Gallus wants to ask Silverstream to the Amity Ball their sophomore year without embarrassing the both of them to death. Silverstream wants that, too, but neither of them has any idea how to even talk about what they want without causing the aforementioned death by embarrassment.
Fortunately, the Spirit of the Tree of Harmony wants to help. Though "fortunately" might be the wrong word...
My entry in Miller Minus's Young Six Story Contest, this story got first place! And much thanks to Pascoite for giving it a good going-over beforehand.
Okay, I love the Tree in this. This is great.
Yeah, I am definitely loving the Tree in this.
Though it does strike me as a little odd that no one is bringing up that the Tree looks like Twilight and therefore Gallus will look like he’s attending the ball with a doppelgänger of Twilight.
Aw, this was great. And Tree even learned a bit about friendship! Loved this. I’m always a sucker for the saccharine.
Still think that we need an “Upbeat” tag for stories to contrast some of the darker tags.
Reading this story from the Tree’s POV was great. I loved that we got to see so much of how the Tree views itself, how it interacts with the students, and what it thinks of its creators. It reminds me of AI/android stories like the Ancillary series, where you’re not seeing the world from different eyes so much as redefining what it means to perceive and process the world. The Gallstream and Yonabar romances were sweet, too, and it was surprising that the resolution tied into the series finale. I kind of wish the story had spent more time with the Pillars. Of course this is a Student Six story, but maybe that’ll be in the sequel?
Thanks, folks!
As soon as Miller Minus announced the contest, I knew I had to write a story about the tree spirit. There's a lot more that could be done with her as a character, too, so who knows?
This was a fantastic piece. It tackled a seriously underexplored character, and it did so in a way that not only made them intriguing, but used their unique personality and situation to tell a story that couldn't be told otherwise. In addition, it handled other stories going on and used them for context and bounced off of them. Just, great design and work all the way around.
This is a frankly ingenious portrayal of the Tree here. Hasbro ought to be kicking themselves for having not thought of it themselves.
Ah, that's why Gallus joined the guard. The ladies love a guy in uniform.
What, you think Skystar will one day be serious and stone-faced? Really? It's adorable you actually think that, Silverstream.
For that matter, Novo wasn't even really all that serious and stone-faced herself, though she did certainly understand that there was a time and a place.
Which I already know Silverstream understands too, so she's not giving herself enough credit here, but still.
Eh, Gallus shouldn't feel like he has to join the guard or do any of the stuff like Shining did so to get the gal. Technically, he already has the gal, he just has to accept that he does, and not let anyone tell him otherwise or take it away from him. That's more the moral I'd rather he be walking away from all of this.
But beyond that, this was a nice little tale. I had went into it thinking it'd be a lot more about Gallus and Silverstream, but it's not really, it's more about Tree, and her learning her own lessons through Gallus and Silverstream. It's a great approach to the tale.
This gave me flash backs to Stranger in A Strange Land
Bravissimo. Easily one of the best Harmony stories I've ever read. Speaking of which, we need more good Harmony stories.
Wonder what would happened if Silverstream invites Gallus to her home with family present all straight-out told them of her lovely feelings of Gallus?
Thanks, folks!
Yeah, this story is more about Tree--is Harmony the name other folks use for the character?--than it is about anycreature else. Still, I agree that Gallus and Silvertstream's problems as outlined here are largely in their own heads. Like a lot of youngsters, they're looking for external validation, but once they get older and more sure of themselves, I could see them growing out of their fears of what the outside world might think of their relationship.
But then I'd also had the question of Silverstream's future in my head since the final episode--we see the other five of the Young Six, but nor her. I decided that she was off princessing on Mt. Aris, and with Gallus as the Guard Captain, the parallel between Cadance and Shining Armor came to mind naturally.
What? Yeah, we do! She was at the school, right there beside Starlight and Sunburst!
Huh. But that's how it always is when I see Starlight, I guess: all else fades to insubstantiality...
Yeah, she does tend to steal scenes a little, that Starlight...
Even went back in time and stole the best scenes from the mane 6!
The narration sounds human enough that the tree's disconnect from how normal people think is kinda weird, but she's so cute I'm okay with it.
I also feel like if the story was going to end on Tree learning what 'be still' means, her uncertainty maybe should have been a bigger part of the plot than it was, but yeah I loved this.
Huh. Was expecting the Tree to be more inhuman. (Inequine?)
And Gallus has a point. Everyone that's not a pony is sort of a second-class creature, aren't they?
The thought of Novo retiring surprised me...but then again, Celestia did, so I suppose it's plausible.
This was adorable.
And very considerate of Ocellus and Smolder to leave so they wouldn't have to inflict the poor Tree with a THIRD couple making out inside of her.
You may want to add a "Gallus" tag
By the way great chapter
Thanks, folks!
I always have trouble tagging stories. Snce I already have the "Young Six" tag, do I need to put "Gallus"and "Silverstream" separately since the story's more about them than the other four? And since the story's mostly about Tree, I had to go with "Other"...
This was an absolutely wonderful treat. Wonderful characterization, particularly of the Tree itself. Bravo.
When I was first planning this, I thought about making Tree's diction really odd, like maybe she wouldn't use contractions or something. But I decided to make her stilted in different ways so the reader could never forget that she's a magical crystal tree trying to understand the organic beings around her.
Welp, I think I know who's winning that contest
I really enjoyed this one, man. Very creative use of the Tree as a character. The narrative had a very interesting feel, somewhere between mechanical and human, like a robot that has just become sentient and doesn't quite grasp how to be alive properly just yet. That alone was great, but to use it as a setup for birb on birb romance?
Well done, man.
I do have a gripe though. I don't think the story quite sticks the landing. For all of the buildup about how Gallus is insecure about his lack of a title to date Silverstream and all of the effort spent convincing him that he doesn't need to be someone of consequence to be special to her, it all gets written off when Tree tells him to join the guard and become captain so he can be with her. It implies that despite what everyone else says, Gallus really is unfit to be with Silverstream without some kind of title to his name. Not to mention that she is wrapped around his finger moments before, and that's still not enough for him? I don't buy it, man. Nobody is that insecure right after the girl of their dreams kisses them. I appreciate that it was meant to tie in with his guard position seen in the last episode of the show, but presenting it like this makes it fall flat.
My gripe notwithstanding, this was a lot of fun. Very much a contender for that sweet cash money!
I wonder if it is possible for some creature to fall in love with the Element Of Harmony tree itself. For it is an artifact with the mind of it own. Left alone if it is possible for said artifact to capable to feel love, even if it was create and being a tree-like no less...
It must be a nice romance story with a lot of comflict for sure.
This some good stuff right here, my man. Some REAL good stuff. Like, GOT DAME! So good.
Thanks, folks!
I definitely could've emphaszed that the problem between Gallus and Silverstream is more in their own minds than anywhere else. They're kids looking for external validation, and Tree provides them with a means to do that without addressing the question of whether they actually need external validation...
Still, I'm glad folks are enjoying what's here!
Being old physically doesn't necessarily mean mature tree
I don't think I've seen any other stories from the Tree of Harmony's pov. I especially liked how she recognized Somnambula and Rockhoof as her parents, and if I'm reading it correctly she also sees Stygian as one of her parents.
I do agree with some of the other comments that Gallus doesn't need to join the royal guard to be with Silverstream. She clearly already loves him just the way he is and didn't think he needed to "prove himself" until the Tree suggested it. But maybe it was more of a way to build Gallus' confidence than to make their relationship more "equal."
I was surprised that Tree doesn't have her own tag along with the other characters, but then I'm pretty easily surprised. And yeah, Gallus's feelings of inadequecy are largely unshared by any other creature...
Magnificently done. You capture the Tree's perspective excelently, both in how it's still figuring out how to interact with organic beings and how repairing Sombra's physical damage didn't necessarily follow suit with the emotional. Plus Gallus and Silverstream's arcs, of course, and a brilliant way to explain the former's career choice post-timeskip.
All told, a fantastic read. Thank you for it and best of luck in the judging. And I do hope this leads to the Tree reestablishing its connection to the map and opening up once more.
Oh Gallus... what is Dragonlord Ember, chopped liver?
This story makes me want to upvote more than once! Beautifully crafted.
I never understood the Ocellus smolder thing.
Also Luna never controlled the stars ever. The night sky has never been arranged. It’s not a thing. Onlj thing Luna ever did was more rhe moon.
Yeah great story
Ember chops YOUR liver and eats it in front of you while you're still alive.
I fucking love your portrayal of the Tree of Harmony!
It's basically what happens when you mix season 1 and early season 2 Twilight Sparkle, with Legion the geth from Mass Effect.
There are multiple times where I can picture Twilight excitedly clapping her hooves, or excitedly rubbing her hooves.
Its mechanical reasoning behind how it interacts with Gallus and Sandbar, helps retain some of its wide eyed unblinking creepiness from the underground test episode, while making it adorable.
Speaking of Tree of Harmony being creepy. Its description of it being excited, from Gallus and Sandbar hitting and touching surfaces, is kinda weird.
Not to mention when it says that Gallus "entered me" is a line that fits in a mature fic.fiction.
Not gonna lie.
When the tree proposed going to the ball with them, I understood it as the Tree going as Gallus' date.
I now kinda want a Tree of Harmony X Gallus ship fic.
It would be the most cracked of crack ship fics!
As the Tree is giving Silver Stream a hug, i imagine the tree maintaining its creepy wide open unblinking smile.
Its creepiness and its excitement at interacting with the Student 6 in different ways makes the Tree adorable!
I was thinking about the Tree and someone as a ship crack fic, in my comments for the first chapter.
Tree of Harmony X _____ is something we didn't know we needed until this fic came along.
Kinda sucks to be Twilight, since she misses out on talking to the tree in a social setting, in the school that she founded.
I don't think that she or the Mane 6 got a chance to talk with the Tree of Harmony directly like the Student 6 did.
Even to the end, I enjoy the Tree's season 1 & early season 2 Twilight, and Legion the Geth hybrid personality and outlook. Probably also some dashes of Data from Star Trek.
This fic is magnificent!

When I read this in the description:
I was expecting a comedy of errors. With a heavy emphasis on error.
Still pleased with the Tree not turning the ball into the season 1 Grand Galloping Gala.
The tree still got Gallus and Silver Stream together at the ball, and together at the end.
Also, I enjoy the hilarity of the tree calling kissing "tasting each other".
Glad you enjoyed it!
Man, I sure wish there were more Tree stories
This story had me grinning ear to ear all throughout, and I even let out an audible gasp when I made the connection between this and Guard Captain Gallus’ career choice. I suppose it being the Tree’s perspective, it was okay to move the vibe straight from “super awkward“ to “hot and steamy” (super hot scene, btw. “You’re so beautiful,” and “I love your scent,” all while kissing and grinding? Top unf) with the Gallstream stuff, though I would have preferred to see some more interaction, especially asking to dance and the later confessions.
The side additions of Yonabar and Smolcellus were the perfect spice to this meal, and the Tree’s mind made the whole story feel real and unique. As did Starlight’s nervous eye twitch, very in character!
I’d like to take a moment to appreciate the depth and character you gave to both Gallus and Silverstream. Too many stories depict their personalities two-dimensionally, but in this I could physically feel their fear, passion, hope, and true love. I certainly wanted to acknowledge that. You created the same effect with the Tree’s emotions, notably her fear and pure joy. Masterfully done.
This story was a gift from start to finish, and a more than worthy addition to the chronicles of the Student Six. 11/10