Twilight led her team through the woods, following a little trail of big footprints that had been dug into the ground. Their bodies brushed through branches and bushes, trying to keep up and stay together to find the wolves and wherever Timber was.
"Everyone still together?" Twilight called back.
"Yep!" Everyone clamored.
"Just making sure, I don't want anyone left behind!"
The group pushed through another set of trees, avoiding being smacked in the face as they ducked and pushed them out of the way.
"Hey Twilight, I had a question back at the camp, I didn't think to ask it before, but now I think it's a good time to ask it anyway," Flash called out as they kept running.
"Yeah, what's that?"
"What do we do when we find Timber Spruce, or the wolves?"
Twilight's heels ground to a halt on the ground, making everyone else stop in their tracks. Twilight looked up for a second, and her head shrunk. "... Okay, I didn't think that far."
Everyone collectively groaned.
"I was just thinking on the spot, I didn't exactly have anything concrete!" Twilight protested.
"Maybe we should have thought of something before we left," Rarity ruffled up her mohawk.
"Should we turn around then?" Applejack asked.
"... Yeah, come on, let's uh, let's turn back," Twilight said, awkwardly. Everyone collectively groaned again as they slumped back. "Sorry!"
Awkwardly, everyone slumped back to the camp like someone forgot to bring a suitcase or the map for a road trip. None of them were furious with Twilight, but they were annoyed. And while it raised some eyebrows from the rest of their 'team' who stayed behind, no one questioned their decision to go back inside and try and come up with a concrete plan.
"Okay, let's actually try to come up with a plan," Twilight declared, setting down a massive sheet of paper on one of the tables. Everyone gathered around it like soldiers about to plan an attack on enemy bombers; emphasized even more by the one light that shined over it. Even little Spike was invited in as he sat on the edge of the table, thankfully not blocking anyone's vision. "So there's eleven of us--"
Spike barked.
"Okay, twelve of us, sorry Spike, and... um. Did anyone get a good count of how many Timberwolves there were?"
"I don't think it would matter even if we did, there might be more than we realize," Applejack surmised.
"Fair enough. But we know six of us have magic, and the rest of you are armed. How are we going to find Timber and put a stop to those wolves?"
"Can Spike track scents or aromas?" Thunderbass asked.
Spike barked again, wagging his tail in response.
"That would be yes. I was able to find Timber Spruce earlier thanks to Spike picking up a trail. Maybe we can try that again?"
Spike barked some more, almost jumping up and down on the table with excitement; clearly willing to try that again.
"So we have a way to find them, but how are we going to stop those wolves? What if Timber has created more of them, he could have a personal army at his disposal," Rarity questioned.
"Timber didn't intend to hurt us, at least I don't think. He could have hurt me, but all he did was lock me in a twig cage, saying it was for my own good. He needs our help, regardless," Twilight continued.
Everyone silently thought, trying to think some more on how to handle the plan, or contribute in some way. Frankly, this was the first time any of them had to deal with something so serious, aside from the Friendship Games or the Battle of the Bands.
"Wait, hang on, what magic do you girls have again?" Flash asked. "Maybe we can use some of it to our advantage?"
"Fair point. Let's see, we know Fluttershy can morph into animals, Applejack has super strength, Pinkie has stretchy hair, Rainbow can fly, Rarity's skin is impervious, and I can levitate things. Six of us... and who knows how many we'll be up against," Twilight sighed.
"Don't forget, we have guns!" Autumn squeaked, raising a paintball gun.
"And I have my arrows!" Derpy added, wiggling the quiver on her back.
"Too bad the Dazzlings aren't here, we could use some extra magic on our side," Applejack shook her head.
"We gotta work with what we got! Besides, look at us, we're awesome! We can totally do this," Rainbow grinned, looking back to her friend.
"Right..." Twilight said, unsure.
"Ahem. Twilight, I don't know if this would be of any help, but do you remember the last place that Timber was?"
Twilight rubbed her chin, thinking for a second. She stepped away from the table for a moment or two, until she snapped her fingers. "I just remembered. The rock quarry! The place he told us not to go, that's the last place we were at! But I do remember him being somewhere else before, I think I know where that is, maybe that's where we should go!"
"What if he's not there?" Applejack asked. "Maybe we should split into groups, stronger in teams 'n all."
"Out in the woods? Where a bunch of giant monsters are ready to shred us into pieces? I don't think so, I'm not going to be food!" Thunderbass glared.
"If they wanted to eat us, they would have done that," Sandalwood deadpanned.
"The point is... we should split up. All in favor in splitting up into teams, say 'aye'."
"Aye," mostly everyone said. Only Fluttershy and Thunderbass were the ones who said 'nay'.
"Rarity, Thunderbass, and I will take the path to the geode cave to investigate. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Derpy and Flash will split off to investigate the other trail. Fluttershy, Autumn, Pinkie and Sandalwood stay back at the camp, at least and until we need help. Does anyone have any further questions before we head out?"
No one said a word, not really having anything else to share.
"Does anyone need to use the bathroom before we get going?"
One of Spike's paws went up, very much like a human expression and Twilight sighed. "Okay Spike, we'll wait for you."
After Spike was done, the two groups set off into the woods once again while the other group stayed behind to wait until they needed help. In the meantime, Gloriosa along with Micro Chips and Rara paced towards the cell tower with a handful of tools and safety equipment; gloves and goggles, of course.
"Okay, let's have a looksee at what we can fix; hopefully it shouldn't be too much trouble, I mean it looked horrible when we saw it before but it can't be that bad--and it's worse, great," Gloriosa grumbled, as she took a closer look at the wreckage of the cell tower.
"Oh dear, that's a lot of damage," Rara stuttered.
"You can fix it, right?" Micro Chips asked.
"I believe so, at least, I can try. But we need to move fast, I don't wanna be out here with the off-chance those things come back." Gloriosa reached into the box, strapping on a pair of electrical gloves for safety. Once they were secured, she opened up a panel and flipped a few switches, deactivating the tower. Now that it was shut off, she could try and get some repairs done.
Micro Chips handed her the pliers. And as Gloriosa got to work, Rara looked all around her. Sure some of their friends had came back and were keeping on guard as well, but even with that in mind, she still felt anxious. Her heart was thumping against her chest as she looked around, wondering when the wolves were going to emerge from whatever den they came from. She got lucky with escaping them the first time, but she wasn't sure if she'd be lucky the second time.
Holding the gun didn't make her feel any braver either. Sure the gun worked perfectly against the wolves and smashed them to pieces, but considering how big they were and how they easily closed in on them from before, she was more fearful than before. Not helping matters either that there were only a few lights to provide comfort, and she could hear them buzzing from the posts. The night was still young though, and it was nice to feel a nice warm breeze. But her comfort still did not come back. Her eyes lurked everywhere, she stood around, looking for something, anything that would jump. She could hear crickets chirping, the water clapping in the lake... the sounds of howling in the distance!
She pumped her paintball gun, arms trembling as she pointed it at all random places, where was that noise coming from!? Were they here, were they there, where were they!? Her feet kept crunching on the ground as she desperately tried to find something, anything. Her heart was about to jump straight out of her chest--
Rara froze, but sighed with relief to hear the counselor's voice. It was becoming very clear her anxiety was catching up with her.
"It's okay," Gloriosa interrupted. "I'm right here. Just stay calm, as long as we're here, we'll be safe," she said, softly.
Rara gulped as she turned around and faced the forest just beyond the cabin. "I-I hope so. Any luck?" she asked, bending over to look.
"Ugh, no. They've chewed up the pole really good. I'm going to need a soldering gun. Micro Chips can you look in the shed right there, should be against the dining hall?" Gloriosa asked.
"Um, sure. Give me a second," the techie replied, walking away from the pole for a second. In no time at all, he found the tool that Gloriosa needed. But he had to admit, with every sight around, and every sound he heard. Little things like the owl hooting deep in the woods, and small but soft buzzing from the emergency lights... he too started to feel on edge. Begrudgingly, he pushed himself to stand up and went back to Gloriosa, giving her the soldering gun.
The work continued, but Micro Chips was sure those wolves were going to come back.
He just knew it.
Twilight and the others stood in front of the last location where Timber and the wolves were found. A bunch of wrecked trees and massive footprints marked the paths for them to follow. Once they saw the tracks had left into two directions, the parties decided to go off and follow them. Twilight, Spike, Rarity, and Thunderbass stayed huddled together.
Just like with Micro Chips and Rara back at the camp, every little sound was getting on their nerves. Twigs snapping, owls hooting off, buzzing of cicadas. A few glowing bugs flew at them, making Rarity want to scream, but she was trying her hardest not to just so she didn't alert the wolves of their prescence. Though it didn't change her opinion of them.
"Oh these bugs are so icky!" Rarity quietly whined.
"I know, but we can't let them stop us from finding Timber," Twilight said.
Thunderbass kept the large wrench up like a baseball bat, ready to swing if any more of wolves or anything deadly came at them. He wasn't about to take any chances, not tonight.
"You know something, girls? Of all the things to happen to us on this camping trip... I honestly wish this was just one giant prank. Something you'd see in those school or camp comedies where people do things that would get them kicked out the first week, you know?"
"I think so... I've heard of some camping movies, but never really seen any. I know Rainbow Dash keeps talking to me about this really good one, but I'm not sure it's for me. Something about a crystal lake or something, I don't know."
"Oh, not that one," Rarity whimpered. "Don't remind me! Though honestly I'd much rather deal with a dreadful masked man than these monsters."
"I think we can all agree to that," Thunderbass whispered, going around the bend with the two girls.
"What was that!?" Twilight panicked.
"Where is it coming from!?" Thunderbass snapped, pointing the flashlight at every direction possible.
"I know where the noise came from! Follow that scream!" Rarity declared, darting head first down the left path of the woods. Twilight and Thunderbass didn't argue, and instead followed their friend, hoping to find the source of the noise.
Timber Spruce was scared.
Angry, too, but more than anything right now, scared was what he was feeling the most.
The wolves he had made with his magic – the Timberwolves, like from the story of Gaea Everfree – snarled and snapped around him, as they forced him ever deeper into the woods. They had formed a loose circle around him, keeping him boxed in, unable to break off and run away, as they led him along whatever path it was they were taking him. As one of the wolves growled at him, and snapped at his heel to make him move faster, Timber felt a hot surge of anger swoop through his gut.
How could he have been so stupid? He’d thought that he was in charge of these things. That they were like his pets. His friends. Why hadn’t he listened to Twilight when she’d found him and tried to warn him? She’d just wanted to help, and he had refused to listen. And left her trapped, most likely.
The Spruce boy nearly tripped and fell, as another awful thought occurred: would anyone even find Twilight? Did anyone know where she’d gone?
A bucket of ice seemed to drop into his stomach at the realization. He might have condemned a camper to die, all because he had been too stubborn, too fed-up at things he had no control over, too wrapped up in the power he thought he’d had under control, to listen to someone who had wanted to help.
The guilt pushed down on him like a physical weight, and his pace slowed… just for a minute, and then the wolves’ teeth snapping at his feet forced Timber Spruce to pick up the pace again.
“Where are you taking me?” he demanded, hopeless fury boiling up inside of him, “What do you even want from me?!”
His anger seemed to excite the wolves. They yipped and barked harshly, snapping their jaws as though eager to sink their wooden teeth into something. (Like their creator’s flesh, Timber Spruce realized with a shudder.)
But the wolves did not leap on him and bite him. They pushed him on one more time, forcing him through a thorny bush and down a sloping hill – he nearly stumbled and fell, catching himself just in time – before they stopped.
Timber Spruce gulped for air, both relieved to have stopped and yet also anxious by the sheer suddenness of it. That he was standing at the foot of a small dirt valley, surrounded by the wolves on all sides, did nothing to soothe his frazzled nerves. The way the wooden beasts stood in place now, ringed around him, made him feel uncomfortably like a prisoner under watch by guards.
The green-haired boy looked around, being able to take in more and more of his surroundings for the first time. He’d never been to this part of the woods before… they must have been very deep in the forests around Camp Everfree. The air was oddly cool here; he didn’t know if it was just nerves or something else. Timber Spruce clasped his arms, hugged himself, and looked up at the sky overhead. At least he could still see the blue expanse above, that was a little bit of comfort.
Timber Spruce froze in place. So did the Timberwolves. All was silent in the little valley for a long, tense moment. And then the wolves, in unison, drew their heads back, and howled – an eerie, wailing noise that seemed to carry on long after they had fallen silent.
The noise from before – what sounded horribly like a tree tearing loose from the ground – repeated. It was getting closer too…
The wolves were quiet once again, standing as attentively as an honor guard around their prisoner. Timber Spruce felt his mouth go dry, wondering desperately what was going to happen… And then he nearly gagged, as an overwhelming smell of rotted wood, mud and swamp matter, all hit him like a physical blow. He coughed, his eyes squeezed shut at the pungent odor of rotten eggs and dead plants washed over him—
Then he heard the growling, as a massive shadow fell over him.
Timber Spruce opened his eyes…
And he tried to scream.
It's okay, I understand. It was worth the wait!
I don't think them splitting up is a good idea. When it comes to horror movies, that usually doesn't end well!
Who or what did Timber see at the end? Something tells me that it's not good!
Great chapter and I'm looking forward to the next one whenever it comes out!
It's fine, Four. This was a good chapter!
Definitely eager to see where this story will go next from here.