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The Best and Worst.

"So who's Adagio?" Wallflower hunched over next to the passenger seat of Sunset's car, she was struggling to fight back the behemoth she somehow vanquished moments ago.

Her stomach gurgled aloud in discomfort as once vibrant green skin was more of a pale sickly affair. Sunset watched with a hidden smirk from the opposite side, she knew this would be the outcome of such boldness in the face of burger adversity.

"Dagi?" Sunset placed a thin hand over her chin falling into deep thought.

"You don't have to share." Wallflower belched suddenly in embarrassment.

The sunkissed girl flashed an amused smile back towards her friend. "She was a total dork, always worried about the dumbest things." Sunset giggled while walking away from the car a tad deflated.

"I'm sorry." Wallflower let the words fall under her breath.

Sunset traced the road stretching into the horizon with sparkling turquoise eyes. "She drifted away towards her own path before I could say goodbye she was gone." She clutched her fist into a tight ball at her side.

Wallflower couldn't hold back another second as she erupted a stream of chili burger over the gravel parking lot. "It tastes even worse in reverse!" She squealed out with a shivering hand perched atop the car.

Sunset rushed over as the poor thing was in absolute agony of this purge, without saying a word she held her friend's hair back as she continued to let go. "Don't worry I have you." She gently massaged Wallflower's backside with concern.

This wasn't exactly how Sunset wanted to end this hangout session, but that's just how life works.

You rarely get a happy ending.

Wallflower watched the trees flash by in a blur of vibrant colors, her body curled into the fetal position in the backseat. She nestled her cheek on the door gently and watched the world drift by outside in complete silence.

"I'm such a loser." Wallflower drifted her gaze towards Sunset driving up front.

Sunset shrugged in reply taking a sharp curve as the car bounced roughly, a pothole sending vibrations across the car swiftly. "Yeah, you kind of are." She tilted her head back slightly to smile joyously.

"Wow, thank you!" Wallflower pursed her own lips into a frown.

"Well, you're talking to Queen of the losers!" Sunset shook her head in place from the girl's snippy reply. "I doubt we would've crossed paths otherwise." She finished with a genuine tone of seriousness in her voice.

"So that scene back there, you're not totally grossed out?" Wallflower lifted much like a zombie from the grave and rested her cheek tenderly on her friend's shoulder.

Sunset happily lifted a delicate hand upward and cupped Wallflower's cheek in a comforting manner. "Not at all, I actually respect you for it." She laughed wholeheartedly as they arrived back at the front of the school.

"You respect seeing me blow chunks?" Wallflower replied with a stone-faced expression.

"I respect you for sharing both your best and worst." Sunset turned to see a cute pouting face, finding herself lost in such dark brown pools of beauty.

Before the moment could linger a moment longer, a pale blue hand tapped on the driver's window roughly with no sense of mercy. Sunset turned to spot Vice Principal Luna casting a gaze that could petrify even Medusa. "Fucker!" Sunset mouthed her disapproval at the current situation silently.

The driver door swung open as Luna placed both hands on her hips fuming with built-up anger. "Enjoy yourselves, ladies!?" She snapped sarcastically hand motioning for Sunset to kill the car engine.

"Yeah, for a moment I was." Sunset rolled both eyes.

"Out of the car wiseass!" Luna pointed to the sidewalk behind her.

Sunset grumbled under her breath. "I need to park!" She lifted her eyes upward towards the principal, knowing if she left her car here it'd be towed again.

"I don't care!" Luna replied harshly as Sunset stepped out of the vehicle her chest heaving in place.

"Of course not bitch, you're not paying to get it out!" Sunset hissed before Luna towered over her in anger, an outreached hand demanding she sit atop the sidewalk now.

"Ma'am?" Wallflower barely could speak in a broken voice.

Luna just rolled her eyes and motioned the frightened girl to exit as well. Within seconds Wallflower plopped out of the backseat with a thud, almost crawling her way to Sunset's side out of pure terror.

"Shall we go inside?" Luna turned to face the troubled delinquents at her feet in exhausted dismay.

Sunset wasn't a surprise at all.

Yet it was the odd green-skinned girl who seemed out of place.

Luna for the life of her, couldn't quite place who this student could be.

"Wallflower Blush," Luna spoke aloud, still uncertain even as her eyes investigated the student's personal profile.

"I just want to apologize for any rules I might have broken." Wallflower preemptively tossed herself at the mercy of her educator.

Luna simply scrunched her nose in mild confusion. "It's a first offense, I'll just let it pass this time." She sighed deflated by the current state of children today, before turning complete attention to Sunset.

"But you, what got back from suspension like yesterday!?" Luna lifted fingers to her temple and began to massage.

"Two days ago actually." Sunset popped her lips loudly in defiance.

"You're expelled! I'm calling your mother, right now!!" Luna reached for the phone atop her desk.

"No need! I'll just drive home myself!" Sunset snapped before the woman could react, lunging out of her chair in a panic.

"Upon expulsion, I must inform your…" Luna flashed a concerned look to both girls in her dimly lit office.

"I'm the one who forced her to leave campus!" Wallflower stood out of her seat hastily.

"What!?" Luna narrowed both eyes in confusion.

Wallflower leaned forward over the desk as if to try and seem more confident. "If you must expel anybody, let it be me!" She lifted her hand over her heart solemnly.

Luna just snorted in disbelief. "I find that hard to believe."

"Believe it...bitch." Wallflower casually cursed her principal without even a stutter.

Sunset nearly exploded in laughter yet curbed it to a loud yelp followed by a soft cough.

"That dear wasn't the smartest choice." Luna's voice deepened into a scowl.

Wallflower could feel her life flash before her eyes.

She was totally dead.