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Wings o' | Lost in Translation

Rainbow Dash had been looking over portions of the city, flying low to the ground and taking care of any stray soldiers or mutated ponies she might run into. She'd reasoned, not wrongly, that the moment she was needed she'd be able to get back to the tower quickly enough for it to not be an issue, and it was best if in the meantime she stayed out there trying to do as much as she could.

She still was not over what had happened to the area where the weapon Twilight had held against had been located. It hadn't been Twilight who'd broken it like that, and she'd not been the one to make all those soldiers disappear either. Maybe they'd just run away, maybe the machine had broken by itself after overloading or somesuch and they'd retreated fearing it would blow up. But she doubted that was the case.

Something had happened there. Someone had helped them. Someone who'd been far too efficient at what they'd done for her to be comfortable with it. She couldn't say for sure it had been a massacre when there were no bodies left, but that didn't make it better.

She was roused from her musings by a sound. A single note, crystal clear, loud and permeating but not deafeningly so. Immediately her attention turned towards the apparent source of it, and she saw the pillar of light rising towards the sky in the middle of the Empire. In just a moment she'd changed direction, her wings beating as she sped through the streets of the town towards her destination.

"That's a nice squares pattern there."

Rarity almost choked on her drink, a most impressive feat given she'd not sipped from her cup yet. "Excuse me?" she finally managed to say, glaring at the stallion like he'd just said shoulderpads were fashionable that season. "This is a diamonds pattern, dear." She leaned her back to the side a little and subtly nodded to her own cutie mark for added emphasis.

"Well, where I'm from we call these squares."

"They are not even square!" Rarity whined. "Why would you ever call them squares? You wouldn't call my cutie mark made of squares either, would you? Gems, maybe, but certainly not squares."

"They're not diamond shaped either. Gems makes sense for your cutie mark, but as silhouettes? You only think of them as gems because you're used to calling them diamonds. Squares is a much more fitting name, unless you were to specifically call them rubies I suppose."

"But they are not squares!" Rarity waved her hoof slowly up and down in front of the pattern. "They are very clearly in what everyone would recognise as a diamond pattern."

"And it looks nothing like a diamond. Just because a lot of ponies agree with something that doesn't mean that's right, especially when they only agree because they grew up being told to and nothing else. I suppose it's at least not as bad as the way you call flowers clubs though."

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