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Time to Stop?

"It's a long story, actually."

"We've got nowhere else to be for a while. I've got time to listen."

"I'd rather not."


"I'd rather not yet. Maybe I'll tell you when we know each other better."

"You're making it sound a lot personal."

"Well maybe it is."

"Alright. Alright, not going to push there if you don't want to talk about it now. Wasn't really expecting you to back away on that after the ropes joke but I'm not gonna bother you. Anything else you want to talk about?"

"Sorry, it's just- Yeah, it is kind of personal. Anyway. Do you smoke? Cigarettes, I mean."

"I'm an athlete. I need my lungs. That's like asking you if you'd purposefully try to cut off your fingers. Why?"

"Because I'd have had to drop you if you did. I can't stand it."

"Wait, didn't you get caught smoking once in school?"

"Yeah, when I was trying it out. Thought it might be useful for a few tricks. It turns out I hate it, I gave up on it after a week."

"That's kind of impressive, actually."

"The wonderful feats of willpower being broke and a student allows one to pull off, right? Right up there with surviving on precooked noodles for a month and getting only a day's worth of sleep across a week."

"You say that like being broke and a student aren't the same thing."

"Crystal Prep exists, so clearly there are some exceptions."

"Does it really exist though? Do we have any proof it's not just a collective hallucination? A farce held up by a group of paid actors?"

"The must have quite the special effects budget if they managed to not only make the other Twilight destroying the statue look convincing, but also somehow make her look hot while doing it."

"Hey now. She looked hot before that too. Wait, no, that's not what I meant to say, forget I said anything."

"I don't really have a thing for glasses."

"I mean, me neither, it's just that-"

"You have a thing for everything that's female and breathes."

"Don't call me out like that. I'm at least a little bi. A little. And even I wouldn't touch Cinch."

"I'm pretty sure the requirement that it be a breathing creature ruled her out already."

"Hah. Yeah, it probably did."

"Aside from that though, is there any girl you wouldn't have wanted to sleep with?"

"Huh. Tough one. I wanna say Adagio just because of what a bitch she was to us and, well, everybody, really, but honestly? I'd still tap that."

"Same. Why are all the hottest girls secretly aliens from the horse dimension?"

"I mean, there's Rarity."

"Too posh. She looks like the kind of person who'd stop in the middle of sex because she broke a nail. Forget about pulling her hair while you're at it."

"Are you into pulling hair?"

"Are you into getting your hair pulled? Actually, don't answer that. We'll just find out together."

"I... I know this is weird coming from me, but don't you think we're going a little too fast with things?"

"I wasted the last two years trying to go after Sunset when you were right there, I don't intend to lose any more time."

"But what if it doesn't work out?"

"Then we'll have lost less time. Now please drink a glass or two of water."


"I don't want the eggs to cover up what the inside of your mouth tastes like."

"That is the least sexy way I've ever seen someone ask for kissing."

"I wasn't asking."

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