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Startracking light

Starlight was in Ponyville when the Behemoth came to Canterlot. Working at her desk in the School of Friendship. Supposedly so, at least. In practice, a lot of her head lying on the table was involved, alongside quite a fair bit of her eyelids sinking threateningly low over her eyes. The natural consequences of staying up until late the night before, and she should have known better, but she would still blame it all on Trixie if asked.

The good news was at least there wasn't much work to do, it being summer and all. The less good news was her staying up the previous night had also come at the cost of work she was supposed to do then, meaning her workload that morning was doubled and she was late on the delivery.

Despite all of this, she still spent a considerably large portion of her time lying motionless as she fought back her sleep, and an equally significant portion of the time spent differently either watering or petting Phyllis. In fairness, it was one of the few things she could manage without risks of messing up, given her conditions. And even then, she'd almost given her coffee to the plant.

It is important to keep her condition in mind when considering the events that followed. For example, the way she took far longer than any other creature to notice anything was wrong. Her first instinct, upon feeling the vibrations in the ground, was to assume students were running through the hallways and mutter something against them, too tired to put any effort into her words or to get up and go take a look.

It took a few more quakes, enough for them to get stronger than what yaks jumping out of her door could justify, before Starlight actually realised there were no students possibly there to cause all that. What followed was a very confused attempt on her part to get up from her desk, grab Phyllis, and run out of the room. She mostly succeeded at the last two, but the first resulted in far more tripping and hitting her head than she would ever be willing to confess.

She was about halfway through her second corridor when she remembered that the throbbing cone of pain and headaches attached to her forehead had uses besides moving plants, and teleported outside the shaking building in a flash.

"Is everyone okay?" she asked immediately upon reappearing outside the school and seeing the group of creatures already gathered there. Setting Phyllis down, she started looking around to see who else had made it out.

Sunburst gave a nod, as he too checked to make sure no one was missing. "That should be everyone."

Starlight gave a sigh of relief, and exchanged a brief hug with Trixie as the two of them found each other. "What's happening?" she asked, as another, yet stronger quake shook the earth.

Trixie pointed a hoof towards the mountains in the distance. "That."

Starlight followed the direction with her gaze. "Oh."

Author's Note:

Proofreading by IncongruousAndHarmonious

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