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Thinking certainly wasn't going to hurt, the stallion had a point there. Twilight's clone tried, if a bit lazily, to envision herself as something else as she watched her image in the mirror. Nothing seemed to happen, but then again she'd been seeing herself as herself all along. She turned to the other, questioningly lifting an eyebrow.

The stallion looked back at her. After a few seconds of silence, he blinked. "Sorry, was something supposed to happen? Did I miss something?"

Twilight's clone grit her teeth and channelled her frustration into a sharp inhale. "I don't know, did something happen? I haven't noticed any changes, but I didn't notice it the first time either."

The stallion cocked his head to the side. "No. Doesn't look any different to me. Though it might look different to someone else, I can't tell you that. I can't see the world the way another pony sees it, much less the way another creature might. Not that anyone can, actually, barring some very advanced types of magic of course. Things would go a lot more smoothly in the world if everyone could just see things as others see them at will."

"Can we get back on topic before Scarlet gets back here?" Twilight's clone asked. She was starting to get mildly nervous about running out of time, considering she was in the kitchen with a mirror that didn't belong there and a pony she needed to eventually shut up one way or another.

"Oh? Oh, right." The stallion perked up. "What exactly did you try to do?"

"Visualise myself as something different, I guess. I was going for a pegasus this time," Twilight's clone replied.

"And it didn't work. There must be something different from how you did it the first time. It must have been instinctual there, maybe the thought was just the catalyst. Maybe it's a matter of need." The stallion frowned, deep in thought, and his tone lowered. "It must be. For me, it's about enjoyment. But for you, it must be a matter of survival."

Twilight's clone cleared her throat. "Hello? Still trying to help me?"

"Your voice sounds different too. It might be useful for you to know that." The stallion looked back up at her. "I can already recognise you. I know you're you, and I'll always know you're you. You don't need to be hiding from me."

Twilight's clone paused to think about that. He had a point. Even if she wasn't consciously aware of and controlling her camouflage, the fact remained that it was useless with the stallion. Unnecessary, unneeded. There was a faint click, somewhere within her, and she noticed the stallion was suddenly smiling. "Did something happen?" she asked, a tingle of excitement rushing down her back for the first time in quite a while.

"You're purple and winged again, to me at least," the stallion replied. "So I'd say it did. This reminds me, by the way, do you have a real name? Not the lie you told Scarlet. I can't keep calling you Princess Twilight's copy in my head."

Twilight's clone was silent for a moment. "What is your name, anyway?"

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