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The two ponies flew side by side, slowly, over the snow-covered mountainside. "It was around here where it first happened," Firecracker said, looking around. "I think I might still be able to figure out where exactly."

The mare looked in the same direction they were. At least, they assumed she was, it wasn't all too clear. "I could show you where it first happened to me," she said. She rolled to the side in the air, towards them, but disappeared before hitting them and popped back out on the other side. "But it might take you a while to get there. It was near Ponyville. I almost hit a tree."

"I hit a tree as well. Well, not with my body, but it did happen. A couple of times." Firecracker had another look around. "It did not go well for the trees. It's what I'm looking for right now."

"You think you can still spot them, even with the snow?" asked the mare.

Firecracker was silent for a moment. "Maybe. Probably not though. It was raining pretty hard. If my eyes land on one I might recognise it, but I'm not really sure where to look." They scratched their chin, a few small bursts of electricity arching between their hoof and their jaw, like miniature lightnings. Then they looked further ahead, and their expression lit up. "But I can recognise that!"

Firecracker dived forward with a burst of speed. When they landed onto the jutting chunk of stone, the other pegasus was already there. "It happened here," they said, turning to look around. "Yep. Definitely here."

Pinkie slid down the alleyway with all the stealthiness a person playing out the most exaggerated and caricatural miming of someone sneaking around they could manage could manage. Sunset and Twilight were rather glad, as it made the girl extremely easy to follow despite her constant refusal to adhere to the laws of time and space. They really would have lost her once she'd stepped into a side alley and walked out one further ahead and on the opposite side, otherwise.

Somehow, though, Pinkie's target was as oblivious to her as she herself seemed to be to her friends. He just kept walking down the road, head covered by the hood of his jacket, hands in his pockets.

Poking out from behind a wall to observe their target's next move, just as she did the same with her own a little further ahead, Twilight whispered to Sunset, "So what is the plan, exactly?"

"We stop Pinkie from doing anything dangerous," Sunset whispered back, before dashing across the street to hide behind a skip.

Twilight ran behind her, as quietly as she could. "I think you'd need to tie her to a chair and lock her in a room with padded walls if you actually wanted to achieve that."

Sunset failed to come up with a valid counterargument. "Anything dangerous to someone who doesn't even know her. Besides, if there's a portal here then we need it secured as fast as possible."

Twilight nodded at that. "You're right. I just hope this whole thing doesn't end up hurting anyone."

Suddenly, there was a sound behind the two girls.

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