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Shining tensed. He eyed Luna's body on the stretcher partly resting over his back, then looked around again. Something wasn't right, he could feel it. Something else was coming.

At his side, Cadence seemed equally as nervous. She too looked around uneasily. With all the destroyed buildings they should have been able to see far in the distance, but the winds lowered their visibility dramatically. She hoped they weren't walking towards danger without even realising it.

She too looked at Luna's body. The alicorn was still asleep, and breathing softly and quietly. Nothing seemed to wake her, but there was also nothing immediately wrong with her. Towards its base, nost notably at its roots where it attached to her head, her mane had taken on a reddish, sunset-like tinge. The same for her tail. Cadence could not begin to comprehend the details of what had happened between Celestia and her sister, but it was clear from the former's chest marking that the two had begun to share a connection beyond just their familial bonds as a result. One had given something to the other. Cadence hoped there wouldn't be any dangerous consequences in the long run.

If they lived long enough to get to worry about that. There was still no guarantee Twilight's plan would work, as uncomfortable as it was to admit it. And Luna was not the only unconscious pony they had to carry around. Applejack and Fluttershy, both for seemingly different reasons, were equally as debilitated and unaffected by Celestia's attempts at healing them. And Celestia herself was still devoid of magic beyond the powers of her coil, drained from both the exertion of using it so intensely and the events of the previous night, and unable to heal herself the way she could others. She was infinitely useful to them in her ability to help others, but she was still a defenceless target they needed to protect.

Shining worried about their ability to cover all their vulnerable members. Celestia needed top priority for obvious reasons, but they couldn't simply focus on her and risk damage beyond her ability to repair it happening to the other vulnerable targets. Aside from the three unconscious ponies, many of the ones there were simple guards, and some were even less trained than that. A couple were mere civilians. By contrast, the ones truly capable of by themselves making a huge difference in a fight where far fewer in number. Him and Cadence, Sunburst and Starshine, Starlight and Firecracker. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. A few particularly skilled or experienced guards, though that was stretching the definition. Nothing insignificant by any means, but would it be enough to cover for everyone? How many ponies exactly would each one of them need to keep their attention on and protect at all times?

Would they even be able to defend themselves against what they might run into? He had heard of how the soldier they had taken prisoner had been saved. It did not take him much effort to imagine what would have happened if he hadn't been. If what he feared had really happened, he wondered whether they'd really be able to put up a solid fight if they ended up in the wrong place.

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