"No. No more. I can't let this happen to anyone. I have to get out of here."
In a rush, Twilight grabbed all her belongings and stuffed them into her backpack and case, ready to run like the wind. The sounds finally woke up Spike who pulled himself up, whimpering at Twilight's movements. He could sense the stress coming from his guardian.
"Come on Spike, we're going home," Twilight ushered, getting her dog to come after her.
And Spike just whined some more.
"Spike, I'm sorry. But we can't stay here any longer, we need to go," Twilight said.
She slipped her clothes on as fast as she could, somehow managing to not wake up Fluttershy in the process. With a dash, she grabbed her bag and backpack, jumping out of the tent as quick as she could. And Spike trailed right behind her as she dashed off through the woods.
She brushed through the bushes, pushing several branches filled with leaves out of her way. Never once did she keep running without making sure her dog was still with her. She couldn't lose Spike out here in the woods, she had to make it out--
--Without being seen. She twisted her head around, hearing strange sounds coming from deep into the woods. Bushes were ruffling, twigs were snapping, and something was brushing through the tops of the trees. She took a step back, afraid of what was to come. But there was nothing in sight, and nothing coming at her. Just as she braced for something to jump out at her from the bushes... she was just greeted to the sight of an innocent, fluffy weasel just moving about on it's evening.
"Oh. Hehe, nothing to worry about. Just an animal, nothing to worry--"
"AH!" Twilight jumped. Fluttershy was the one who somehow got in front of her. "How did you... where did you--"
"I just flew above you like a bird until I found a tree to perch on, created some noise in the bush as a dog, and ran right past you with the speed of a jaguar so I could get in front," Fluttershy explained, summarizing her explanation.
Twilight was about to respond, but she had no way of really saying anything.
"Now what are you doing out here in the middle of the night?"
"I'm... I am calling a taxi to take me home."
Fluttershy frowned. "What? Why?"
Twilight hesitated for a second. "I shouldn't say..."
"Twilight, look at me," Fluttershy said, sternly. And she even gave her the stare. Her ultimate move in getting any out of control animal under her control, and getting them to back down from behaving badly.
"Um, uh..."
"Twilight. You can talk to me. Just tell me what is going on. Are you running away?"
Twilight's hands were shaking hard, until she finally lose it. "Okay, yes I'm running away. I can't stand it anymore, every time I turn around there's something new and magical happening that I can't control! And Midnight Sparkle is probably already planning her return, and I don't know how to prepare for it! Or even if I can prepare for it, because I haven't had any time to practice with my magic! And I don't know if I'm the reason that all of you are infected with magic and could possibly be hurting all of you! And I don't know if I can do anything to stop it because I'm afraid all of you aren't going to like me anymore!"
Twilight was almost on the verge of tears, but Fluttershy brought her close and held her in a hug. She could feel Twilight shaking just from that breakdown, and she didn't let go. She held her for a few minutes, letting her breathe heavily, waiting if she had to cry her eyes out. But she didn't.
Fluttershy wiped another tear from her face. "Is that why you're running away?"
"Yes, that's why! If I stay here, I'm only going to make things worse for you all. I'm clearly infected with magic, and if I continue to stick around, I'm only going to make things worse for you all. I don't want to ruin your trip! ... And I don't want to lose the only friends I have," Twilight said, holding onto her arm.
Fluttershy lifted her chin. "Twilight, you're not going to lose us. I know things are scary, but it'll be okay. And you can talk to us, we'll listen. None of us would blame you for anything."
"But I'm dangerous. I'll only put you all in danger," Twilight said.
"Or maybe you aren't the reason that magic is going into all of us and maybe there's a bigger reason as to why that is?"
Twilight was stumped. "I guess I didn't think of that as a possibility. But still, I shouldn't be here, I'm dangerous!"
Fluttershy's eyebrows raised as she looked down at Spike who had just been sitting there, looking at them both going back and forth in their conversation.
"Does Spike think that you're dangerous?"
Twilight looked down at Spike who just sat there, hoping for attention. Even little bit of pawing at her leg to get her to look at him. Sympathetically, she picked him up to look him in the eye and Spike just looked as happy as he always did.
"Do you think I'm dangerous, boy?"
Spike barked cutely and licked her face, making Twilight giggle. And Fluttershy too, in fact.
"There you go."
Twilight gave her dog a hug and set him back down on the ground. But then a sad thought ran through her head again. "But what if... I, I don't know."
"Twilight, it's okay," Fluttershy said, holding her shoulders. "We'll be here for you. I promise."
Twilight couldn't help but smile back at the goth girl, and leaned her head in for a hug. Fluttershy didn't reject it, and instead just pulled her close and held her an extremely warm hug. She could tell Twilight really needed one badly.
"Lets tell the girls in the morning. We'll all sit down, and I'll be right there with you to help explain how you feel. You don't have to be afraid, okay?"
"I don't know..."
"Come on, pleasseeee? If not for me, at least do it for Spike?" And Fluttershy picked up her dog for emphasis, getting Twilight to look down at that adorable face, still panting with a tail wag.
"... Dang it, I can't say no to that face," Twilight held her dog and hugged him, getting some licks on her face.
"Come on silly, let's go back to camp," Fluttershy said, smiling sympathetically and patting her on the shoulder.
Picking up their feet to walk back--
Their heads turned back to listen for the sound. There wasn't anything out in the woods to be close to where they were standing. Nothing but crickets were heard, and the only thing that jumped out was a prancing deer who went along it's way.
Off in the distance they heard the sound of wolves howling, far beyond where they were standing again.
"You're hearing that too, right?"
"I am. But I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Come on, let's just get back to our tent," Fluttershy said, patting her on the shoulder, taking her back.
Twilight still wasn't sure how to feel. The thought of telling her friends the truth still scared her, but if Fluttershy was right, she shouldn't have anything to be afraid of. But the thought still scared her to her very core...
It was late at night. The camp was all dark, for the campers had gone to bed. While there were the distant sounds of insects and frogs, the campground itself was totally silent. Unless, of course, you had ears sharp enough to discern the soft noise of sneakers on grass.
A lone figure came out of the woods, moving stealthily towards one of the camp cabins. They glanced around once or twice along the way, clearly hoping to avoid being unseen. Finally they made it to the cabin, and delicately pushed the door open and stepped inside-
Timber Spruce froze in place, his smile dropping in alarm as the light suddenly switched on, and he could plainly see Gloriosa Daisy waiting there for him. Looking very unamused.
“Where have you been?”
“I was out taking a walk.”
Gloriosa raised a brow. “Is that all you were doing? You weren’t going anyplace else, were you Timber?”
Timber gives her an annoyed look.
"No… I wasn’t. I just went for a walk on the trail," he huffed. “Just needed some alone time, that’s all.”
Gloriosa’s stern face softens a little. “Timber, I’m sorry. I just worry, that’s all.”
Timber shrugs it off.
“It’s alright…”
"No, it’s not.” She looked at him with sympathy. “I know you don’t want to do this forever. And I’m sorry that things haven’t worked out the way you’d have liked them to… but it’s just one more summer.”
“I know that, sis…”, he emphasized this gently, not angrily. “But, I don’t know, it’s just… sometimes it’s like…" he struggled to find the right words for what he wanted to say, for what he’s feeling, but he couldn't untangle them. And so he finally just falls silent and shrugs weakly at his big sister.
Gloriosa offered him a hug. After a moment’s delay, he takes it. She gives him a tender pat on the back “You’ve been really great, I want you to know that. And I know that I can get on your nerves sometimes-“
“Oh, only sometimes?” Timber said, playfully.
Gloriosa laughs sarcastically, but fondly, and clapped him on the back. “You know what I mean, smart guy!” She gave him a smile, a bit of a wistful one “I’m your big sister. It’s my job to be a pain in your butt.”
Timber chuckled. “Right.”
The two of them stand in somewhat comfortable silence for a minute, before Timber suddenly yawns. “Well, I better get to bed. Got the rest of the week ahead and all. Good night, sis.”
“Good night…” She watches her brother as he heads off to his room, before a thought occurs to her. “Timber?”
“Have you heard anything back yet?”
Timber stops at the door to his room, suddenly tense. He doesn’t say anything for a moment, but finally, a little stiffly.
“No. Not yet.”
Gloriosa frowns, worried. "Oh… I’m sorry.” Hopefully, she added, “Maybe later this week?”
“Maybe… good night.”
And with that, he goes into his room to get ready for bed. Gloriosa turns away, her face troubled, as she moves to shut off the light and get herself ready for bed too… Right before she can turn off the light, she pauses at the distant howling of wolves, far away in the forest. The noise makes her shiver in spite of herself. And then, Gloriosa turns off the light and made ready for bed.
Twilight's scene with Fluttershy was really wonderful. It shows just how the two of them have come in some ways - Twilight now caring so much about her friends, and Fluttershy being kind enough to support and comfort a friend. Really wonderful.
And also, that scene with Timber and Gloriosa promises some interesting potential for down the road, methinks...
I'm glad that Fluttershy was able to convince Twilight to stay. The friendship between these two are so sweet!
While I'm glad that Timber and Gloriosa get along well, but I'm curious that something is going to happen.
I can't help but wonder: what's with the wolves? Why are they acting this way?