• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 997 Views, 8 Comments

The shadow heir - Void Streak

when dark magic is found in the crystal empire they realise that sombras hier is actually alive but what they dont realise is that the heir to king sombra is among them

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The call to the crystal empire

It felt if it had only had been yesterday when rainbow dash and her friends had banished Sombra, the pony who she is supposed to call her father. Did she want to banish him yes and no simply because she felt like she was betraying him and yes because she had to, he was an evil pony yet why did she feel so different about him to get rid of these thoughts, she decided it was time to go to to sleep.

Well it hadn't been five minutes when she was being shook awake by Fluttershy "Grr whats the matter Fluttershy can't you see i'm trying to get some sleep" she pouted.

" Sorry Rainbow its just that Twilight said we need to meet her at the train station" Fluttershy whispered nervously.

"Why has Queen Chrysalis returned. Is Equestria under attack" shouted Rainbow Dash.

"No i'm not sure why, Twilight didn't say" Fluttershy said quietly.

"Well lets go and find out" said rainbow and with that they flew towards Ponyville train station to find out what seemed to be the problem and why it was enough of a reason to wake her up.

When rainbow dash and Fluttershy arrived at the train station their friends were waiting for them "what is so important that I get woken up from my beauty sleep" asked rarity

Twilight responded by simply saying "girls we are going to the crystal empire" this lead to gasps being made around the room.

"Why" asked rainbow dash nervously who was started to sweat praying that they haven't found out about her true origins
"I'll explain on the way there" Twilight replied they then started to run towards the station.

After they got onto the train twilight started to explain "the crystal guards have traced dark magic heading towards the crystal palace" this lead to the second gasp of the evening

"But how, we defeated Sombra ages ago?" applejack exclaimed with a worried look on her face.

"Celestia is saying that it isn't Sombra but is in fact his foal" twilight explained this caused everypony to gasp in shock.

Shoot they know Rainbow Dash thought who was now shaking and sweating profoundly.

"How are we going to defeat her?" Rainbow asked then she realised her first mistake

"Wait a second I didn't say it was a girl" twilight stated with a questioning look aimed at Dash.

"I meant how are we going to defeat it erm, actually don't answer that I think I need a drink yeah i'm going to get some cider from the snack cart" Rainbow blabbered.

" Are you all right darling you don't seem yourself lately?" Rarity asked concerned for her friend.

"Y y yeah i'm perfectly fine, totally cool" she stuttered and with that she went into the next cart to have some cider and to think about what she can do. She started to think, what If they find out I'm Sombra's foal, will they still be my friends or will they lock me up and throw away the key. I could escape they won't catch up to me, no I can't do that, I could always confess, NO that's even worse what to do, what do? I'll figure something out later she then started to return back to her friends, even more nervous than before.

When she got back they started to discuss how they were going to catch him or her rainbow dash slightly felt bad for lying to her friends gah if I tell them I could get banished or worse she shuddered at the thought.

"Well Rainbow does have a point, how are we going to catch her or him" asked Applejack.

"Well first off we need to find out who it is" Twilight replied with a thinking look on her face.

"Well it has to be a unicorn and it has to be someone who supports Sombra and wants him to come back, ooh and he or she has to be advanced in dark magic and they must know their way around the Empire" pinkie pie said loudly in one breath.

"I hate to say it but i think pinkies right" said Applejack wait till they realise that Sombra's foal is a mare and a pegasus who can do dark magic and that it is their own friend thought Rainbow Dash it was kind of funny when she thinks about it. "hopefully they don't find out" Rainbow said to herself.

"Not necessarily the pony might not support king Sombra in fact they might not know who Sombra or what crystal empire is" rainbow replied everypony looked at her with a dumb founded expression "what i'm just saying she might be reformed" Rainbow said hoping that they would have the same views as her.

"Yes they could be reformed but still we shouldn't let our guard down" Twilight said bluntly the nodding their heads to show that they agree with her would they let their guard down for me Rainbow thought worriedly.

Applejack started to yawn "I think its time to get some rest we've got a big day tomorrow such as finding a way to capture king Sombra's foal" Applejack said quietly

The train whistle was what had woken them up everypony gave a yawn then twilight said "why are we still not at the Crystal Empire" she asked to no one in particular.

Then over the loud speaker came the train conductors voice saying "there has been a delay due too a weird looking dark crystal in the middle of the track sorry for any inconvenience this has caused to your journey"

This caused many grumbles however instead of causing a certain rainbow maned pegasus, this caused a panic to ripple through her like the ghosts going through your soul dark crystals mean one thing that thing is an omen, an omen that King Sombra is going to return she thought she didn't even want to think what would happen if he managed to take over the empire, she would be severely punished for her part in banishing her father she shuddered at the thought.


"How dare you try and convince my crystal slaves to rise up against me, how dare you!" Sombra bellowed

Rainbow Dash started to say "I I i'm sorry."

"NO SORRY DOESN'T CUT IT THIS IS THE FINAL STRAW. FOR YOUR PUNISHMENT YOU ARE GOING TO BE STARVED OF FOOD AND WATER FOR A YEAR!" Sombra cut in shouting so loudly ponies in the badlands could hear him.

"But but." rainbow dash started saying but was interrupted yet again.

" SHUT UP YOU FOOL, GUARDS TAKE HER TO THE DUNGEONS!" Sombra shouted loudly the guards came and dragged the now crying Rainbow Dash out of the throne room towards the direction of the dungeons.

*flashback ended *

You might be wondering how she survived being starved simple answer was she was immortal however even though she was immortal she still felt the pain both physically and mentally, that memory always brought tears to her eyes and compared to that he will probably do something much more worser most likely torture. Well she didn't like talking about it.

However this was impossible because every time she went or even closed her eyes she would find herself in the cold dark dungeon starving and feeling weak and she was so skinny after that ordeal that even her bones were showing it took days for her to return back to her normal state she gulped her thoughts were interrupted when over the the loudspeaker came the voice of the conductor.

"Mares and stallion colts and fillies welcome to the Crystal Empire" as the train slowly but surely came to a stop upon exiting the train they were all confronted by crystal guards they are here for me rainbow dash thought.