Scootaloo has a problem. A very big, chicken sandwich-shaped problem. Actually, coming back to edit this thing after finishing the story, she's got a little more than just a chicken sandwich problem. But I ain't gonna tell you here 'cause that's a surprise tool that can help us later.
That's it. That's the story. Now go home and stay quarantined or something. :P
Expect OOC Scoots because I can't think of any worldly reason why she would be a restaurant manager. This extends to literally every character in this story 'cause I have no idea what the heck I'm doing right now.
This has big Super Trampoline energy.
I dig.
What does this mean tho?
It's a well known example of someone's "x-words creepypasta" attempt. You can search it up for more info.
Le Ded memes.
Forced seclusion, whether it's for our or society's "own good", tends to have that effect on people. It being a globally-mandated seclusion doesn't help either.
...I hope we all emerge sane after this Chinese illness has been dealt with...
If any of you got this, and reminds you of a specific Smoke, watch this video right now. Before you're reminded of a PTSD.
foxes are so fucking cute
Chicken Sandwich Butt Tattoo, doo dah, doo dah...
(What? It fits the meter and I doubt that was accidental)
This one line, inspired me to think.
Maybe, everything isn't so bad after all.
Thanks for the smile, I read this again.
Which is pretty rare, for me.
Also, ponies don't eat meat, right?
I just, what am I looking at...
guess we're all starting to go stir-crazy. I probably won't last the week with my sanity intact.
also this part.
I couldn't resist...
The random tag is excellently fitting for this wonderfully nonsensical little piece. I got a pretty good laugh from: "IT'S HIGH TIME WE ACT LIKE OUR TWITTER PROFILE HERE AT WENDY'S!"
Took me a couple of reads to find all the memes.
I'm curious... what happened to Canterlot? Did pillaging happen?
Well yes, but actually no.
A bit random, but yet a quick and funny story. Nice job.
I- Rapidly blinks eyes in confusion rapidly blinks eyes in confusion- I got nothing