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"What are you listening to?"

"Oh, this?" Sunset removed one of her earphones and passed it to Twilight. "It's this weird new band I found online, I think they just started to put out stuff. They're called Coldstars. I was just giving them a spin to see what they're about."

Twilight took the earphone in her hand and gave a listen. "Huh. You were right about the weird part."

"This song is called Justice," Sunset said, looking at her phone for confirmation. "I think at this point I've almost listened to the whole album, there's only a couple songs left. Might as well check those out too."

Twilight passed the earphone back to Sunset. "Is all of their music like that? I'm sure it's someone's thing, but probably not mine. I can dig the concept, but the execution leaves me a bit cold."

"A couple of them are weirder than that. A couple go into slightly different direction. But in general I'd say that's the style they follow," Sunset said. She didn't put the earphone back in, so she could better listen to what Twilight might say. "I'm not sure how I feel about the whole thing. It feels very experimental, which I think is warping my opinion a little. Like it's more of its own attempt at something than a proper album."

"It might even be just a one person thing," Twilight added. "Synthesised voices and a lack of individual instruments do point in that direction."

"There are a couple guitar bits that sound like they were properly recorded, actually, but yeah," Sunset agreed. "Not really good guitar skills or good recording, for that matter. Whoever it is they probably wanna keep their identity secret, considering they don't speak a single word on the whole thing."

"Maybe it's some popular musician's secret side project that they'll start teasing the masses about and then it'll explode in popularity just from brand recognition through their name."

Sunset shrugged. "Maybe. I'll at least hand it to them on the aesthetic, they keep a pretty consistent style with the lyrics and tone. For as weird as it is it surprisingly delivers on being an album titled Digital Suicide."

"Well that's cheerful," Twilight said.

"And you haven't seen the cover art. I tried a reverse search and it turned out nothing, so I think they might have taken it themselves," said Sunset, holding up her phone so Twitter could see the picture of a blue rope tied into a noose, resting over a red blanket with an abstract vaguely floral pattern. The girl blinked.

"Cool," said Pinkie, who was suddenly there. Neither Twilight nor Sunset jumped at that, but both wondered if it was really a good thing that they'd gotten used to things like it.

"Nice stockings," Sunset commented, looking at what she could see between Pinkie's skirt and boots. "Didn't take you for one to wear black like that, but they look nice on you." She did not put into question Pinkie wearing a skirt and exposed stockings during winter, either.

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