• Member Since 26th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Lets Do This

We're going to build an exact copy of Ponyville... right over there! We've got less than a minute!


Twilight has decided: she's the ruler of Equestria now, so she's done with sending those private letters to Princess Celestia. Just one small detail: she hasn't told Spike yet. Yeah, this'll end well...

(Takes place between The Ending of the End, and The Last Problem.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 37 )

I actually fell off the MLP:FIM show watching wagon a long while ago, so I'm very behind when it comes to the lore of the show.
But this...
This is adorable, wholesome, and almost makes me want to go back and finish it. Be that as it may, I like this piece, you should absolutely be proud of it. :twilightsmile:

Many thanks! In some ways, this is me coming to terms with "all grown up" Twilight as a character, since I've tended to focus more on earlier parts of her time-line. It's still a little strange (and somewhat bittersweet) seeing a very Celestia-like Twilight in The Last Problem, with little flashes of the Twilight that we know so well peeking through. It's great to hear that I made it work for you. Thanks!

Parts of this made me think this story warranted a Comedy tag!

That was incredibly sweet and touching. Great job! :pinkiehappy:

This was a sweet short story. Plus it had a few funny moments too.

Great..... another bogus Twilight is Ruler story. -_-

C'mon, man, you didn't have to make a scene over it. Now you just kinda sound like a jerk.

I just don't like the way the show ended like this, okay? :/

sending those private letters to Princess Celestia

In what episode did that happen? Or are you talking about those letters the Mane Six sent up until season four?

I am assuming that Twilight, even though she's no longer required to send a letter a week as a "homework assignment" on her Friendship studies, would have kept up her correspondence with Celestia, simply as a regular interaction with her mentor. It was an interesting linguistic puzzle, figuring out how to succinctly express that in the cover summary, making it clear that I know it's no longer a requirement, but is something Twilight still does apart from any official correspondence, because deep down she finds it personally beneficial. Though it's a good thing Spike happened to come back in time to remind her of that...

If Hasbro and DHX Media wanted to be original with the final season, they could of just.... oh I don't know.... made it by not copying what Lauren Faust had for the show originally if it ended when she was still part of it?!! :/

If you like, you can think of it as "another Spike manipulates Twilight because she's the same immature, dependent nebbish she always was" story. Is that better?

Maybe. That could work somewhat. :P

Rather enjoyable one-shot. REALLY good job on the exchange, characterizations and general wrap-up in all the right places. Yeah, I LOVE how this is set early in Twilight's reign. Spike's reaction to Twilight's news was well done as was Twilight's point about how it wasn't fair to Spike to keep using him in that manner. And, yeah, Spike got a better job out of the deal, albeit one that will keep him pretty busy.

I have a feeling that one of those bits of important news is going to be Sunset and her human friends graduating from Canterlot High in the human world (Celestia would DEFINITELY want to know about THAT so she could attend the graduation ceremony), as well as probably Pinkie and Cheese's wedding and Rainbow's promotion to Wonderbolt Captain (both of those would at least qualify as important news).

Anyway, as I said, great one-shot and I'll definitely be looking forward to more of your work in general.

This was very sweet. Glad to see more stories following Twilight and Spike as they manage the country. And happy to see them happy doing it.


Then don't fucking read stories based on the ending you didn't like. That way, you don't have to leave comments in stories you didn't even read. And if you did read it, see Point One.

There. Problem solved. Don't thank me, thank your recruiter.

-rolls eyes- Whatever..... :/

I'm still adamant anyways. :T

Nice. Not quite feelsy enough for tears, but quite touching.

Yea Twilight couldn't stop writing to Celestia for very long, the content of the letters might change sure but she'd be back to it in no time. Also Celestia would miss them too, and likely insist Twilight keep sending them literally to vent her frustrations about the minutia of rule to someone who understands what it's like. Also I still think Celly and Luna will only stay "retired" for a few decades, when you live for Millennia your going to come out of and go back into retirement repeatedly to keep sane.


What does that have to do with THIS story?

Chill already.


Like I said: I'm adamant. :/

I don't see anyone trying to change your mind.
Your opinion is your opinion.

My question is why respond to this story?
What did this author do to you?

Wouldn't your subject be better suited for a blog post?

I just don't like seeing Older Alicorn Twilight Sparkle as the cover art. :/

Besides.... Hasbro could of been more original with using a older design for Alicorn Twilight rather than just copy Celestia's design. :/

A very nice reasoning for Spike to ask her to make more letters, processing would change Twilight at least a little and for the first few years it makes sense someone like her would be so much into the role that she would need help to unwind here and there. Spike is pretty much the only one by her side as her friends are so far away now and meet up here and there.

Again, your opinion has been noted.

You might want to find a better way to express it then with random negative comments on people's stories.

This was a very nice and sweet story. I really enjoyed reading it, especially for the characterization of Spike throughout it. The bit at the very end was just the cherry on top. :yay:

Yeah, they could have copied Cadance's or Luna's design!

He's been saying the same thing ever since the finale. Same words every time more or less. And he's saying it on the stories that come after it, and no place else.

I think he's looking for these kinds of stories so he can bitch about the finale. Instead of doing it as a blog post, so not everyone on the site can see it.

Granted I can see why they did if. They were not going to spend extra money on one new puppet for a single episode. So them using celestia is understandable

That was a pretty sweet story well worth the read

"So now... I despise all cheesy things! Muah hah hah hah!"

:moustache: Great villain laugh by the way.

:twilightsmile: Thanks. I've been practicing.

Cute story that I could almost see as an actual episode, Have an upvote & I look forward to more of your work in the future!

Sweet story it shows how well spike knows twilight (even though it could be read as spike needing the letters too

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