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"Is this all?" Twilight asked.

Starlight nodded. "Yes, it should be everything."

Twilight looked over the bundle of notes once more. It wasn't as big as she'd hoped it would be, but there was nothing to be done about it. "Thank you." She had a look around the room. "And about the other thing?"

"Right." Starlight took out a smaller folder, and put it on the desk next to the bigger one. "There you go."

Rainbow watched from behind a wall, seeing through it like it wasn't there. She felt she wasn't supposed to interrupt. She felt like she wasn't exactly supposed to be there, either, and yet she wasn't sure. There was something about the dream, a nervousness visible in it from outside. She was supposed to help with that kind of thing. She just wasn't sure it was right to see what she was seeing.

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