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Infinite Shapes Most Dreadful - Part 3

"So, are we going to meet up with Luna or what?" Rainbow asked, flying around the other two ponies as they walked through the forest. On a whim, receiving no answer, she moved a little further ahead, and Pinkie leaned towards the Rainbow Dash still there.

"Are you sure it's safe to let her go around like this?"

Rainbow bit her lower lip. "Not really, but I'm much less worried about her than I am about us. If I know how you know me, she can defend herself, and she'll give the creatures something to jump on before they pick us. As long as she doesn't get annoyed of just patrolling the border and makes a dash for the centre of the forest I'd say we're as safe as we can be."

"So like, where are we anyway?" the other Rainbow asked, looking around as she came back. "This place looks all kinds of messed up."

"It's the Everfree Forest's manifestation in the dream world, as far as I understand it," said the armour clad Rainbow. "And it is messed up. It's been getting this way and worse ever since the Behemoth arrived."

"Everfree?" Rainbow pulled a face. "That's impossible. It was destroyed when Sombra came back. Razed to the ground in the blink of an eye, it looked like the whole place had burned down in a second. Unless..." Her face lit up, and she gasped. "Oh my gosh! Pinkie, we've travelled back in time!"

"Uh... No, I'm pretty sure that's not what happened," Pinkie said. "I guess it is what happened to you, but not really, but maybe it is. I should ask Twilight about it. Or Starlight, she knows about time travel. She does, right?"

The flying Rainbow frowned sadly. "If only it had helped. She tried to, but it didn't work. I guess the amnesia made you forget about that too." She lit up again. "But now we've done it! We can fix things! We need to find Twilight and warn her of what's going to happen!" She dashed off in a random direction, then immediately came back. "Right. Dream world. Luna first. Hey, me, when are we?"

The real Rainbow looked at her other self. "Uh... Past Hearth's Warming, the first one since the Behemoth got here. Still winter. If it helps, we just had the first new step, which is why I had to get here in the first place."

The flying Rainbow pulled another face, literally so as her hooves dragged on her cheeks. "This is real bad. The first new step wasn't until summer and that's when things started going bad! Someone's already altered the timeline!" She moved to Pinkie and almost shook the mare in her grip. "Pinkie, we need to do something! We can't let the grasshoppers incident repeat!"

Pinkie offered the best smile she could. "I'm not really sure what that one was. But I'm sure we'll manage to fix everything!"

"Do you two hear something?" the other Rainbow asked, lifting a hoof to silence the pair.

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