• Member Since 9th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen October 13th

Pepsi Addict

also known as Kitty King, Soda Fizz, Celestia lover. I also do commissions just message me! 1000 words is $10, +1$ for every 100 words after, so 2000 is $20, 3000 $30


This story is going to be updated every other weekend seeing as it like another story fallout equestria dead tree by fiaura this story is also baced off of a campaign every other Saturday.

in the vanhover wasteland as you know thier are a great many dangers, secrets, and dangerous secrets. Groups fighting for power, groups avoiding fighting as much as possible but I cant tell you about them or vanhoovers secrets you'll just have to read about them as No.4 and her admittedly Hodge poge hontarage saves the fucking wasteland.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 6 )
Comment posted by Slavenger Karl deleted Mar 21st, 2020

Wonder if anyone caught the God Hand refrence...

Comment posted by Pepsi Addict deleted Mar 21st, 2020
Comment posted by Pepsi Addict deleted Mar 21st, 2020

if you like pleas do give me a 👍 up it helps to spread the story for others to see

corrected as of 3/8/2020

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