"Twilight, are you okay? What are you doing out here?"
Twilight saw he had offered a hand to help her up. But right now she felt a little peeved that he was acting so kindly to her, after all of this. "You mean me, as opposed to you or your attack dogs?" Twilight accused.
"I didn't tell them to attack you, and I've made animals before! How did you even find me here?" Timber protested.
"While I was playing with Spike, I accidentally overheard you arguing with Gloriosa. Your cabin walls aren't that strong."
Timber felt a little hesitant to say anything, but he still kept going. "And just what do you think you overheard?"
"Enough to know that you've been rejected by enough colleges that won't accept you. That's why you tore up that letter, and it's also why you've been really upset lately. Evading questions, snapping at Gloriosa, being incredibly grumpy. Being rejected is hard, but it's not a reason to start doing.... whatever it is you were doing, training these Timberwolves!"
Timber scrunched his temples, thinking. How was he going to explain this to her? She saw what he was doing, there was no hiding that from her or denying it. She's not dumb. But he did have an idea of where to start.
"Twilight. Follow me. I'll show you where I found it," Timber said.
Twilight was hesitant to follow but reluctantly did so. How could she believe this boy who was so kind to her was doing activities like these? And even then, was he leading her into a trap, or was it something far more sinister? Well, she didn't know, but she hesitantly followed after him.
He led her through the forest, and he led her back onto a straight path which was looking more like the hiking paths that the campers had been taking long before. Where was he leading her? And more importantly, was he going to tell her the honest truth?
But then when she saw what he led her to, she was even more anxious. A dark cavern, nearby some rocks. The rock quarry, it had to have been. He told the campers not to go anywhere near it, but now she was going inside to finally see it for herself. Timber led her inside, and brought her into the middle of the cavern, with tons of sunlight hitting the middle, showing a crystal pedestal.
"That pedestal there? That's where I got the geode."
Twilight looked at the pedestal, recognizing the indentations around the pedestal. They all resembled the crystals that Rarity and Applejack... found their first day of camp. Suddenly it became clear to Twilight. Equestrian Magic had been here at the camp all along. And now the last geode was under the control of one of the camp counselors who had been making chaos without even knowing it. But she couldn't let get distracted, she had to find out the truth.
"So... how did you find out that thing had magic?" Twilight hesitated.
Timber took a second to collect his thoughts and then began to speak.
"I've been at this camp for almost all of my life. The only time I've ever really gone is when we all would go to our grandparents or other relatives for Christmas. I've never really left these grounds and lived in the world around me, this place is all I know. I've been doing homeschooling for every year now, and I've never been to a real classroom, with real students. I'm almost at the age where I should be applying for college, and I've been applying since the start of the year. I've tried, and tried, and tried, and every time I can't catch a break I just get so frustrated. That is until I found this."
Timber flashed the geodes at Twilight, lifting it slightly.
"I didn't know what this was. It gave off strange energy, and then I found out that I could use it to manipulate things around me. So whenever I was upset, I ran out here to try and blow off steam. The only one who knows is Gloriosa, and, well, now you. And I haven't made just wolves you know. Watch."
Timber approached the entrance of the cave, looking at a small collection of sticks near a broken-off tree. His hand clenched around the geode and focused his eyes on the wood in front of him. Suddenly, the sticks started wriggling and writhing around on the ground, until they started to converge together, becoming one. And when Timber opened up his eyes, he saw that a little bunny had been made from the sticks, now sentient just like the wolves.
The bunny tilted its head, looking at Timber, and allowed him to pick it up. And Twilight had to admit, it was kinda cute. Especially the little noises it made like it wanted to be petted.
Twilight did see, but her senses finally kicked in and brought her back to reality.
"Yes, I see it, and yes it's adorable, but it doesn't mean that it's okay. Timber, the magic you're using is causing chaos at the camp. Flash was almost attacked by one of those wolves you just made, and I'm pretty sure those things are why the cell tower is destroyed! You have to stop using those things or someone's going to get hurt! Maybe even you!"
Timber's smile faded away into a frown. But then his eyes slowly turned into a glare.
"Twilight, I know you're scared, and that's okay. But I know what I'm doing, I can stop them. I can fix this situation, and I can control those Timberwolves."
Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing. He completely ignored what she was saying, he was ignoring her warning! He was messing with power that he clearly did not understand was having serious consequences... just like she was back at the Friendship Games. A horrible image of Midnight Sparkle resurfaced in her head, remembering what it was like when she turned to help away. And then she saw some of the same Timberwolves appear, standing outside the cave with curious faces. Those monsters that hurt her friends, and were now hurting their means of calling for help. She couldn't let them leave, nor could she let Timber handle them on his own. She couldn't let him suffer the same fate as her.
"Timber... Timber, listen to me," Twilight began, "I know you want to fix things, but you can't do this alone. I thought I could handle things by myself once, and there are some things you can, but this isn't something you can do alone! I learned a long time ago that it's okay to accept help even if you don't--"
To her distress, the boy's face was darkening with frustration at everything she said. "I don't need help, Twilight. I - can - fix this!"
Timber was starting to become angry, and now the Timberwolves were growling again, and Twilight felt scared. "Timber, listen to me, please!" she pushed on, "I know you're angry and I'm really sorry, but you can't do all this yourself--"
"Yes, I CAN!"
Timber's voice rose to a shout, and at the exact moment he did so, there was a flash of blinding green light. Timber shrieked in surprise and covered her eyes as she flinched back; her feet hit against a large rock on the cave floor and she lost her balance and fell to the rocky ground. Her head rang for a moment, her glasses falling askew, but she could make out the barking and snarling of the Timberwolves outside the cave. They seemed almost excited.
"Twilight!" she heard Timber's voice say. He sounded taken aback, maybe even guilty? But the barking grew more aggressive, and then quite suddenly it began to fade away. Twilight, hoping against hope as she got back to her feet, fixing her glasses on right, that the wolves had actually been brought to heel by their maker, soon realized something else - something far worse...
The wolves were leaving the cave. They had to be going back to the woods... maybe even towards the camp.
"Timber!" she ran for the entrance to the cave, but it was too late... there was a wall of roots growing up, faster than she could have ever imagined, right around her, weaving and interlocking until she was surrounded by a wooden cage. There was just enough room for her to stand and walk just a bit in, but she was undoubtedly trapped.
"Timber Spruce, let me out of here!" Twilight banged her fist against the wooden barrier, "What are you doing!?"
"I'm doing this for your own good, Twilight!" The look on the boy's face as he faced her was frightening to her; had she looked this desperate in the past, Twilight wondered, when she had thought that the only person she could rely on was herself? "I can't let you get hurt. I'm doing this to protect you, I promise! I can take care of the Timberwolves, I can stop them, and I will make sure they don't tear up the camp!"
Suddenly the Timberwolves got an idea, as the two of them looked at each other with some soft growling, almost as if they were communicating. And without even being told or said, suddenly they turned around and ran deeper in the woods, barking like hungry animals to the rest of their pack.
"Timber, people are going to get hurt, please, don't!"
Timber heard her pleas, but he didn't respond to them and instead started to leave the cavern. Walking out of the cave, Timber looked back with a solemn face, swearing inside that he would come back to get her out when these monsters were dealt with. Without any other warning... the cave entrance started to hole up.
The entranced had been sealed by a heavy boulder, with only the cracks of light seeping through out the two corners, thankfully not blocking off any oxygen. Timber, gripped the geode around his neck, internally swearing inside about what he had just done. He hated doing it, but he cared for Twilight. He couldn't imagine her getting hurt at the claws of those things.
He looked up at the massive footprints left behind by the two wolves and had a look of grimace on his face. He was going to stop them. He would stop them.
No matter what.
The afternoon sunset was starting to hit the end of the horizon, about to switch to daytime. And there was still no sign of Twilight Sparkle or Timber Spruce. Everyone had begun to search for them, but they hadn't had any luck. Didn't help the fact that with almost no cell reception that it was impossible to send a text or call someone, so they had to do things the old fashioned way; go into groups and look together. But they still hadn't found them.
Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack came back into a meeting spot, meeting up with Flash, Thunderbass, and Rarity.
"Any luck?"
"Nada. Where could they have gone, they couldn't have gone too far, at least they shouldn't have," Thunderbass said out loud.
"When was the last time you saw her?” Rainbow asked.
“Just this afternoon. Now it’s like she’s just… gone,” Thunderbass said, looking around. “I know it’s getting close to dark, but I don’t like it. We gotta find her.”
“We're still with you,” Rainbow nodded.
“Count me in, Rainbow Dash, if she’s hurt out there, we’ll bring her back,” Rarity declared.
Just then, Flash and Thunderbass came running to them.
“Hey, have any of you seen Twilight? I checked the tents, she’s not out there,” Thunderbass asked.
Just then, they all froze at the sound of a twig snapping in the woods. Their heads turned into the direction of the sound, standing defensively.
"Who's out there? Timber? Twilight? Anybody?" Flash shouted.
The bushes started to rattle and shake, and they rustled some more. Everyone's minds started to ring alarms and think about running, until they saw a little purple and green dog run out in fear, barking with fear.
The poor little dog whimpered and whined as he pulled himself close to the familiar girls, trying to stay as close to them as possible. Rarity bent over and picked up the poor pup, holding him in her arms.
"Aww, Spikey-wikey, what's wrong?"
"What's wrong boy?" Rainbow asked, concerned.
Spike could only reply in scared whimpers. Even when Fluttershy rubbed her hand against his fur, she could feel him vibrating. "Oh the poor thing is shaking," Fluttershy said, feeling her heart snap.
"Oh, it's okay Spike," Rarity hugged the poor little dog, petting him and rubbing his fur. "What's got you so scared?"
Just then they heard another rustle in the woods, much louder than the first one. The sound got Spike to stop shaking, and he turned his head to the source of the sound. His nose sniffed the air and in a complete 180, he went from a scared dog worried about his owner to a guard dog ready to defend as he jumped from Rarity's arms onto the ground.
"I stand corrected, what's got you so mad?" Rarity asked.
The rustling in the woods continued to shake until Spike started growling and snarling like he wanted to bite into whatever threat was out there.
“Hey, easy boy, what’s wrong?” Rainbow asked.
Spike didn’t listen and still growled at the woods.
“Fluttershy, you’re our resident animal expert, do you know?”
“When dogs growl, they usually do it if they’re territorial, or if they sense something dangerous, like if something is going to come near their masters,” Fluttershy explained. She looked into the woods where Spike was staring so intently at but didn’t see anything. “Maybe we can’t see it but Spike can.”
The dog still didn’t move from his stance, and the two boys moved towards him, trying to look off into the woods.
“Yeah, I can’t see… wait a minute. There’s something in those trees.”
A lumber foot pushed its way out of the darkness and accompanied by a pair of glowing green eyes. Intense growling bled from the trees, and the disgusting aroma of dead fish and boiled eggs hit their noses.
“What is that smell!?” Sandalwood yelled from afar.
“Wait a minute… that’s what those wooden beasts smelled like at the Friendship Games,” Rarity’s voice quivered. “But if that’s the same scent then…”
Everyone realized what was going on, and without question, they grabbed Spike and ran from that selection of trees. An angry Timberwolf emerged from hiding, growling, and barking at them.
“I told you they were real!” Flash panicked.
“I’m so sorry I doubted you, bro!” Thunderbass cried. “I’ll never doubt you again!”
“Me too!” Rainbow gulped, picking up speed.
“Can we talk about this later!?” Rarity shrieked.
The group picked up their feet as hard as they could until they were now in the open area of the camp where everyone else had gathered. Suddenly all their eyes turned to see the group come back as they ran like crazy, screaming in terror.
"Get back inside! We got monsters! Get inside, now!"
The snarling wooden beasts came hurtling into the open, bringing everyone's confusion into outright panic. The two principals ran to try and help get their students to a safe place, but in the chaos of the attack, it was near impossible. Principal Luna was bowled over by a Timberwolf and twisted her ankle; Vice-Principal Celestia ran to help her sister up, trying to drive the Timberwolf near her back with a claw hammer she'd snatched on the way. The tall woman managed to smack the wooden beast hard in the snout when it tried to snap at her hand; the blow put a good crack into the wood wolf's upper jaw, and it fell back with a whimper.
Then, another wolf, which had crept up behind Celestia, sunk its teeth into her ankle and pulled her off balance. With a gasp of shock, Celestia fell on her face, hit her head, and was knocked unconscious. The two wolves bayed in triumph, as the weakened Luna dragged herself to her sister's side. At first it looked horribly like the two sisters would be overlooked in the chaos and panic throughout the camp, but then Flash Sentry saw the wood wolves slowly advancing on the fallen principals.
"We have to get the principals!"
"Flash, no, don't!"
Flash ran back into the field, but he didn't charge at the wolves like a moron. Instead he made a turn to the shooting gallery, and picked up a paintball gun, quickly loading it with ammunition. Once they were loaded, he turned around to see a Timberwolf breathe its disgusting swamp breath at his face, but he still held his ground. Inside he was cursing himself, telling himself not to do what he was about to do and just run for it, but he wasn't going to just sit and watch as their principals get in more harm, or worse, possible death.
He pumped the gun, and pointed it at the Timberwolves with a steel grip, keeping a strong stance. "Get away from the principals you monster!"
It took every ounce of courage and bravery he could muster, but he stood his ground and fired at the Timberwolf, pelting its body in paint, and rupturing some of its wooden shell off the body.
"Argh-aggghhhh!!!!" Flash yelled as he fired multiple paintballs at the nearby Timberwolf. He kept his eyes shut and his hand on the trigger as the paintballs kept on shooting, hitting the Timberwolf hard enough, sending pieces of wood off his body. One more hit his head, sending it flying and it crumbled into nothing but twigs and wood, and the rest of the body exploded into nothing but splinters and flammable firewood.
Flash's eyes opened to see if any of them were going to get up close to him, but none did. In fact, all he saw in front of him was the Timberwolf now obliterated in nothing but twigs.
"What? It worked? It works! Grab a paintball gun, it hurts them!" Flash yelled.
Pinkie Pie performed a cartwheel as she rolled over to a paintball gun that was sitting near the gallery, picking it up with her hands instead of her hair this time. She held on tight, standing in a firm and locked position, and opened fire on some more of the Timberwolves.
Running and risking safety, Thunderbass picked up a paintball gun as well, and joined Flash and Pinkie with opening fire. All three focused on a single Timber, pelting it enough to watch more pieces of wood break off and eventually explode into dozens of little pieces.
"Hey, mind shooting some this way?" Applejack shouted.
She was throwing several rocks at one of the Timberwolves which was coming close to cornering her, but launching a bigger stone with her super strength finally did the deed. It went right into the wolf's gullet, but it also came hurling out its back and was reduced to twigs. Only this time, he didn't stay down; he fell apart, but the Timberwolf slowly reconstituted itself.
"Flash, it's not working! They keep coming back together!"
"It's not hard to knock them down, it's getting them to stay down that's the issue!" Flash confirmed, opening fire on another Timberwolf.
"Applejack, use this!"
Pinkie's hair whipped and picked up a nearby axe for cutting the bench wood, and she stretched far enough to give Applejack a weapon to fight. With her strength kicking in, she swung the tool at the monstrosity, hacking it into nothing more than pure lumber supply until it was finally nothing more than a giant mess of sticks and tree pieces.
Gloriosa made sure to keep Rara, Micro Chips, Sandalwood, and Derpy far away from the monsters, and luckily she wasn't alone. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash stood to help defend, while Rarity was trying to find a way back to them without getting hurt.
"Rarity, use your magic!"
"I can't!"
"Rarity, just do it! They can't possibly hurt you!"
Rarity found herself surrounded by more Timberwolves, four of them starting to circle her and keep her where she was. Realizing she was out of options, she focused on her magic, hoping it would come to save her. With a magical glow, her entire body started shimmering like a diamond sparkling in a cavern. One of the wolves tried to snap at her, and Rarity pulled herself back out of fear, but she felt no pain. In fact, the next sound she heard was the sound of the wolf whimpering in pain, mainly from trying to bite at her.
When she looked down, she got an idea that made her lips curl into a smirk. "So you want a piece of me? Come on!" Rarity stomped her foot down at the wolves, and they retreated back from her. "Are you afraid to get dirty!? Let's see how you like being bitten!"
Rainbow and Fluttershy blinked in unison.
"Yikes. Remind me to never make her upset," Rainbow gulped.
"Same here," Fluttershy nodded quickly.
Rarity, not even holding back, made a childish 'monster' face, scaring the wolves away from her, making her giggle. "Works every time."
The attack continued until the wolves started to keep on coming and surround the campers, forcing them all back into the cabin they emerged from. Thunderbass, Applejack, Flash Sentry, and Pinkie Pie held their ground, not willing to give up. But something happened that broke the fight.
A monstrous howl erupted, deep in the woods, making every single ear of the Timberwolves perk up and look to that particular direction. All together they let out a large howl, howling like they were communicating in some way. Then all of the sudden, they stopped looking to the campers and started running back into the woods, completely ignoring what they were just doing.
"Wait, where are they going?" Rainbow questioned.
"Who cares, anywhere is better than coming back here," Sandalwood remarked, trying to stay out of sight.
"Agreed," Rara quivered.
"Okay everyone, mess hall, now! Everyone get inside!" Gloriosa ordered, getting no disagreements for the most part.
"But wait, where's Twilight and Timber, we have to find them!"
"We'll have to find them later, right now, my job is to keep you all safe, and that's exactly what I'm going to do," Gloriosa stated, yanking Rainbow with her to go inside. She wanted to argue, but it was no use, Gloriosa had a stronger grip. But even as she was forcefully dragged to come back inside, she was still worried about the fates of Timber and Twilight who were still in the woods...
The Timberwolves galloped off into the woods until they saw the light-brown skinned boy, the one who had created them all. When they saw him in his path, they slowed their feet down and ground their wooden toes against the ground, kicking up some dirt and bits of gravel as they came to a halt. When the clouds cleared, all eyes set on their creator, and he was not happy. Timber glared at each of the wolves who gathered back together, like a disappointed parent. But the amount of anger inside was hard to contain.
"What is wrong with you!? Why did you go attacking the camp!? I didn't tell you to attack the campers, nor did I tell you to go there! I didn't say at all to go there! Did I?"
The wolves didn't respond, but instead just glared back at him with murderous intent. But their little stick ears perked up when they heard the sound of another wolf howling in the distance, only this was much larger and more powerful than any of the others. The group looked far beyond the trees to the call, each of them howling at the moon to reply to the call. And after they were done letting out their howl of the night, each of them turned back to Timber. Only they weren't going to listen, oh no. Now they slowly moving towards him, trying to get him to back away.
And back away he did, as it looked like these wolves wanted him dead, or was there some other purpose that they had in mind that he had no idea about? "Hey, hey, what are you doing?" Timber protested.
The Timberwolves just growled and snarled, forcing him to keep on moving. It wasn't until he saw them leading him further into the woods that he realized what he had done. He created these beasts; he wasn't in charge of them. He couldn't control them and stop them from hurting anyone, they had their own agenda in mind. Timber wanted to get away but saw no way out of his predicament. All he could do now was continue to follow them to wherever he was being led to...
Back in the cavern, Twilight was still struggling to get free from the plant cage that Timber had manipulated to trap her.
"Ergh, come on!" Twilight grunted, still trying to get herself free. "I can't stay tied here."
She struggled some more until she nearly collapsed and laid back on the ground. "Okay, Twilight. You cannot let vines hold you down, there has to be a logical way to get out of here." She looked around her, and her eyes looked back to her legs. "Okay, let's think. These are made trees, and trees, much like wood can be cut. These vines, depending on the type cannot be that strong. So what can I cut them with?"
She pulled her upper body back up, looking at the ground around her. There had have been something sharp for her to cut the cage on, something she could grind right through, something--like a rock! A few sharp rocks were near her, if she could grind them against her bonds, she could get out!
Stretching her arm out as best as she could, she reached her arm out as far as she could, barely touching the rock. But she had to, she had to get it! She forced her body against the cage, pressing all of her weight against it so she could get her arm out to grab it. Just a little more, her eyes were shut tight as she tried to grasp it with the tips of her fingers and... she got it! She gripped a rock in her hand, finally having something in her possession.
With a tool in her hand, Twilight scratched and rubbed the rock against the cage vines, until she saw some of them starting to come loose. More rubbings against the vines were enough to finally push through. Just a few more vines cut through and she finally broke from her little imprisonment. She got back up on her feet, and dusted herself off, wiping off any resin or dust from the ground off her body. Now she had to get out of the cave and find the others. Only one problem, the giant boulder that had blocked the cave. Out of curiosity, she tried pressing her body against it to try and push it, with little to no success. She used her hands to press against it, nothing. She tried using her back, nada.
There had to be a way to get the boulder out, she had to get out there somehow! Her eyes looked down to something hitting her chest; that glowing geode that Rarity had made as a gift for her. The same kind of geode that Timber showed off which gave him those powers. This geode might be her only chance out of here now. But her friends would find out she has powers, and what about everyone else?
But then she thought about what would happen if she didn't get out of here to warn them or help. She had to get out of here, now. She stood up on her feet, and looked at the boulder. Her fists were clenched tight, and her eyes were narrow and focused. The time was now, and so her geode began to glow...
The Timberwolves were gone, but the campers weren't taking any chances on them not coming back. They threw up the tables, chairs, and whatever else they could find against the windows to barricade them in case they slammed through them. The doors were locked with the deadbolts, and everyone was safe and secure. The two principals were back inside, safe from the attack. Right now though, Celestia had a concussion and was thankfully being treated thanks to Gloriosa and Principal Luna. The principal's leg was wrapped up in bandages, which made moving a bit hard, but she was still okay. Right now, her main priority was making sure everyone else was safe.
Gripping a paintball gun but in shaking hands was Thunderbass. He was trying not to break his stance, ready to shoot down any Timberwolves that would have come their way, but the anxiety and anticipation of their arrival was affecting his ability to stand still to hold the gun.
"Thunder, maybe you should give someone else a gun, someone who won't drop it in a second," Autumn hesitated, trying to move to grab the gun.
"I'm not moving!" Thunder shrieked. "I can't stand it man, I'm tired of waiting, I just want them to come out here so I can blow them into firewood!"
"Thunder!" Flash snapped, stepping in front of him, gripping his shoulders. "Listen to me, I know you're scared, but you have to stay calm right now. We have the doors sealed, and as long as we stay together, we'll be fine. Can I please have the gun?"
Thunderbass's arms shook and trembled, but he finally let go of the gun, letting Flash take it from him.
"This is all my fault, I should have done something," Gloriosa cursed herself.
"You didn't know there were giant monsters coming to attack your camp, this isn't something you can be ready right off the bat," Applejack said, pushing another table against the barricades.
"Yes, but it's my fault that these things are coming. Had I known what Timber was making, I would have... I... I don't know. I just wish I knew how to help him, and I don't know where he is."
"What are you talking about?" Rainbow Dash inquired.
Gloriosa didn't realize what she had said until it finally hit her. She looked at the other campers who were giving her some mixed looks; unsure, glaring, worried.
"I... um," Gloriosa stuttered. "I can't tell you, I--"
"--If you know something, you should say it, now," Rainbow glared.
"Rainbow Dash, restrain yourself," Rarity piped up, pulling her back. "You cannot go accusing her, we don't even know what she means."
"We know plenty," Rainbow argued.
"Guys, we got company!" Flash yelled.
"Applejack, how are those defenses?" Pinkie squeaked in fear.
"Almost done, just one more!" Applejack threw the last of the barricades up before joining the others, huddled in a big group in the center of the mess hall. Flash picked up his paintball gun, cocking it, and ready to shoot. But just before he stood to defend—
“Does anyone know how to use this?” Flash asked, holding the other gun.
“I do,” Autumn nodded.
Flash tossed the paintball gun over to her, and she gripped it tightly. She cocked it, and she stood close in a guard position. Thunderbass also stood with them, holding a giant wrench; it would have to do for a blunt weapon.
Standing together up front were the five Rainbooms, Flash, Autumn, and Thunderbass who all held their stance, ready for a fight. And just behind them was sweet Derpy who held up a bow and arrow she grabbed earlier for extra support. It may not have been much, but it would have to do. And trying to keep out of their line of fire was Gloriosa, Rara, Micro Chips, and Sandalwood.
“Okay, whatever happens, we stand together,” Rarity declared with some pride.
“We’re Wondercolts. You bet we will,” Thunderbass said, swinging the wrench around like a baseball bat.
Flash gripped the gun tightly, waiting for a sound, something, anything.
“Come on in you freaks of nature,” Flash grunted, holding the gun to his chest. “Come on in…”
Everyone listened quietly. The sounds of angry animals were still heard outside, swarming the place. None of them made an attack. None of them attempted to bust through the building. The outside world was still filled with angry animals…
Then, something changed. The anger in the animals turned to fear. The group didn’t know what was happening, but they heard the sounds of smashing twigs and lumber. And more smashing noises erupted, and none of them could see what was happening.
A whimper of a hurt dog came from the outside, and they watched as several pieces of wood lightly hit the side of the mess hall door, but never bust through. And the sounds stopped. Suddenly, everything went quiet.
“Think they’re gone?” Derpy shivered, trying to keep her arms steady on the arrow.
“Don’t take any chances,” Rainbow ordered.
Just then, their heads turned to hear clicking from the door. The locks were being undone like someone or something from the other side was undoing them.
Everyone stayed in guard mode, and the guns were pointed to the door, waiting to fire. But then the door slowly opened, and a figure walked inside. Those familiar shoes, pants, and shirt came back to their eyes, and a sense of relief washed over them. Her hands were radiating with magic, and a stern expression was on her face, looking brave. The Rainbooms stepped forward, shocked to see the sight before them.
Twilight looked like a mix of shocked and scared washing together. But then the Rainbooms slowly smiled, taking in the facts of the situation. She was okay. She came back just fine. And she took out the Timberwolves outside!
And like that, Twilight’s fear went away as she saw her friends again, smiling back at them all the while.
Very fitting music at the end.
It was a lengthy wait, Four, but it was most definitely worth it.
Definitely worth the wait!
I figured that it was Timber who was behind this. After all, his sister is the culprit in the original EqG.
Now I wonder what will happen next?