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Still Life

Fluttershy watched the tips of her feathers. "Is this going to be permanent?" she asked.

Twilight paused for a moment, and followed the direction of Fluttershy's gaze. "Oh, that. We don't know, actually. Same with the mane. It's not bothering you though, right?"

Fluttershy was taken aback for a moment. She pushed her mane in front of her eyes, and for the first time noticed the red streak still shot through it. "Oh, I didn't even see that." She shook her head, letting her mane fall back to her shoulders. "No, it's not a bother." She looked back to her wings, the tips of their feathers still blue.

"Good." Twilight nodded. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright." Fluttershy leaned back against her pillow. "Really. I feel fine."

"That is good to hear," Twilight said. "Are you sure? No light headaches or fatigue or anything else like that? Even if it's something minor, you should tell us about it."

Fluttershy nodded reassuringly. "I'm sure, Twilight. I'm just fine."

Twilight seemed to clench her jaw for a moment. "I believe that. Sorry, I'm still a little frazzled after the whole thing. It's not every day one of your friends falls ill to an unknown magical disease with no clue as to how bad it will affect her."

Fluttershy giggled in response. "I understand that. But there are a lot of things like that recently. Things you would have called rare if not unique once. When something starts coming up every other day, maybe it's time we re-evaluate what is and isn't unusual."

Twilight gave a sour smile. "I suppose you're right. This is the world we live in now." She sighed. "I'm glad you're alright. You'll still need to go through a few tests to make sure you actually are all right before you can get out, but I'm still glad everything seems to be resolved."

Fluttershy nodded again. "I'm sure it will all be fine. Don't worry about it." She looked towards the closed window on the opposite side of the room. "What time is it now? My internal clock is all over the place after all the unintentional sleeping."

It was Twilight's turn to chuckle. "Unintentional sleeping is a light way of putting it. It's late in the afternoon, why do you ask?"

"Will the tests have to be done immediately? I'd like to take a short nap first, if possible."

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. "After all the sleeping you've already done?"

"That wasn't proper sleeping," Fluttershy replied. "And this bed is very comfy," she added, moving side to side and digging herself deeper into the pillow to emphasise her point.

"Are you absolutely sure you're feeling well? No bouts of sleepiness or sudden fatigue or-"

"Twilight." Fluttershy looked at her friend. "I know myself. And right now I just want to take a nap."

Twilight sighed. "Sorry. You're right. I better leave you to it then, you probably need it." She stood up, and headed for the door, turning off the lights. "See you soon."

"See you." Fluttershy waited for the door to be closed, then did the same with her eyes. She just hoped she would have enough time.

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