• Member Since 4th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen October 3rd

Shadic the hedgehog


Sonic’s Friends look for the chaos emeralds meanwhile sonic goes straight for egg man only to end up in a trap and sent to another world and apparently he’s the element of chaos a new element of harmony with a dark secret surrounding it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Might wanna get an editor there, kiddo. At the very least, I'd recommend something like Grammarly. It'd help a ton with your story's grammar.

Grammar may need a bit fixing but I'm ALWAYS up for more Sonic. Heck yeah!

I used Grammarly to fix the grammar so it looks a bit better I wouldn't mind hearing any things you guys and girls dislike and like about this story

are you going to finish this? i love it so far.

I've got an idea for your story.

What if Sonic's other friends showed up along with eggman and his allies. Like from Sonic Forces.

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