• ...

Wheeling and Dealing.

Sunset rolled her eyes annoyed, the loud echo of the pistol still clinging to the air.

"Juniper, dumb bitch!" Sunset swatted the gun out of her face, turquoise eyes filled with a sense of indifference.

A pale yellow girl suddenly pulling the gun towards herself protectively, dark ocean blue eyes hidden behind sleek stylish cat-eye glasses. "Don't touch the merchandise, this prop is worth more than both of us combined!" She hissed in a very catty fashion, flipping Forrest green locks over her shoulder.

"What do you want!?" Sunset cut to the chase with both hands atop her hips.

"I got hold of that good stuff you...wanted?" Juniper trailed off as her eyes narrowed towards the hyperventilating Wallflower sitting on the floor.

"Oh nice, Mind Breaker!" Sunset smirked excitedly before walking off towards a tiny silver tin hidden off to the right corner of the room.

"Who's the narc!?" Juniper spoke in a rude blunt fashion, her hand flaunting to the frightened girl.

"That's Wallflower, she's cool." Sunset removed a couple twenty's from the tin.

"Too sweaty to be cool." Juniper sneered.

"Well, she's my guest, not yours!" Sunset walked over with money in hand, Juniper staring at Wallflower with pursed lips.

"As if!" Juniper rolled her eyes, suddenly walking out of the room.

"I can go…" Wallflower felt the walls closing in around her.

"Just stay here!" Sunset grumbled aloud, quickly following Juniper out into the hallway but not before slamming the metal door closed.

"I don't do well in enclosed spaces." Wallflower could barely even whisper.

Juniper stood in the hallway, leaned against a rusted metal frame of another storage compartment. A look of anger spread across her face, those dark blue eyes following Sunset's every move with careful calculation.

"Why are you being a bitch!?" Sunset spoke in a stern tone.

"Me!? ~ That weirdo in there has rat written on her forehead, can't you see that!?" Juniper let a faux laugh escape her lips.

"I said she's cool!" Sunset returned a blank stare.

"Well, I'm not risking getting caught with this shit!" Juniper ran a hand into a pale violet purse hanging from her left arm, removing a small bag of marijuana.

"This coming from the tard flashing a fake gun around!?" Sunset rolled both eyes, tossing a few crumpled bills against Juniper's chest in anger.

"I thought your lonely ass would enjoy a joke!" Juniper collected the money speaking through gritted teeth.

"But it looks like you'd rather just get busted, I'm not risking a job with my uncle for some dumbass!" Juniper let those words sting Sunset like a strike from a snake, the golden girl suddenly backhanding her with a loud pop.

"I knew there was a reason, I hated dealing with you!" Sunset huffed watching the yellow girl stumble against the wall, holding her cheek in both pain and shock.

"You'll pay for that loser!" Juniper began to walk away, heading towards the exit before feeling a tiny bag smack her up across the head.

"Take your trash too!" Sunset giggled tossing away her acquired stash, Juniper pouting at a loss for words, soon vanishing from view.

Taking a few seconds to collect her thoughts, Sunset spun around to swing open the metal door to her little slice of nothing. Wallflower tumbling out into the floor with a loud thud, the poor green-haired beauty holding to her chest gasping for a fresh breath of air.

"I… don't do well in… enclosed spaces." Wallflower was clearly in panic mode, her whole body shivering out of control.

Sunset cupped her cheek tenderly with a light smirk, this oddball had a warm sense of innocence to her actions, those she never thought could exist in this world anymore. "Let me walk you home." She spoke with confident reassurance.

"Kay." Wallflower gazed upward to her newest acquaintance, this day filled with too much excitement for her tastes.

Outside was far cooler than inside that little hotbox, the sky above now a lovely dull orange hue. A gentle ballet of wind blowing through their long hair, a familiar scent of fresh flowers wafting out towards the horizon.

The vibrant glow of fresh green grass that stretched endlessly or the melody of birds singing high above the earth from the treetops. These were the reasons Wallflower adored her time within the school garden, or simply outside for that matter.

Nature brought forth a true sense of harmony to the world, one that could never be stolen or corrupted. Perhaps one of the last few places with true goodness inside, surrounded by a world quickly being engulfed by madness.

"Did I scare you?" Sunset walked at a leisurely pace across the warm grey sidewalk.

"The gun thing? ~ Maybe a little…" Wallflower bit down on her lower lip sheepishly, deep down wishing she could be far braver.

"It was a dumb prop, Juniper works for her uncle at some Movie Set and thinks that just makes her smell like roses!" Sunset grumbled, still clearly annoyed by even mentioning that rude girl.

"Did I ruin your friendship with her?" Wallflower whimpered aloud in regret, running a delicate hand through her hair in utmost defeat.

"Juniper wasn't my friend. ~ People like her, they just use others to get what they want." Sunset flaunted her hand upward in a dismissive manner.

"Had she used you before?" Wallflower asked with a tone of concern.

"Not anymore." Sunset flashed a stern gaze as if silently asking to drop the subject.

Wallflower nodded quietly before coming to a halt in front of a massive two-story house, the sides overgrown with dark green vines as long tall grass seemed to devour the front yard. "This is my stop." She reached out to gently tap the golden girl on her shoulder.

"Damn, I thought my place looked spooky!" Sunset giggled as she stuffed both hands into her pant pockets.

"It's nicer from the backyard." Wallflower gave a tiny shrug, both cheeks burning a bright red.

"Guess I'll see you around?" Sunset quickly smirked as she began to dash off.

"Actually!?" Wallflower found herself yelling after the lonely girl in a loud tone, one she'd never had honestly heard before until now.

Sunset turned to lift a thin arched brow.

"Would you like to spend the night? ~ I can order something out unless you're a fan of cold leftovers?" Wallflower rubbed the back of her head embarrassed, knowing in her heart she must sound like a total dweeb.

"Thanks, but I doubt your parents would like my company." Sunset began to wave off the young girl solemnly.

"That's just it, they're not here…" Wallflower ran a hand down her own arm in growing silence.

Sunset found her turquoise eyes gazing off into the distance towards the Tartarus she called home, nothing but emptiness and echoes awaiting her in the dark. "I'd like… that." She let those words fall from her lips carefully, unsure what exactly she was letting herself do.

"Cool." Wallflower nearly squealed in excitement, turning to rush through the tall grass of her yard, only to trip and tumble into it instead.

Sunset ready to help the delightfully dorky girl up, yet a green hand lifted upward to pause her in place.

"I'm ok!" Wallflower replied embarrassed.

Sunset couldn't help herself but laugh.