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Bolts of magic flew after the group, narrowly missing them and streaking by. While carrying him along slowed them slightly down, the stallion knew that holding their prisoner as a shield behind them was likely doing at least something to throw off the aim of some soldiers. And if he died in the process it would be unfortunate, but it would be from a spell that would have killed one of them otherwise.

They had not been too far from a road when they'd been knocked down, and they were close to it and getting closer still. Whether they would make it was another matter, as was what they would do after. The unicorn threw up what few illusion spells he could to disoriented the soldiers behind them, and Pinkie was aimlessly chucking balloons backwards in hopes of catching something or at least causing a distraction, but it all at best could buy them some time. The mutated ponies, though knocked down by the explosion, where getting back up, and if they were sent after them things would end pretty quickly. Magic blasts they could try to dodge, but they had no way to deal with simply being outsped.

The ground suddenly shifted under their hooves as magic flowed through it and a wall of light blue crystals sprouted ahead of them. For a moment the unicorn faltered in his steps, but seeing the others running still and knowing what was behind them he chose to keep on running as well. They had no time to stop or find another way. Up ahead, when she quickly got to the wall, Applejack bluntly smashed through it with her shoulder and kept on running while keeping most of her momentum, and soon after Pinkie and the unicorn followed in through the breach she'd opened.

They managed to get into the road, but by the sounds of crystals being crushed behind them they knew it didn't matter much. And by the way some of his mane was shaved off and singed, the unicorn knew the spellslingers chasing them were starting to aim better. Running was all they could reasonably do, but it wouldn't do much if they were simply too slow to get away.

Suddenly, up ahead the stallion saw Applejack moving towards the side of the road, towards a tall building, perhaps another hotel like the one they'd passed through while reaching the crossroad. At first he thought she may be planning to enter it, and possibly attempt to hide inside. What she did instead was head straight for the corner section of it, and slam into it as hard as she could manage. Both him and Pinkie just a little ahead realised what was happening and quickened their run as much as they could, against the protest of their lungs and legs, pushing themselves into a last sprint while Applejack kept tearing through the side of the building as it began to collapse forward onto the road.

It felt like they made it through just barely. As the building collapsed behind them and dust and rubble rolled forward to their sides, they did not stop to look back. They did not ask themselves if the soldiers and creatures chasing them had been caught in its fall or if they'd avoided it by staying back. They just ran, and they ran until they suddenly entered another building, and only once they'd entered it and found a room to hide in did they finally allow themselves a moment to rest.

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