• Member Since 5th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen Sunday

Israel Yabuki

Canon x OC, that's my specialty, both in art and in MLP stories


Comments ( 61 )

That scene with the mom though

Where did you get the cover art?

nice chapter so far keep up the good work cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy:

A good start and I was curious if we would hear about what had happened to Timber or not. Keep up the good work man and stay safe.

from equestria girls legend of everfree

I love the stories pls keep update it

Oooooh, Gloriossa eh? This out to be interesting. "We got this?" Yeah right, got what?:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: That's a joke by the way

The guy was a couple of years older than you but you spent 3 years doing an extreme exercise routine: 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and then a 10 kilometer run every single day. The guy was easy to take down and you whispered to him the one thing that scared him. "That's for killing my dad 3 years ago. You stay the fuck out of my life or I'll send you to the slammer in stitches!"


Who's next on the Equestria Girls romance stories? You should do a solo Sonata, Aria and Adiago stories!

I already did the Dazzlings, I'm not writing them again

Have you written a story about Cheerilee?

How’s chapter two looking?

Wish I had a mom like that

Can't wait for the next chapter

awesome chapter keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Awwww bro that is perfect. A wonderful job

thank you. I'm glad to know you like my latest chapter

Hes good buds with the guy that essentially put his father in prison for 10 years?

That was a sweet ending of this chapter, buddy. Well done!!! :twilightsmile:

No, his father's dead. He put his father's killer in prison for 25 years to life.
Timber was the one who was arrested for 5 to 10 years

He went for a grab at the girl's ass and tried to grope her and pull her close to him

Ah ok misunderstood it then.

So Far so good, His employment to his first date, things are getting good for the next chapter. overall it's cute. Awesome work

Mind if I ask who's next?

Sunny Flare. But uh... for that story... you might need a tissue box.

Or... make that 2 or 3

Huh. So we finally see you have her in a story. May be wrong though (my memory is shit a lot of the time). As for that comment of yours, either that or I'd need to punch something. We'll see.

That was beautiful man beautiful. So perfect

Your welcome. If I may ask who are you going to do next?

I already said this before, I'm doing Sunny Flare, look down in the comment section to when I left my reply to DarkSpider

Okay, how was I not aware of this story?! It's incredible!

'"Did something happen to him? Where is he?" you asked.

"Well… since you've been a huge help to me around camp, I might as well tell you. My brother, Timber Spruce, he… he's in prison," she said.

"Seriously? What for?" you asked.'

Really whatever our name is in this she mostly told you when you had the interview what happened to him

The guy was a couple of years older than you but you spent 3 years doing an extreme exercise routine: 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and then a 10 kilometer run every single day. The guy was easy to take down and you whispered to him the one thing that scared him. "That's for killing my dad 3 years ago. You stay the fuck out of my life or I'll send you to the slammer in stitches!"

Must've read a One Punch Manga I see.

Lovely story
How about Zesty Gourmand next?
And Mrs. Cinch?

Zesty Gourmand? uh... I don't think that's happening anytime soon.

Cinch... definite possibility. Zesty Gourmand... she might be too old for that

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