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Journey Through the Dark - Part 6

To her left, the corridor stretched onwards, ending at another staircase. To her right, the corner she'd rounded moments before, and behind it the portion of the corridor she'd already explored. In front of her was a door, metal this time. Not particularly reinforced, seemingly not locked, but certainly sturdier than the wooden things she'd found so far. It carried a sense of importance, maybe just because of its different material.

And on the other side of the door were voices. One apparently male and the other seemingly female, but she couldn't exactly make out what they were saying even with her magically enhanced hearing. No point enhancing it further, random noise would become too much of a problem if she did. And she wasn't about to put her ear to the door, there was always the risk it opened on her.

She'd looked everywhere else up to there and hadn't found anything. It was fairly clear that what was in front of her was the laboratory, and if she wanted any kind of information on the research being done there she'd have to get in. She wondered for a moment how ponies there even decided when to sleep if it was always night. But regardless of that, waiting for the ponies in there to leave wasn't a good plan, even assuming they left through that door and not through another one.

Waiting for one of them to open the door so she could walk in, learn as much as she could, and leave when she had a chance to wasn't a great plan either. It was what she'd decided to go with though. Of course she could always just immobilise the two if she was found out, and probably wipe their memory afterwards. She didn't really want to, but she could. Maybe she did want to, knowing what they did in there.

And so she was left to sit and wait there. She certainly couldn't open the door herself with them there. And she couldn't knock on it for them to open it. Unless she deliberately wanted to subdue them. Which was an option she could resort to if they didn't open the door soon enough, but again not something she actively wished she had to do.

She supposed she could check the other end of the corridor first before sticking there and waiting for the door to open, though.

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