "I'm back, do you hear me! I can't believe they crowned the Battle Bladers Champion without me! What a joke!"
"Just you wait, Gingka! I'll show you who the real Number One Blader is, and that's me! Masamune Kadoya!"
As he was about to tear off towards the city, a voice called out to him.
"So, you've heard of my son, Gingka?"
Masamune turned to see a man wearing a red suit and a girl in a blue dress approach him.
"You're Gingka's dad?" Masamune asked. "Nice to meet you. I'm Masamune Kadoya."
"Ryo Hagane, director of the WBBA. My assistant, Hikaru." Ryo replied. "If you're looking for my son, he's unfortunately not here, and isn't competing right now."'
"Really?" Masamune frowned. "That stinks."
"But I can take you to him." Ryo replied. "If you'll do me a favor, Masamune."
Masamune perked an eyebrow in curiosity as he crossed his arms.
"What kind of favor are we talking about here?"
As Ryo, Hikaru, and now Masamune headed towards a waiting WBBA-marked SUV, a set of five others watched from afar.
The first was about seventeen, and a few inches taller than Masamune. He had messy, curled dark blue hair and auburn eyes, and wore jeans with a white shirt, and a jacket tied around his waist. He wore a braided bracelet on his right wrist.
The second, the sister of the first, had the same hair and eyes, but she was only fourteen. She wore a simple gray sundress with a brown jacket, and aqua shoes. A laptop lay under her arm, and she also wore a denim satchel.
The third had dark reddish-brown hair and grey eyes, and wore silver cargo pants with a yellow shirt and hiking shoes. His shirt had the image of a dinosaur footprint splashed across the front at an angle.
The fourth was an older girl, about sixteen, with brown hair and green eyes that matched her skirt and white blouse, with a gray scarf, and like the first, she had a jacket tied around her waist. She had a caring smile on her face.
The last one was a little taller than the first, with pale blonde hair and gray eyes, and he sported a braid on the back of his head. He wore a cargo jacket with jeans, and a white undershirt below that. He had a solid white bandanna tied to his left forearm.
As they watched the three of them leave in the WBBA SUV, the fourth turned to the leader of the group with a nod.
"Looks like we made it to the proper place and time. Just like we'd hoped." she smiled. "Jason? What do we do now?"
Jason turned to his friends and sister, and simply shrugged.
"We go about our days." he smiled. "We came back after seven and a half years, team. We've got plenty of time to relax and enjoy ourselves a bit, before we get to our mission. We'll keep a low profile for now, and get something to eat before we start gathering information."
As the five of them headed off into the downtown area, another group of five people in a nearby burger restaurant looked over towards the park. One of them raised his eyebrow at seeing them leave in a hurry.
"Those five had somewhere to be, and fast." smirked Zyro Kurogane. "Think they came back in time, just like we did?"
"I can't say." replied Shinobu Hiryuin, who took a casual sip of his glass of cola. "It's possible that they did, but it's not our concern right now."
"Agreed." nodded Sakyo Kurayami, who looked over at their mechanic, Maru, who pulled out her laptop and booted it up.
"Well, the device that brought us here was one of a kind, but that's not to say it could be built in another timeline like ours." she noted.
"Plus," siad Kira Hayama, who now wore a simpler shirt, jacket, and pants with his eyepatch, instead of his old bodysuit. "There are records at DNA and the remains of Hades, Inc of research into alternate timelines, where major historical events had different outcomes. It's possible they came from one of those, with a mission similar to ours."
"Well, I think we should at least keep an eye on them." Zyro replied, his teammates nodding in acknowledgement. "You never know, they might be able to help us out."
"Good point." Shinobu replied. "We should finish up and get moving. We've got a mission to finish."
"You got it!"
As the five of them continued to eat, the sun flashed overhead amidst the few clouds in the sky.
So the Shogun Steel/Zero-G bladers are here too? Can't say I was expecting that.
This will be fun
Replace the performance tip with a R2F performance tip.
Change the Fusion Wheel with a Burn Fusion Wheel, and instead of 130WD, make it ED145EWD. Not just for more stamina but also stabilization. It would be a real stamina type.
Okay...I think I can do that.
EDIT - Adjusted accordingly.
EDIT 2 - Also, thanks for the tips. I'm not the best at knowing which parts to use in custom Beys. If you'd care to advise me on that going forward, it would help me out a lot!
Yep, Zyro and his team of Bladers, and my OCs. Also, other Shogun Steel bladers will show up much later on.
I know all about the Beys in the Metal Saga series. What parts, how much attack, defense and stamina they have. Even some tricks I believe that can help. Have Alicorn have Dual Rotation. It'll be a surprise to a lot of bladers.
That I can do as well.
I'll gladly accept any suggestions/advice you give me.
Why not have applejack use a defense type? Then you can have a perfect balance of all types.
Colussus is the Defense type. And there is one of every type on Team New Harmony.
I misread that. My bad.
Not a problem.
So the girls are gonna take human forms once they get to the Beyblade world, right? I know Ryo said they would get them clothes, but I just wanna confirm my thoughts.
Haven't decided either way, actually.
Edit - They'll be human.
It’s nice to see the old characters.
This is pretty interesting.
Though its really disappointing Spike gets left behind honestly.
Like it hurts he got left out and doesn't get to go with the others there..