Having known Rainbow Dash for as long as she has, Fluttershy would be naturally inclined to think she has her childhood companion pretty well figured out. But, let it never be said we can't find things about our friends that take us aback from time to time.
Hehe. This was really sweet. I could really imagine it happening!
nice work
i read a story similar to this except it was Scootaloo doing ballet and Rainbow wound up watching her preform in Swam Lake. This story just like the one i read before this was very cute
Ballet requires some serious athletic ability. Acutally it's a good fit for Rainbow.
Sequel: Applejack is caught doing crochet
while in bed with Rarity.Rainbow, you don't know what your talking about!
The fact that you can do ballet makes you awesome!
I've also seen stories of Scootaloo doing ballet.
Nice stuff, though I'd have loved to see the others' reactions. Still, a fine bit of friendshipping.
LOL! I have heard that YEARS ago at one point as I understand it, there were professional football players taking ballet for the athletic and agility aspect of the dance.
If someone wants to laugh at someone else for something like taking dance, it rarely does not at some level have to do with their own short comings.
It's like all these MENand WOMEN and I use the terminology VERY loosely that laugh at people that like stuff like going to spas or lets go with My Little Pony, such little things to pose such a threat to your perceived importance in the universe
Pretty much, yeah. I can't even let people see my wallet because I got it at Babscon.
That sounds cute, do you remember the name of it?
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/232773/swan-lake here you go
I won’t be surprised if RD picked up this because all the other sports were too easy for her and she wanted a challenge.
Thank you
quite welcome
Wow just wow!
Rainbow is the best at everything. That’s what makes her so awesome.