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Plot Aggression

"Isn't there something you enjoy doing? You must have some sort of hobby or something like that."

"You mean aside from bullying?" Sugarcoat kept trotting along the hallway, Twilight at her side. "I know how to drive a motorcycle, but I had to learn that for the Friendship Games. I wouldn't say I'm particularly good at it, or that I enjoy it. There's singing, but that's not much of an accomplishment in a school that forces you to be good at that too." She paused for a moment. "There's dancing. That I have fun with. But I'm not particularly good at it either."

Twilight pursed her lips, frowning in thought. "I'll see if I can think of a way to help. I'm sure there's something out there you would enjoy, we just need to figure out what."

"You're thinking of asking my acquaintances in the other world for help, hoping they know something about me that I'm currently unable to see because of my shaken emotional state, aren't you?" Sugarcoat stopped as she finally reached the door leading outside.

Twilight gave a slightly too large smile as she heard that. "Maybe?"

Sugarcoat answered back with a rather small one, but distinctly a smile nonetheless. "I know I can get better, I just don't think it's worth forcing others to put up with me in the process. But I can't stop you from doing it. Thank you." She looked outside and sighed. "I might go look for a clothing shop. It should help reducing the stares." She looked at her thighs for a moment. "And I'm more used to pockets, I'd rather not have to keep money in my hair."

"Oh." Twilight nodded, her eyes darting to follow Sugarcoat's gaze for just a moment before she stopped herself. "Yeah. You should probably try to exercise with that, too," she added, looking at the opposite end of the mare instead. "I can help with it if you want."

Sugarcoat's eyes slightly crossed as she focused on the horn protruding from her forehead. "I suppose you're right." She adjusted her glasses after that. "Well, it's been nice meeting you. See you around."

Twilight was about to wave the unicorn goodbye and turn back, but suddenly she noticed something. Or rather, she noticed someone. "Hah!" she half-yelled, pointing a hoof in their direction as a smirk suddenly appeared on her face.

Sugarcoat's eyes followed the direction Twilight was pointing towards, and settled onto a rather tall winged unicorn who she assumed was Equestria's own version of Canterlot High's principal. The horse was still, her eyes open wide, her pupils shrunk to pinpoints and focused on Twilight, her mouth half open, one of her hooves holding a slice of lemon cake halfway between the ground and her face.

During the brief moment in which the two winged unicorns stared silently at each other, something fell between them from a balcony on the higher floors of the building. The large creature then quickly scrambled back to her six legs and began to run away, and a moment later Shining Armor landed in the same spot, encased in a bubble of pink magic which he then dispelled. A second after he was gone, again running after the creature.

Twilight and the other tall horse, after both of them had stared at the display in confused and unmoving silence, once more locked eyes with each other, and then both disappeared in flashes of light.

Sugarcoat adjusted her glasses again, and finally walked out of the building.

Author's Note:

Proofreading by IncongruousAndHarmonious

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