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"Is your family doing alright?" Rainbow asked.

Pinkie nodded. "They are. I think they are. I know they were the last time I heard from them but I haven't heard from them in more than hours so something might have happened but I probably shouldn't assume that and if something did happen I would have probably felt it and certainly heard about it unless it was so bad and so big I couldn't hear about it from them in which case I would hear about it from someone else for sure. What about your parents?"

"They're doing okay too." Rainbow paused to take a sip of her soup. "Cloud houses haven't been hit as bad by the step so that's not really a concern." Another sip. "Speaking of that, was your family's farm alright?"

"Nothing too bad," Pinkie replied. "Rock growth was a little slowed down for a bit, but nothing catastrophic. Maud said there was no long lasting damage, just a bit of a reaction to the shock."

"That's good to know," Rainbow said. She looked at her bowl with lazy eyes, then took another sip. "I think I'll go to bed early tonight. I'm a little tired."

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