• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.


Few characters in the MLP fandom have divided fans quite like Cozy Glow has. A bit of a problematic character, she nontheless has her own fanbase, in pegasus, alicorn, and even in human forms. And today, a certain Mr Hook dislodges the monopoly previously held by Miss Miller.

Features Cozy Glow. In the popular section as of 4/5/20.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 38 )

That's why Cozy Glow was there. It all interconnects.

I wonder what Jimmy'll think?

He usually pops up about 18:00 GMT.

This story is just hilarious! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Comment posted by Kichi deleted May 4th, 2020

I wonder what Kitchi had to say.

I had the same thought as well, but he deleted his comment. Hmph, typical for a mortal.

Just say the word, and that pitiful mortal will be wiped from the face of the earth!

I'm not in the business of murder.

Alright then, I'll let him or her be on their way. Hmm, mortals, such basic creatures.

What's with the snobbishness?

Well I'm clearly doing something right.

"Now then, I need to figure out how to care for three rather than two people tonight."

Aw what the heck..... for future transformation stories involving me (with COVID-19 going on), can I please have myself being stuck with Tom and Katrina for the time being till the lockdown ends? It would have me finally venture out of Manteo for the first time in quite a while not counting temporary instances in past stories. :twilightsheepish:

We don't have enough space.

Unless..... we could have Katluna (I just can't help it with combining names. XD) use her magic in order to add in one more room. ^^

The council would notice and issue a notice for unpermitted building work.

Not if they notice a shield covering it.... ;3

That's against the 1974 Construction Act, which prohibits protective shields.

Rats. :(

Isn't there at LEAST something I could do for at least staying with Tom and Katrina? :(

We don't have the space or the food.

What about 💀 omega 💀 cozy it's better than ultra

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