• Member Since 12th Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen November 28th


Comments ( 19 )

Betcha she wants this non-stop.

Aw man! It ended just when it was getting good!

Don't worry. Note the "Incomplete" tag

I think the story is born from these pic, you can find on derpibooru too


Yeah, the commissioner seemed to ask for the story to follow these pics

Hey, I think you forgot to put in a /i or i somewhere cause a good 1/4 of the chapter is italicized when I don't think you meant to have it that way.

I'm guessing somewhere in Ponyville, Spike now has a hyperactive penpal as his personal maid.

Should not call Silver sea pony if she use hippogriff form. It kinda confuse how sea pony have claw...

So which pervy couple or harem is next?

“I’m sorry Gallus, but you kind of have to,” Silverstream said. She then pointed down at Gallus’ collar. Gallus followed where she was pointing, and the truth began to dawn on him. “I could make it an order. Then you’d get all tingly until you do it.” At that, Gallus sighed and bowed his head. He then glumly walked over towards the pole in the room, Gallus Silverstream skipping after him excitedly. He soon sat right beside the pole, soon greeted by Silverstream as she took up the leash. She put it on Gallus’ ring, and clipped it tightly. She gave a few practice tugs on it, and it stood firm.

wrong name

Lol nice story, loved it.

Alright, interesting start. Slavering is quasi-mainstream/socially accepted, so there's no real chance of escape. Having the owner be the bubbly Silverstream is an unexpected change from the trend of grim and cruel, but very much appreciated. And having them be old friends in a new kind of relationship adds an extra layer to the dynamic. Let's see where this goes.

The story is good, though I think I like the premise even better. I've been looking for stories about legalized sex slavery, but most are too dark for my taste. This seems to have the perfect tone for my liking. Aside from a few too many typos, I'd say my biggest complaint was that there wasn't enough screen time on the world. How exactly does this work when sex isn't in session? How do the other characters feel about it? Etc... It'd be nice if this could continue and explore these elements.

Your use of tenses is beyond weird. You need an editor.

The fan fiction is well written, but after reading it, I wanted to strangle the author of that Silverstream, and not because of BDSM, but because of fucking slavery, it's just disgusting

Eyy I commissioned the art this was made off of. Was always special to me. Thanks for the fun little fic. Even if the parts not on the image that you added were some of the most interesting lol.

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