• Published 11th Apr 2020
  • 1,274 Views, 52 Comments

Mystery Of Everfree - FourShadow

  • ...

Chapter 3: Day Of Fun

Autumn, Rarity, and Applejack all reconvened back with the rest of the group and continued to move along on their walk. And none of them even knew that they had vanished for a short period of time. But regardless, they just kept on walking along like normal as if nothing had happened.

Eventually the group returned back to the camp site, ready for some more fun. Activities were getting set up, gear was prepped, everyone was getting ready for a little bit of some beginning fun. To start things out, Rarity, Pinkie, and Derpy went straight to the tree climbing obstacle course. Straps were secured, helmets were on their heads, everyone was ready.

During all of this, Twilight sat down at a bench to just rest for a while. The walking was good for her, but she just needed a break to sit for a moment. And luckily she had little Spike to keep her company for the time. While he curled up in her lap, she just smiled and gave him little pets mixed with scratches behind the ears. Taking the time to relax, she looked around to see how the rest of her friends were doing. Over by the docks, she could see Fluttershy just sit and chill, feeding the ducks some bread.

Rainbow Dash was seen over by Thunderbass and Flash over by the rock-climbing wall, waiting for Sandalwood to finish his turn to climb all the way to the top. And AJ and Rara parked themselves over at a nearby picnic table to talk.

"Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Pinkie Pie zipped right over Twilight's head, buzzing with excitement. And Twilight looked up agian, watching Derpy speed on past, except she was hanging more like a dead fish, but she still looked excited to go down to the end of the line. And then Rarity swooped right past, also sharing her squeeing excitement.

All of them made it to the end, and unhooked themselves from the zip line. Turning her head back, Twilight saw Rainbow Dash finally get strapped in with the safety harness and helmet, ready to climb up the rock climbing wall.

"How about some awesome music from that player, guys?"

"How about something inspirational?" Flash asked, pressing a button on the music player.

just push play
just push play
if you wanna know just how I feel about you baby

"Come on, that's not inspirational, play somethin' loud!"

Twilight couldn't help but giggle. Thunderbass sounded like her friend Lemon Zest from Crystal Prep. Silly, happy, giddy Lemon Zest...


April 13th

Lemon Zest and Twilight Sparkle were sitting on a bed, bobbing heads to the music playing from Lemon's boombox. Everyone else was busy today, so Twilight thought about stopping by to Lemon's to hang out. And luckily she had the freetime of the world today, and she was steadily understanding Lemon's passion for music. One of which was a duo simply known; as the Blues Ponies.

Trottin', trottin, trottin'
Trottin', trottin, trottin'
Trottin', trottin, trottin'
Trottin', trottin, trottin'

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, I do," Twilight smiled. "It's pretty catchy."

"You can keep the mix if you want!"


"Yep. All the best works are on there; Johnny Bits, Joan Jet, Iron Mareden, MC/CC, Guns N Ponies, Maretallica, it's some of the best music will ever hear," Lemon grinned.

"So why do you like this kind of music anyway?"

Lemon shrugged. "I dunno. I guess it just makes me happy. I love rock 'n roll, and it always makes me smile whenever I'm feeling down. Sometimes all I need is just a bit of this, and it brightens my day."

Twilight smiled back. "I can understand that."

Soon the track met it's end, and the next song began to play.

"Ohhh I love this one!" Lemon grinned.



Twilight snapped out of her little trance. "Oh, sorry, what did I miss?"

"Rarity said she had something she wanted to show us!" Pinkie squeaked. And she yanked Twilight by the wrist before she had a chance to say anything, and vanished in a cloud of smoke.

"Whoa there, I'm here!" Twilight yelped, being thrown back onto her feet.

"So what did you make?" Pinkie asked.

"I made sparkling diamond necklaces!" Rarity squeaked, showing off her work.

Everyone ooh'd and ahh'd at her handiwork. Six necklaces made with the geodes she had found, all of which were sparkling like diamonds.

"How did you make these?" Fluttershy asked.

"Applejack and I found these sparkling diamonds in a cave. They looked too beautiful, I said 'Rarity, you must make something for your friends with these!' So I made these!"

"Wait, you went into the rock quarry? I thought we weren't supposed to be in there," Rainbow said, raising a brow.

"Someone got distracted," Applejack said with a teasing smirk.

"But I just had to go inside..." Rarity whined, eliciting a giggle from her friends.

"They're beautiful, Rarity," Twilight complimented.

Rarity squeaked. "Thank you, darling. Oooh and actually..." Rarity passed the purple one to her. "This one's for you."

Twilight looked at it in her palm. "But, wait. Why? I-I didn't--"

"Darling," Rarity interrupted, putting a finger to her lip. "Sometimes friends just do nice things for each other because it shows they care for each other. And I am asking you to have this because you are my friend."

Twilight felt her heart warm up at Rarity's words. And with some joy, she smiled. "Thank you, Rarity."

Fluttershy gripped the necklace Rarity had made for her, and clipped it around her neck, making sure it was locked on tight. And she had to admit, it did look nice.

As the day went on, the girls eventually settled down with just sitting on the docks, sitting and relaxing, enjoying the sunset beyond the horizon. Twilight sat with a little book in her lap, enjoying the warm air. And Spike sitting next to her curled up with her. Applejack just kicked back, letting her feet kick back and forth, feeling the cool water. And off in the lake were Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash in canoes, safely secured by life jackets.

"Whoo-wee. Look at that sunset off at the distance," Applejack said, whistling. The girls diverted their attention.

"It is."

"Yeah... such a gorgeous view."

"I never knew a sunset could be so beautiful," Twilight said in awe.

"This planet's full of wonderful things, Twilight," Applejack smiled. "And you know somethin' else girls? I'm happy where we are now. We're free from Sunset Shimmer's pain, we're finally making somethin' of ourselves, we've helped saved Canterlot High from another disaster... and if I had to say another thing; I am happy to be surrounded by my best friends."

Everyone smiled at that.

"Awww, I'm happy to be here with you too, Applejack," Pinkie squeaked, hugging her friend.

"Dang it, now you got me all sappy!" Rainbow yelled from the lake.

"Hey, there is absolutely nothing wrong with sharing a moment of feelings, now is there?" Rarity folded her arms.

"Well, it, um... I don't have to answer that, you know what I mean!"

Fluttershy snickered as she rowed right beside her, ready to park the canoe.

"Oh you think that's funny?" Rainbow smirked, thinking of a devious idea. And without warning, she picked up her oar like she was ready to throw, aiming it at Fluttershy. "Catch!"

"Oh, wait, hey!"

And Fluttershy threw herself too far back and went straight out of her canoe and into the water with a splash. The athlete just cackled, victorious at her little 'prank'.

"So mature, Rainbow," Rarity said, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Oh come on, it's just one prank, it's not like it's going to hurt her," Rainbow said, ignoring the fact that Fluttershy was obviously moving up close like a shark. That is until she saw Rarity and Applejack snickering. "What? What's so funny?"

"Oh, nuthin'," Applejack snickered. "I just thought of a funny joke, that's all."

"Well come on, tell me--whoa, aaah!!!"

And Rainbow was thrown right into the water as well, splashing all four of the girls. Twilight luckily got her book covered in time, so she wasn't mad. She just shared a collective chuckle with the rest of the girls as they pulled themselves off from the docks and down to the little path that would go straight into the water.

Rainbow and Fluttershy walked out of the lake, completely drenched. But they weren't mad, they were still laughing when they finally got back out.

"Gotcha," Fluttershy playfully jabbed.

"Yeah, I thought you would."

Just then they heard the sound of a triangle ringing over by the mess hall.

"Come and get it!"

"Ooh, dinner!" Pinkie Pie and the girls vanished in a cloud of smoke to join the rest of their classmates.

Everyone sat at the benches and tables in the mess hall, waiting and talking while dinner was being prepared for them. Lucky for them, the place had just about everything they wanted and more. But for tonight, they were just going to have something simple; pizza!

Gloriosa and Autumn were making sure the pizzas were getting cooked properly in the oven, and everyone threw out their suggestions for toppings which they were more than okay to oblige with. And eventually the pizzas were done, and everyone was moving up to grab a slice and a drink or two. Soon everyone was eating at the tables, enjoying the sweet delicious taste of pizza.

"Oh this pizza is delicious," Rainbow grinned, enjoying the sweet taste of cheese and pepperoni meshed together.

"Lot better than what they serve at Salty's Sea Palace."

"Hey, I like Salty's! That place is fun!" Pinkie whined.

"I dunno, that place always gives me the heebie jeebies," Applejack said, nonchalantly.

"All of those nasty and horrid children with their messy faces and rude behavior," Rarity scoffed, crossing her arms.

"You know they're kids and all, right? They're not going to know to be polite the minute they're born," Fluttershy commented with a deadpan expression.

"I know, but still? Sweetie Belle's friends shared much more politeness than those kids. And they're freshmen!"

"Shining Armor tried to take me there for my 6th birthday, but, um... well..."

"Were there kids picking on you?" Fluttershy frowned.

"Well, no--"

"--Did you unintentionally insult someone?" Rainbow asked.


"Did you eat something that made you sick?"

"No! It's... it's the robots," Twilight sunk in her seat.

"That animatronic band?" Pinkie tilted her head. "But they're fun! They play music and make everyone happy!"

"Well not me. Those things always scared me."

"You and me both," Rarity chirped. "Their shaky bodies, their uncanny movements, and those faces..." The mohawked girl quivered and held her shoulders. "Those faces are terrifying, who designed those things believing a child wouldn't be scared?"

"Agreed," Twilight nodded.

"Honestly they didn't scare me. But I'm not the biggest fan of their pizza; really sub-standard," Fluttershy chimed in.

After a good hearty dinner, everyone joined Timber and Autumn over to the campfire for some good ole ghost stories and smores. And AJ and Pinkie had came prepared for that!

“Okay everybody, I got the cinnamon graham crackers, I got the candy bars, I got the marshmallows, I got ALL of the ingredients right here,” Applejack grinned, holding a plastic container holding all of the foods needed for the smores.


By now, everyone was munching down on some smores. Well, mostly everyone. Some just chose to have the regular marshmallows, like Derpy. But the minute she tried to roast hers, the entire stick was set on fire and she had to drop it into the pit, making her frown. Pinkie with a soft, sympathetic smile patted her and offered her her stick to the poor girl, who smiled appreciatively. And Pinkie had to admit, she felt good inside. Seeing someone smile, someone that she made smile, it was probably the best feeling in the entire world.

“Soooo… what now?” Flash asked.

“How about a scary story?” Rainbow Dash suggested.

“Ooh, I’ve got one! And I must warn you, it is really—”

“—Nothing is scary about purple socks and a burgundy dress, Rarity,” Applejack deadpanned.

Awkward silence was the only reply from the students around at the statements said.

“… The only thing scary about that story is I’m afraid you’re going to tell it yet again,” Rainbow snickered before Rarity softly hit her arm.

"Eh, too bad Adagio and the others aren't here. I bet they would have brought some scary stories to tell."

"Like what?"

"Well think about it, if you lived on this planet for over a thousand years, I'm sure you would have run into some scary things at some point or another," Thunderbass shrugged. "Though honestly the scariest thing they told me was their whole 'Planes, Trains, and Automobiles' incident."

"Wait, what?" Rainbow snickered.

"Now what exactly is that all about?" Applejack asked.

"Long summary short, at least from what all three told me individually; Adagio shouldn't be allowed to fly a planes, Aria has a knack for blowing up locomotives even when she's just simply DRIVING them, and Sonata drives like most middle school freshmen when their parents allow them to play Road Rage 5."

The group around the campfire all looked at the rocker with some mixed expressions. Pinkie Pie was the only one who still kept her innocent smiling demeanor, and everyone else was just disturbed and confused and wondering what could have even gone down.


Rara raised a finger. "I have so many questions about that sentence... but I'm not going to ask them because I am afraid of the answers."

"It's fine. It's a weird one, I know," Thunderbass admitted.

"Oh, I think I got one. Anyone knew the Dazzlings monster form was used in some old Japanese monster movies?" Flash proposed.

"Wait, seriously?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah. They made an entire film series around it, called 'Akuadon'. At least, that's how everyone in Japan says her name."

"So they actually made a series of movies around the Dazzlings in that three-headed monster body?" Applejack asked, raising a brow.


"How have we never heard of these movies?" Principal Luna asked.

"Well, they're not exactly mainstream," Flash said, shrugging his head. "Most of them are just seen as old shlocky cheese. Though the original is pretty fantastic."

"And just how many movies did they make surrounding that?"

"So far... 28."

The group around the campfire got quiet again.

"What could they have done to upset Japan into making an entire series based around them?"

"I think the real question is how is Japan able to make 28 movies of giant monsters smashin--never mind I just answered my own question," Applejack said, stopping herself.

"... There was one freaky story they told me about. Something about scary ink monsters brought to life from an animation studio or something, but it was sooo weird," Sandalwood said, shivering. "I couldn't explain it to you if I tried, better they say something."

Principal Luna cleared her throat. "Does anyone else have some scary stories?"

No one pitched anything. No one really had that much of an interesting story; at least to their own views. Compared to everything else that had happened with them, nothing really sounded so scary anymore.

"I have one," Timber interrupted, sitting in the dark. "But I'm warning you, you might as well hug a friend now; that's how scary it is!"

Flash rolled his eyes. Oh brother...

"It's time I told you about the tale... of Gaia Everfree..."

"Back in the mid 1930s, sometime past World War I, my great-grandparents were caught in the middle of the Great Depression. With the economy down, they needed a way to sustain themselves and make money. But my great-grandfather found just the way to do so; farming. They traveled for hours until they found a giant piece of land out here in the woods. Seeing its beauty, they decided to the perfect spot for them to grow crops and build a new home. With no time wasted, they got straight to work.

But over the course of time, strange things started happening. Work that they had done started to collapse, plants started overgrowing on pieces of their home. But even stranger things happened on one cold night. They heard a strange roaring sound, like something out of your worst nightmare. They ran outside to look, and were face to face with something they had never seen before.

Their woodwork angered a legendary spirit; one that roamed the woods for centuries. A creature with wild hair like the roots of a tree, her mouth had jagged teeth, and her eyes were pools of black tar. But her aura shimmered with diamonds; everywhere she went, she left a trail of gem dust in her wake. But it didn't stop there. She wasn't alone. She had brought her own pack of wild animals, but these were not your typical creatures of the woods.

These animals were more monstrous in shape and size; wolves made of timber, wood, stone, leaves, like they were forged together by some dark magic. Trembling, our great-grandparents asked who she was and what she wanted. In a deep and hollow voice, she said that her name was Gaia Everfree, an ancient spirit who had held domain over the forest, and that our great-grandparents were trespassing on her land...

They begged Gaia to stop her army's destruction, pleading that the farm was intended for good, saying that it was to grow plants and food to feed their family. Gaia looked up, and she could see their children... along with several innocent creatures that had been tamed who were looking at her in fear. Gaia thought over the cries of their begging, and came to an agreement; that they would continue to let nature grow on the land that they were using; but if anything were to disrupt the balance, she would return..."

"So keep a good lookout. For if you see any gemdust, or the sounds of snarling dogs... Gaia Everfree and her timberwolves may very well be back out on the prowl... back for revenge."

The reactions were mixed, to say the least. Some looked scared, but most of them were not.

"So... don't do anything to harm her forest then?"

"Exactly. Or else you might be haunted by Gaia Everfree!!!!"

And everyone's eyes averted off of Timber and to the pair of eyes opening up in the bushes. Everyone screamed, but then they died down the minute they saw it was just Gloriosa walking out of the bushes.

"Oh hey guys! Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"... Then why did you come out of the bushes like that!?" Thunderbass exclaimed.

"I... took the scenic route because the forest is beautiful at night!" And Gloriosa realized what she was just saying to the teenage campers. "But no one must ever do it without a guide, okay?" Everyone nodded. "Okay! Now I think we should all hit the sack, we've got a big day of camp activities and fun for tomorrow!"

Everyone started leaving the campfire, following Gloriosa to the tent setups.

"See you girls in the morning," Flash waved, walking to his tent.

"Night guys!" Rara waved, going into her tent as well.

The only ones left at the tent were Twilight and the Rainbooms. And Spike of course, who was being held in Rainbow Dash's arms for petting, but she was trying not to squeeze him too hard out of fear.

"You're not scared are you now, Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy teased. "You know it can't be real."

"Great, now you jinxed it!" Pinkie pouted.

"I don't know... Gaia Everfree and those timber wolf things could be some creatures that got booted from Equestria and ended up in this world. Remember what happened with the Sirens?" Rainbow said, holding onto her arms out of fear.

Applejack and Fluttershy's mouths drooped.

"Guess I never considered that..." Fluttershy thought, stroking her hair.

"Now, now, come on, it's just a story," Applejack said with confidence. That is until she thought some more. "At least, I hope it is. The last thing I want is our relaxation time interfered by another power crazed lunatic." And then she realized who was at their group. "Uhh, no offense."

Twilight sighed. "None taken."

"You uh... you okay?"

"I'm fine. Really, I am," Twilight said. Although it was rather cold on how she said it. "I'm tired. I'm just going to head to bed. See you girls in the morning?"

"Alright, night Twilight."

Once she had finally left the group, Applejack turned her head to the others.

"Anyone else gettin' a feelin' that maybe she's still a bit upset with what happened at the Friendship Games?" Applejack asked.

"If she is, shouldn't she have said something to us?" Rainbow replied. "We're her friends, she should be able to trust us!"

"Maybe she just doesn't know what to say or how to approach it," Rarity inquired. "Perhaps we should lay off that subject for a while?"

"Fine by me," Rainbow agreed.

"Of course."


"Our lips are sealed!" Pinkie finished, nibbling on a marshmallow. "Anyone want marshmallows?"

The campgrounds were quiet as everyone was asleep. The only sounds were the peaceful outdoors, with crickets chirping and cicadas buzzing. The moonlight reflected off the crystal clear lake, creating a beautiful atmospheric light. The two principals had their own quarters which they slept in, while Gloriosa and Timber as well as Autumn had their own bunk. And the rest of the CHS students were all peacefully asleep. But it wasn't going to be that way for long.

Twilight and Fluttershy were both asleep, sleeping peacefully like normal. And even adorable little Spike had his own bed to sleep in which was super comfy. None of them were woken up by what was happening at that moment. The geode sitting next to Twilight's bed shimmered, and it lit up. It wasn't enough to wake her up though. And it wasn't just with her. The geode on Fluttershy's nightstand also glowed, with energy humming from it. And neither of them were awake to notice that both of them were glowing in bright auras from the geodes.

Over in Rarity's tent, the same thing was happening there. Her crafted necklace had started radiating with energy, and it was making her body start to glow too. And just like with Fluttershy and Twilight, she didn't even notice or feel anything. She just cutely snored and rolled over in her bed, completely unaware.

Rainbow and Pinkie were off into their own dream worlds, and neither of them could see the geodes that Rarity plucked from the caverns glowing on their nightstands, and therefore making each other glow too. Last but not least, Applejack was having that same aura glow around her body while her geode lit up like a light bulb. However the person sleeping next to her, Rara, wasn't quite so sleep heavy. The light hit her face, and her eyes wearily opened to see some flashes of light. Just seeing it made her eyes squint close, she hated it. But when she forced her head up and rubbed her eyes, she swore she saw strange glowing lights coming from her friend's bed!

Rara pulled herself up, the covers falling off her chest and her jaw hanging wide open looking at the scene in front of her. And then... it happened even more. The geode began to glow even brighter, but then... it began to float. It rose into the air like it was about to take off, straight into the tent. But even scarier, Applejack herself began to float out of her bed. As if paranormal activity was making her float and rise into the air.

Rara quivered in her bed, watching all of this happen before her. And then slowly, her friend stopped glowing and she was just casually placed back in the bed, and all the glowing stopped. Not even affected or feeling a thing, Applejack just rolled around in her bed, trying to get comfortable again. Rara's eyes stayed wide awake. And after seeing that? Oh she wasn't going back to sleep now. She was NEVER going back to sleep now after seeing that.

What even was that?

Author's Note:

We are back! Thanks to Scholars for proof-reading! :scootangel: