• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 15th, 2016


"Bucephalus" is the name of the ancient Thessalian warhorse that carried Alexander the Great into battle.


A crossover between the video game 'Spiral Knights' and 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic".

When a failed Gremlin time travel experiment opens a rift between Equestria and Cradle, members of the Mane Six find themselves abducted by the scheming Gremlins. In order to escape, the ponies must enlist the help of the Spiral Knights, a mysterious and adventurous warrior-order. Together they must prevent the mischevious Gremlins from finishing their most terrifying project yet: Operation Lazarus.

MLP is property of Hasbro. Spiral Knights and all of its characters, locales, etc. belong to Three Rings (OOO), and I have no personal affiliation with either of the two.

A great big 'thanks' goes out to Sarkavonsy, who has been helping me edit and proofread this story since its conception.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 15 )

Yay! a spiral knights cross over!
I really need to get back to playing that game....

Thanks for the like!

Yes, you defenitely should get back into the game. They've created quite a lot of new content in the last little while, I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself.


Oh looks like a interesting story.:pinkiehappy: Tracked.
But do you mind explaining what the gremlins have against the spiral knights? I never played that game and it would be interesting to know some basic lore.

To understand the cause of the conflict between the Spiral Knights and the gremlins, one must first examine the underlying mentality of the gremlins’ psyche. Gremlin culture is naturally built around the concept of dominion; the idea that personal worth is measured in how far you can put yourself above the next guy, which includes other gremlins. First contact between the gremlins and the knights was not helped by the bitter power struggle the gremlins had been waging against the other sentient life forms on Cradle since time immemorial; they merely saw the knights as another faction that they would need to overcome in order to claim their 'rightful' title as Cradle’s dominant lifeform, not as potential allies.

To be honest this took a lot more work to write then I thought it would: Three Rings never went into much detail about the background of the conflict, instead relying on the tried-and-true mentality in most roleplaying games: If it moves, it probably wants you dead. :applejackunsure:
Rest assured I’ll make sure to go into more detail about the Spiral Knights’ lore as the story continues. (Or I'll just substitute carefully-screened headcanon in place of it. We'll see. :unsuresweetie:)

well its about bloody time someone did something like this


Sorry for taking so long to respond, but could you expand on what you mean by 'something like this'?

Spiral Knights?! YES! Finally, someone did a crossover of it w/ MLP:FiM!

I was planning on doing it as well, but that would happen after, like, I get rid and finish about 9001 (:trollestia:) other ideas.

Good on ya, mate. I will get to reading right away! :pinkiehappy:

ive recently started playing spiral knights and went on fimfiction to see if i could find any ok fanfics about this stuff (im a nut for cross over fics with games) and on the first page there i found this whta luck:pinkiehappy:

By the way, everyone, if you're looking for other Spiral Knights crossovers be sure to check out Spiral Knight Mares and Ponies and the Alpha Team.

Well now, this is an interesting fic. Nice to see an SK crossover here (and thanks for the links to the others). I just have one minor question at the moment - didn't Seerus survive Operation: Crimson Hammer? I've beaten him up plenty of times, and don't recall seeing a body anywhere.


Well, it's one of those implied things that he survives, since all you find of him is his damaged mask. It'll come into play further down the line...

Best 000 game ever!
Knight: Bookdrake.
Hit me up.

Spiral Knight Mares?
Hmm...Sounds familiar...:trollestia:
Pretty neat story, man, really hope you continue it soon

1124429 Same here, I should probably let my guild know that I'm not dead.

1124429 Same. Though the one problem I have is the gear requirement. It takes WAY too long to get all the mareials. The only way to get it done fast is to pay.

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