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Once they were called to restore Luna's power and rescue another princess trapped in another castle. Now, Luna needs the Nightmare Knights to assemble once again to restore something else. As Celestia travels the world on her many adventures and thrill-seeking journeys, Luna realizes she is bored by retirement. In just a few months she has done all that Silver Shoals has to offer. And when she's done looking outward for an answer, she's left to look inward.

She needs music. She needs to show Equestria who Luna is, not who a princess is expected to be. She needs her team to restore what it meant to just be a pony like her. And to do that, there is one place she needs to start. To find herself, Luna needs to restore a love for her darkness.

(Optional readings, because not everyone reads the comics: Nightmare Knights Parts 1-5, MLP: FiM Comic Issue #67 & #68, MLP: Friends Forever Issue #37.)

Story Arcs Guide
Chapters 1-9: Beginnings | Chapters 10-15: The Nightmare Knights Find A Producer | Chapters 16-19: First Gig in Fillydelphia | Chapters 20-28: The Crystal Empire Arc | Chapters 32-39: The Cloudsdale Arc | Chapters 40-50: Mirror Arc |

Chapters (64)
Comments ( 192 )

You know. I was going to try this story, because the title sounded interesting. And then I saw what it's based on. And this story, and idea, is dead to me.

IDW should never have been allowed within the same universe as Friendship is Magic.

I would ask that you give it shot before misunderstanding the story. It is based on the show, first and foremost. The comics I suggested just give some context. The Nightmare Knights comics were pretty good and issues 67 and 68 are the only expansion we have on Tempest. Friends forever 37 simply names a location that gets mentioned briefly in the story and can be largely ignored for the purposes of the story. I've put some thought into this story and I honestly think you'd be missing out by misjudging it. Reading the comics is not necessary, that's why they're optional. They're there for those who are curious.

This is pretty epic. Luna playing power metal is pretty brilliant. Can't wait for more. I'm pretty surprised this doesn't have more views.

Thank you! I'm trying out bulk chapter releases, Netflix style, but with the first part done and the band set up, getting the next set of chapters out should be quicker and easier.

Looking good so far!

I'm not saying the story idea is bad. Far from it. We need more Metal stories on this site. It's the connections to the comics, as low as they are.

Honestly, it would be much funnier if Luna brought this group of absolute rejects together for a band, but without the comic's pretext for why they know each other.

Luna and Starlight is a given, seeing as when this is set. The rest shouldn't be like that, only knowing Luna from her role as former princess, and that's it.

Well, most of them are. The only other pony with a more involved story with Luna is Tempest.

“You’re right, I don’t. I would never hide something I like to do. And even after both my teams left me behind, I still wouldn’t betray my friends.”

Didn't you almost get Scootaloo killed once because you didn't care about safety regulations?

Yes she did. But who would expect Lightning Dust to be self-aware of her shortcomings?

Well she needs a good calling out in the upcoming chapters. Otherwise it just feels like an excuse to paint Starlight as the bad guy.

Good. I feared that there wouldn't be any conflict, just fluff!

Hah, glad you enjoyed it. For better or worse, I can't write fluff for long. Stories just form in my head on their own.

Never thought I'd find myself agreeing with Svengallop about something, but lo and behold, this story managed to surprise me.

It takes one bad personality to call out another.

This is a pretty interesting story so far And I never thought princess Luna will love music I'm sure she wants to do some saying after being retired and everything so I wonder how this will work out

OK now they got starlight to joined the band nice Part a fortunately I'm not a huge fan Of heavy metal I mean I'll possibly know some of the names but I won't know most of the music 😅

Hijinks are inevitable.

Political Wisdom from Luna! Immortals beeing wise and driven is always a sight to see!

So luna Is gathering up a couple of ponies to join up with her band and I wonder What she meant an old friend of rainbow dash All I can think of is gilda but who else

Ok I was not expecting Lightning Dust to be at rainbow dashes house but ok cool and she has some interesting way to listen to some music or whatever they called that but hey everyone listen to different stuff but I wonder she going to join in

Luna tilted her head. “Are you sure? Princess Twilight claims you have quite the vocal range.”

Oh Trust me she has a really good range of voice singing

So you got fizzypop in the group sweet I wonder who's next to join in its just too bad trixie could not join

Oh So you're making vinyl mute in this story ok cool And I guess Octavia knows how to communicate with her which is that's pretty awesome as well that's how much close they are

Vinyl looked at Octavia with a concerned grimace. “ Him? I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Oh lord Do not tell me it's him Because I really hate that guy so much :twilightangry2: I know what vinyl is talking about But unfortunately It's gotta be him

“I spoke to some pony in town I thought could help with the sound mixing once we’re done. She seemed eager to help, but pointed me in a better direction.” Luna showed Svengallop’s business card to the other mares.

God dang it i know it Svengallop return again after the bs he pulled 😒

“If that’s the same stallion I’m thinking of, then you might want to go back to the other pony,” she suggested. “Applejack and Twilight talked about him once over breakfast. Apparently, he was a lousy manager for Countess Coloratura, one of Applejack’s fillyhood friends.”

oh trust me he nothing but trouble ever since season 5 god I can't stand him

“You’re full of surprises, Princess,” Svengallop smirked. “Here I thought your sister was the one with the big appetite. What’s your secret to not getting fat?”

I will end his existence. The rage that was once Nightmare Moon pounded against Luna’s polite restraints. I am not a glutton!

Trust me Luna I don't blame you I will slap that dude in the face Is such a ungrateful selfish and mean pony ever 😤

So basically Luna not only hiring this dude But also see if he can change his mind about this whole thing and change in his attitude I'm being maybe not a lot but just a little but still we're talking Svengallop 😒 But I'm sure Luna Will find a way to make her dream come true somehow

If Luna won’t use her ‘royal voice,’ then you’ll have to pull back on your riffs. This isn’t an outdated Shadow’s Sabbath album.”

“I will try to ignore that you said that,” Starlight forced a cheerful smile.

Ohh Some pony is a little bit sensitive to there favorite band

So now they Have to practice their music The vocal and everything Yeah it's kind of hard to get recognized Specially during these days now Young people usually listen to pop and rap and Country songs come in 2nd it's kind of hard for any rock and roll or any rock group or something like that to get recognize But I'm sure she'll figure it out maybe

“So this means I can’t turn him to stone?” Tempest whispered to Starlight, who replied with a stifled chuckle. With little time on their hooves for sightseeing, the Nightmare Knights stepped off the station sidewalk and made their way towards their future.

Oh Trust me fizzypop I would love to see you to mess him up but right now later

Wow The music that you chose is pretty Freakin awesome Can't wait to see How the ponies and creatures well react to this

Glad you're enjoying it. The story is about Luna and the band, but it's definitely also about spreading the wonderfulness of power metal, just as Luna wants to spread her music to Equestria.

Yeah it is pretty awesome Have you ever heard of this song this is like a Metal sympathy goth mix with rap

I thought it was rocking

Oopies Looks like starlight got busted by her own students This is gonna be Interesting to explain to these kids that she is a heavy metal band singer lol 😆

“Oh, it’s nothing,” Starlight insisted, “I’m just paying him back for that ridiculous alibi that made me have to explain to our whole student body that I did not, in fact, break all four of my legs.”

“I panicked when Ocellus started asking questions!” Sunburst defended himself. “I just said the first thing that came to my mind!”

Yeah sunburst That was not your ingenious excuse lol 😆

Wow lol ok I do like to interaction of the three ponys fizzypop Lightning and Svengallop Specially they are doing this game that fizzypop called I like U game And I do like how lightning does suck at this game That was a good laugh And this is actually a good way to get to know each other lol

Reaching that far away with a teleportation spell could grab the wrong pony or, as Starlight put it, drop a piece of a swamp over your head.

Luna didn’t ask why she had to be so specific.

Yeah There is a reason why she said that and it wasn't pretty either

Of course, Luna didn’t expect she’d ever reach those heights. Heavy metal, and power metal, were small crowds compared to the titans of hip-hop, pop, rock, and electronic dance mixes. Still, if there was a pony who could help her band publish their album, it was Newbrand.

And don't forget about country because they also have a pretty good popularity as well Maybe not as big as hip hop pop and rock But they are on the list of popularity. Just saying

Oh wow I knew the lyrics sound familiar it was the song called Come my little children I saw that in the fan made music video of luna

Ok So basically Luna felt really awkwud with this dude Which I don't blame her It's a good thing she has a little advice from the others just to say no Let's just hope it doesn't go to awkward this time 😅

It looks like I got my lyrics wrong and I named the wrong music oops As I mentioned this before I'm not really familiarize with heavy metal music So I probably will mix up the lyrics that I'm mostly familiar with even though that's the wrong one 😅

Luna raised her head up with confidence. “We’re taking the photos tomorrow morning. Is that enough time?”

“What?” Shock coursed through Coco’s nerves and she crumpled the corner of the paper reflexively. “Luna, of course that’s not enough time! What are you thinking?”

That usually happens alot in the show ponys always get everything ready in the last minute i don't know why it just happened

So they are going to perform in a concerts thats pretty exciting and I wonder why Celestia is worried about being distant from luna maybe she relieve she wants to spend time with luna i wonder this will work out cant wait

Boy The conversation between scootaloo and lighting is nice There are some awkard moments when scootaloo talk about... I can't even say it either but then things got sweet lighting is Starting to realize that the error that she made to got scootaloo involved between her and dash She even from really bad about it putting her in danger And that was nice of her to apologize but then she Has a big mouth about starlight secret dang it lighting lol

Lightning Dust stood and watched, though she was otherwise disoriented and confused. Why would Starlight not tell any of her… Lightning’s ears drooped as she finally remembered why it was like a well-kept secret.

Because it was supposed to be a well-kept secret.


“Let’s see what we have here,” Luna sighed. “Page one. For the purposes of these terms of service, ‘User’ shall mean you as an individual or the entity you are representing which is accepting these terms of service. “Services” shall mean…”

“...Article Sixteen. Failure to comply to the terms set by this agreement shall render the user liable to termination with Iron Will’s Events and Hosting Co. and--” Luna shut the pile of papers as soon as she scanned the rest of the page. “That’s it, I’ve had enough.”

Oh my god she actually read the whole paragraph of the rules lol 😆

“I still say we keep an eye on him,” Starlight said, skimming through a few pages of the terms, “but he does seem legit. Some pony almost always gets a bad deal when they work with Iron Will, but whoever that is, it doesn’t seem like it’ll be us.”

Yeah you should tell that to flutter shy and twilight About how iron will almost gyp them

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