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Bon Bon ducked behind a wall, and Lyra followed her. "Anything on that side?" the first asked, leaning past the corner to look at the road ahead.

"Nothing here," Lyra replied.

"Good." Bon Bon leaned forward at her side, and had a look there as well. She gave a nod forward, then rushed to another space between two buildings. Again, Lyra was quick behind her.

The sounds of battle came from all around, and it was hard to tell which scuffles were close and which far away, or where exactly ponies were fighting. That side in particular seemed to be occupied by the majority of the Empire's forces, at least compared to the other two thirds of the town.

Lyra again leaned forward past the edge of the building. "Things are clear here. We should go while we can."

Bon Bon looked down the other end. Things were momentarily clear there too, but she trusted her partner's judgment. She lacked in experience, but she seemed to have a good track record with decisions. They quickly ran across the street and into another narrow alleyway.

Suddenly there was a loud crack. Bon Bon and Lyra both looked up, back towards the palace, and saw it starting to fall. Bon Bon was the first to force her eyes off the sight. "We can't do anything about that," she said, looking down the road again.

"Looks like she's already on it." Lyra gave a nod and tapped Bon Bon on the shoulder, pointing her towards the purple shape in the sky that was Twilight making her way back to the centre of the Empire.

Though she tried not to show it, Bon Bon breathed a sigh of relief. "Things are clear," she said, checking the road again, and again she began to run through it. Not a moment after she'd left the alley, however, she was yanked back by Lyra's magic. Before she had a chance to question her, the wall of the building she'd been heading towards crumbled as one of the nightmarishly mutated ponies the opposing army employed rammed one of their white construct soldiers through it and into the ground. Silently Bon Bon ran towards the opposite end of the alley and across the street there, as Lyra led the way.

They settled down behind another building, catching their breath. "Are you going to explain that to me at some point?" Bon Bon asked.

"When we're not at a risk of dying every minute," Lyra replied, sliding closer to the other corner of the building to look beyond it. "Fighting on this side. Keep quiet, but it doesn't look like it's coming this way."

"Why didn't you tell Twilight?" Bon Bon asked, looking down the street they'd crossed. It looked clear, but just a building past it she could see artificial ponies being hurled up in the air and loose sparks of magic flying around. "I get you wanted to play coy and you didn't expect we'd end up in the middle of a war. But why not tell her?"

"Honestly, I have no idea, probably because I'm an idiot," Lyra said. "But I still think I'm doing a decent enough job at keeping both of us alive, and I'm pretty sure she figured it out anyway considering she let me stay here." She looked down the same street Bon Bon was checking. "We can make it past this building if we stick to this side."

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