Love. It transcends the mightiest of barriers... and death is no exception.
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Out at sea, rockin' steam dreams and pilot valves... Deuces.
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Wow. Just wow. It's all I have to say. Wow.
Ooooooooh shit son.
I like it. Good use of Catharsis. I love how you ended it...
Ehehe... that was actually me forgetting to change that one. Not used to actually finishing something.
I had to look up what that big word meant. Yes, it was totally intentional.
The part with the whale went over my head and I'm very confused. I'm going to have to go back and reread it at some point.
I think my feels have taken a critical hit to the chest… Recovery's uncertain, but the prognosis isn't good...
Bad ole Moby Dick used a sperm whale as a battering ram to bust into the chapel.
LOGIC.exe has crashed.
you just HAD to kill one of the most kind and loving ponies around, didn't you?
I do not have time to read it now. So I'll just favourite it so it will pop out later.
Why do this picture reminds me of "How to train you dragon"?
Oh that was a great story mate. Loved every part of it.
Wish you would do more with it like other adventures and the such because Pip is the coolest.
Great work again mate
3673012 Yeah, I don't think I should try to understand that scene after your quick explanation.
Have you ever feeled a feel of such feel that no other feel could compare?
Will be "Featured", calling it right now.
Ehh... doesn't seem to be on track fast enough to hit the Box. But I don't really care, this one was a gift for a friend, so its special in its own way.
This is fucking awesome and the fact that this isn't featured is a crime against literature.
Luna and Pip, damn. You started by telling us the end, then made it hurt anyway. Worse yet, we all kept going because some part of us dared to hope, but the rest of us knew. I would say some words of condemnation, some cliched phrase to ease the feeling, but no. This was good, and I'll leave it with some honor... and this whole pretentious writing as a sign-off.
I love it, Rust.
Edit: I think you screwed up the source for that image, it leads to this. Nice and all, but I kind of wanted the original image.
Rust, that was perfect. Just enough action, more than enough feels, and plenty of awesome to go around.
That was beautiful.
I'm having a hard time shipping Luna and Pip with anyone else these days, they're just such a fun couple.
Twas a was great story for the night before Christmas, but man do I want to read the expanded version. Excellent job Rust.
3673012 Even in a sadfic you manage to sneak in a dick joke. Some things never change.
I can't favorite this enough, this definitely deserves to be featured. A very well written story that I'm glad I got to read.
I love you for writing this.
Oh stop it you, you're gonna make me blush.
Naw. You deserve it.
Dayum... that was bittersweet...
Why'd you have to punch me so hard in the feels?
My feels. Ow.
Hurting shouldn't be so good.
That was not only an amazingly heartfelt and touching story, but just a brilliantly written and elegant piece of prose as well. The language flowed smoothly, the pacing was perfectly balanced, and the descriptions were astonishingly vivid and beautiful. Then on top of that you hit every fucking feel my limbic system is capable of!

Thanks, babe. NAW
Awww... did somebody get the sads?
3805961 NO! My eyes are just sweating from all the reading!
It's okay, bro. My eyes do that do. Especially after watching The Notebook.
I knew delving into your other works was a good idea. I just didn', couldn't, had no conceivable way of knowing what I had been missing. I could have guessed for years and would have fallen far short of the mark. After Stuffed and Racing Starlight, I picked this one up on my break at work and...damn. I'm just glad I work with a bunch of pony-friendly types or I'd be hard pressed to explain if someone found me, how was it put, with my eyes sweating from intense reading? Yeah, that.
Three down. A bunch to go.
Please never stop writing.
Oh, stop it you!
So it was all a dream?
I think it would have been much better without those last three words, regardless: Good read!
Damn you! So was that a dream..or did he wake up only metaphorically...or are you just trolling us with that ending? GAH!
You evil, dastardly, utterly brilliant monster for tugging at my heartstrings like that!
Commencing liquid expeling.
Status: overflow.
Executing program "weep like a baby"
Rehabilitation commencing, expected time of full recovery:... Unkown.
Take my upbote, you magnificent, heartbreaking bastard!
Also, on another note, nice joke with the Sperm Whale.
Not gonna cry... not gonna cry...
Yeah, I'm not fooling anyone, am I?
Oh god here I go, why u make me cry?
i love stories that make me cry, they're always the best ones
This story was amazing. The title answers the question of where he woke up. I think.
I feel like I should say more, but I've got nothing.
I would have cried, but that was mostly because all of my tears had been used up on my math midterm.
Interesting similarities.
My only problem with this story is a that it seems they never formally married (especially before making love) but I will just assume they did so in secret and never revealed it because he wasn't the sort to enjoy the political side off being the prince-consort.
Death is sad (at least for those lefr behind) yes, but I would think that waking up in Heaven would reduce the sad, right? Or was it just that that line is the one that 100% confirms to you that he is dead despite what our hearts are hoping?
I agree about the title.